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Dotan J. Nahum edited this page Jan 9, 2014 · 4 revisions

After completing the Sneakers core around a half a year ago, I immediately set to build a UI at least as fancy as Resque or Sidekiq's.

When I finished planning it, I realized there's a hidden advantage into using RabbitMQ - the UI i just planned already exists.

RabbitMQ Management Plugin

To get a fancy UI, you need to introduce yourself to the RabbitMQ management plugin:

The management UI is very powerful. You can inspect the performance, exchanges, connections and channels (very important if you're serious about performance) and of course queue contents and messages.

Overview of management plugin

Pick your fight

Since the RabbitMQ management UI is so powerful, and does everything I need (I often find myself spending a lot of time there tinkering around), I opted to not go to the route of reinventing a wheel and stay focused on the framework.

I hope you enjoy the RabbitMQ management UI as much as I do, but in the rare case that you find something missing I'll be happy to hear about it via Github Issues.