pretty - cumulative - plain - githistory
The genre-defying artists inspired by classical music. Photo: Nils Frahm.
Spotify - 97,530 likes - 80 songs - 5 hr 31 min
Snapshot ID: MCw4OTY3MjQxNTk2Mzk3NzVjMjA0YTBkYjE3MjA2MDJjZDk2NTkyZjI2
pretty - cumulative - plain - githistory
The genre-defying artists inspired by classical music. Photo: Nils Frahm.
Spotify - 97,530 likes - 80 songs - 5 hr 31 min
Snapshot ID: MCw4OTY3MjQxNTk2Mzk3NzVjMjA0YTBkYjE3MjA2MDJjZDk2NTkyZjI2