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Contact List GraphQL Server

This project is aimed to provide an overview on how to connect your application with your own GraphQL server to resolve queries on your collections.

Realm Sync alredy offers a GraphQL API to interact with your data without creating your own custom GraphQL Server, but in this project we are going to build one just to the sake of learning.

This could also be good if you don't use Realm at all but you use MongoDB Atlas, because we are going to connect through MongoDB.


This project is meant to be an application that allows to perform basic CRUD operations in a collection called Contacts

The Schema for the documents of that collection, is the following:

  "title": "Contact",
  "bsonType": "object",
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "_id": {
      "bsonType": "objectId"
    "_partition": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "firstName": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "lastName": {
      "bsonType": "string"


For running the project

In order to be able to work with this project you will need to have docker installed on your system. In this project exists a

  1. docker-compose.ymlfile that provides instrucctions on how to build this container
  2. Dockerfilewith the instrucctions needed to run our own nodejsthat is required to run this application
  3. Sustitute you values in the .env.masterfile and rename it to .env

## For interact with the data

You will also need an Atlas Cluster keep in mind that you can work with the Free tier option. Follow this link for instruccions on How to deploy your free cluster Docs

Once deployed the cluster you will need to create a database, you can name whenever you want. You will also need to create a Collection called Contacts with the schema proposed on the Schema section. Keep in mind that you can extend this basic project to match your needs (but it will require to modify the files within)

How to run.

Once you've completed the prerequisite part, if you execute

docker-compose up -d --build

In the path where you've downloaded this project if will construct and run the project for you. The command for actually running this project is located in the Dockerfilefile and is this one: nodemon index.js --exec babel-node -e js

You will need to have available port 5001 to run this project. If not please change it in the docker-compose.ymlas well as in the Dockerfile

Without docker

You could also run this project without docker. You need to have nodejs and a package manager like npn. Just run this commands in the root folder of this project.

  1. npm install
  2. nodemon index.js --exec babel-node -e js

If everything runs ok, then when heading to:


You will have access to GraphiQL, a powerfull yet simple GraphQL Client to run your queries.