pretty - cumulative - plain - githistory
This is City Girls. The essential tracks, all in one playlist.
Spotify - 34,838 likes - 50 songs - 2 hr 26 min
Snapshot ID: MjgxNzU4MzgsMDAwMDAwMDAzNzA4YzQ1NTE1YjhkM2FlMmIzYzk2YThlNjYwMDY0MA==
pretty - cumulative - plain - githistory
This is City Girls. The essential tracks, all in one playlist.
Spotify - 34,838 likes - 50 songs - 2 hr 26 min
Snapshot ID: MjgxNzU4MzgsMDAwMDAwMDAzNzA4YzQ1NTE1YjhkM2FlMmIzYzk2YThlNjYwMDY0MA==