⚠️ If you get theexec /ontrack/entrypoint.sh: no such file or directory
error, change the entrypoint.sh file endings from CRLF to LF.
# Starts the containers in the background
docker compose up -d
# Rebuilding the containers
docker compose up --build -d
To get your container's ip address you can enter:
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' overtrackDB
You will then be able to connect to the postgres database from your host machine using that IP.
docker run --rm -d \
-e "POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=overtrack" \
-e "POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=overtrack" \
--name "overtrack-db" \
docker run --rm -d \
-e "DATABASE_URL=postgres://overtrack:secret@overtrack-postgres/overtrack" \
-e "RAILS_ENV=development" \
-p 3000:3000 \