###Client-side Buffer
In this lab you will use the GeometryEngine to buffer around Rail Stops in the browser by a fixed amount.
Click create_starter_map/index.html and copy the contents to a new jsbin.com.
Update the
statement andfunction
], function(Map, MapView,
GraphicsLayer, Graphic, SimpleFillSymbol, geometryEngine) {
- Add a graphics layer to the map.
var bufferLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
- We need a symbol for the buffer and the point where you click on the map.
var bufferSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({
color: [0,100,255,0.4],
style: "solid",
outline: {
color: [110,110,110],
width: 1
var pointSym = {
type: "simple-marker", // autocasts as new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
color: [255, 0, 0],
outline: {
color: [255, 255, 255],
width: 1
size: 7
- We need to capture the event of clicking on the view and call a funtion to generate the buffer.
view.on("click", function(event) {
function bufferPoint(point) {
bufferLayer.add(new Graphic({
geometry: point,
symbol: pointSym
var buffer = geometryEngine.geodesicBuffer(point, 1, "miles");
bufferLayer.add(new Graphic({
geometry: buffer,
symbol: bufferSymbol
- In JSBin, run the app > When the stops have loaded, a 0.5 mile buffer will be calculated around them and added to the map.
Your app should look something like this: