add method for computing sub-alignments (for ignoring some taxa)
add method for computing sub-alignments (for ignoring some taxa)
add taxa ordering and an Alignment class for keeping track of it
add taxa ordering and an Alignment class for keeping track of it
Merge branch 'main' into SplitP-rewrite
Merge branch 'main' into SplitP-rewrite
Bump scipy from 1.5.2 to 1.10.0
Bump scipy from 1.5.2 to 1.10.0
Bump python versions for testing
Bump python versions for testing
fix namespace error and move
fix namespace error and move
fix tests and remove unused code
fix tests and remove unused code
Remove redundant function and fix bugged splits() function
Remove redundant function and fix bugged splits() function
add function to split newick strings for comparisons
add function to split newick strings for comparisons
make start on models module
make start on models module
more testing for phylo functions
more testing for phylo functions