cd infra
cdk deploy -c config=dev01-stack01
If the deployment worked then one of the last lines should include a URL of your deployed Lambda.
fubar-dev01-stack01-us-west-2.dns =
The portion on the right is the endpoint to your Lambda. Hit that with curl:
curl -v
You should see something that includes lines similar to:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK OK
Server: awselb/2.0
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 18:28:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Note that content type should be application/json if this was working.
Go to the deployed Lambda in the AWS Console. Click on the 'Test' tab and look at the detailed response. It will look something like:
"statusCode": 200,
"multiValueHeaders": {
"Content-Type": [
"Date": [
"Wed, 26 Apr 2023 18:30:38 GMT"
Note that that's appropriate for an API Gateway response, but not for a normal RESTful
service. Also note that content type is correct here, but is buried in multiValuedHeaders
Destroy what was deployed:
cd infra
cdk destroy -c config=dev01-stack01