pretty - cumulative - plain - githistory
Enjoy the sweet rhythms of bossa nova - the perfect marriage of samba and jazz.
Spotify - 4,469 likes - 41 songs - 2 hr 21 min
Snapshot ID: MjcsMzhhM2FhZmYzZTlmODZmNTk4ZTBiYTcwYTRkZjliZTUyNDYwNjUyZQ==
pretty - cumulative - plain - githistory
Enjoy the sweet rhythms of bossa nova - the perfect marriage of samba and jazz.
Spotify - 4,469 likes - 41 songs - 2 hr 21 min
Snapshot ID: MjcsMzhhM2FhZmYzZTlmODZmNTk4ZTBiYTcwYTRkZjliZTUyNDYwNjUyZQ==