Generator based utility belt
$ npm install genit
- Usage
- Utilities
- Synchronous
- Asynchronous
- Coming Soon
- Miscellaneous
'use strict'
let genit = require('genit');
let fooFunc = function *(someSet) {
return yield, function *(value, index) {
return yield someGeneratorFunction('foo', 'bar', value);
'use strict'
let _ = require('lodash');
let genit = require('genit');
_.each(someSet, function () { }); //existing
_.isGenerator(mightBeAGenerator) // injected
function *() {
return yield, function *(value, index) { }); // injected to .genit property (name collision)
- Parameters
- [Required] [Mixed] - Collection to operate on,
- [Required] [Generator Function] - Operation to perform
- Functionality
- Iterates over every item in the collection (objec tor array)
- Executes the operation on each item
- Returns
- Undefined
yield genit.each([one, two, three], function *(value, index) {
console.log(index + ' = ' + this + ' ~ ' + value);
// console:
// 1 = one ~ one
// 2 = two ~ two
// 3 = three ~ three
yield genit.each({ one:'foo', two:'bar', three:'biz' }, function *(value, key) {
console.log(key + ' = ' + this + ' ~ ' + value);
// console:
// one = foo ~ foo
// two = bar ~ bar
// three = biz ~ biz
- Parameters
- [Required] [Mixed] - Collection to operate on,
- [Required] [Generator Function] - Operation to perform
- Functionality
- Iterates over every item in the collection (objec tor array)
- Executes the operation on each item
- Returned value is added to the resulting array
- Returns
- Array of values returned
let result = yield genit.each(['one', 'two', 'three'], function *(value, index) {
console.log(index + ' = ' + this + ' ~ ' + value);
return index * 2;
// console:
// 1 = one ~ one
// 2 = two ~ two
// 3 = three ~ three
// console:
// [0, 1, 2]
let result = yield genit.each({ one:'foo', two:'bar', three:'biz' }, function *(value, key) {
console.log(key + ' = ' + this + ' ~ ' + value);
return value;
// console:
// one = foo ~ foo
// two = bar ~ bar
// three = biz ~ biz
// console:
// ['foo', 'bar', 'biz']
- Parameters
- [Required] [Mixed] - Collection to operate on,
- [Required] [Generator Function] - Operation to perform
- Functionality
- Iterates over every item in the collection (object or array)
- Reserve only the item that passed the checking condition
- Returned value is added to the resulting array or object
- Returns
- Array or object values returned
let result = yield genit.filter([-1, -2, -3, 4, 5], function *(value) {
return value > 0;
// console:
// [4,5]
let result = yield genit.filter({ one:'foo', two:'bar', three:'biz' }, function *(value, key) {
return value == "biz" || value == "bar";
// console:
// {two : 'bar', three: 'biz'}
Coming Soon
- Parameters
- [Required] [Mixed] - object to type check
- Functionality
- Test whether or not a function is a generator
- Returns
- Boolean of generator status
let result = yield genit.isGenerator(function () {});
console.log(result); // => false
let result = yield genit.isGenerator(function *() {});
console.log(result); // => true
- Parameters
- [Required] [Object] - object to inject properties to
- Functionality
- Inject properties into target Object
- Collision in property name move genit property to the
- Returns
- target object with injected properties
'use strict'
let test = { each : function () { return 'Original Each'; } };
let genit = require('genit');
console.log(test.each()); // => "Original Each"
console.log(test.isGenerator(function () {})) // => "false"
console.log(test.isGenerator(test.genit.each)) // => "true"
- John Hofrichter
- Contributor Lan Nguyen