= Notes / To Do
== Common
- Validate time in sync across ALL nodes
- Check disk space on all nodes
- Check CPU, RAM, Swap space usage?
- Verify limits, kernel params
- Check log rotation on nodes?
- A few common browbeat checks (https://github.com/openstack/browbeat/blob/master/ansible/check/roles/common/tasks/main.yml)
- Verify selinux running
- Check tuned running and correct profile
== Per Service
- Check packages installed
- Check services running
- Check configuration files - at least for basic things
- Check iptables / firewalld rules
- Verify connection from string in config to DB
- Verify DB has tables
- Confirm user/pw auth thru keystone
- Confirm endpoints?
- Confirm service?
- Test main list functionality (As shown below in basic functionality test)
- Check number of workers per component? Like number of api_workers for glance?
== High Level Functionality - Add ceph node checks
- Add ceph backend checks (Verify pools, auth, etc)
- Add compute node checks
- Add block storage node checks
- Add swift storage node checks
- Add/Document some way to enable/disable checks. No need to check cinder backup if its not configured... or swift...
- Check for deleted objects in databases?
- Check for cron jobs where appropriate?
- Detect which openstack version somehow... RPM name?
== Heat
- Simplifying nested stack troubleshooting with Director
== Ceilometer
== Neutron
- Add some capability to connection test a VM end to end
- Make certain it is there correctly on all hops
- Perhaps automate walking through http://abregman.com/2016/01/06/openstack-neutron-troubleshooting-and-solving-common-problems/ or http://dischord.org/2015/03/09/troubleshooting-openstack-neutron-networking-part-one/
- This should handle vxlan/gre OR vlan
- Check for MTU mismatches
- Check for dnsmasq not running
== Nova
- Look for 'XXX' in nova-manage service list
- Create a playbook that tracks an instance across logs. (Basically, by UUID see all log messages for an instance?)
== Cinder
- Verify api and scheduler are up
- Verify there is space left on the backing storage (if possible)
- LVM backend
- In logs: volume group cinder-volumes does not exist
- In logs: AMQP server on ... ECONNREFUSED. Trying again in xx seconds.
== Glance
- ADD IPTABLES CHECKS? - For example... 9292 for glance api
- 9191 for glance registry
- But no external communication needed to glance registry if colocated with api
- Finish backend Checks (Note likely different from kilo to liberty to mitaka)
- Validate ceph auth correct (Capture what the log should look like if this is not)
- Validate settings in conf file
- File (NFS)
- Validate settings in conf file
- Validate write permissions on backend
- Validate mounts on correct servers
- Swift?
- Cinder?
== Swift
== RabbitMQ
- In individual modules, the rabbit connection check doesn't print an 'OK' message if successful. Ideally it would so you know it was checked.
- Make certain the config specifies rabbit and not another backend
- Check for AMQP connections for applicable services
- check that management plugin enabled
- rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management (on port 15672)
- Watch queue levels. Set alerts on queues backing up
- rabbitmqctl status
- File Descriptors (Total + Sockets)
- Processes - limit vs used
- Check nodes / cluster partition
- Check number of messages_ready in the queue (via localhost:15672/api/queues) and alert if > a specific number... Suggesting the queue is backing up?
== Keystone
- Validate users in correct roles? (member or admin?)
- Validate users belong to projects?
== HAProxy
- Check maxconn?
== Galera / MariaDB
== Pacemaker
- Some help troubleshooting would be nice. For instance, when I tried manually removing pacemaker remote all of a sudden my cluster crashed and wouldn't restart. In this case, answers were in /var/log/messages
- Maybe Beekhof's troubleshooting could be automated: http://blog.clusterlabs.org/blog/2013/debugging-pacemaker
- Andrew Beekhof says 120s is the correct timeout for systemd based serviecs
- pcs resource update $RESOURCE op start timeout=60s op stop timeout=60s
== HA tests
- Check mysql data replication
- verify amount of tables in DB is same on each node
- Check galera envionment state
- RabbitMQ availability
- RabbitMQ replication
- check pacemaker status / health
== Functional Tests / Smoke Test
- Make this optional or a separate role
- Run 'list' commands per service
- Check that required services are running (and enabled via systemd or pacemaker)
- Functional tests (like cinder create/delete, glance image-create, download, etc) - A minimal subset of what Tempest can test
- Glance Functional Tests Example
- https://github.com/openstack/tempest/tree/master/tempest/api/image/v2
- Test Create image
- Test Update Image
- Test List Images
- Test Delete Image
- Create, Verify, Delete Tag on Image
- metadef namespace testing?
- Test public vs private images?
- Test image share accept / reject?
== Create testing framework (so we can validate all the checks work) Thoughts of this...
- Glance
- Process not running
- DB auth incorrect
- DB not initialized
- Rabbit auth incorrect
- Create RBD test case (ceph auth incorrect)
- Create RBD test case (no pool defined)
- Create RBD test case (can't reach storage network)
- Create NFS test case (failing perms)
- Create NFS test case (not mounted)
- Create NFS test case (can't reach storage network)
- Create tests
- playbooks to break the deployment
- Validate the break
- Maybe even do a random break that people can use for training purposes outside of using the playbooks to detect problems
- Potential deployment test scenarios
- All in one
- Distributed HA (standard 3-node control plane)
- Fully distributed components (maybe achieved via Kolla)
- DB not on same nodes as APIs
- RabbitMQ not on same nodes as APIs
Nova compute error message: libvirtError: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for domaintype=kvm
== Longer term
- Test against Kolla - Some things like systemctl may have to change
- Test aginst containerized compute