From b34f3ada348b568e4301e875f2a6e293e4583718 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre-Marie Dartus
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 08:06:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] fix default processor
lib/context.js | 2 +-
test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap | 15198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
test/test.js | 80 +-
3 files changed, 15249 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/context.js b/lib/context.js
index 8b3d4f2a..48343ca0 100644
--- a/lib/context.js
+++ b/lib/context.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const builtinTypedefs = webidl.parse(`
typedef unsigned long long DOMTimeStamp;
-function defaultProcessor(_idl, code) {
+function defaultProcessor(code) {
return code;
diff --git a/test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap b/test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap
index 2b9f3c49..41113f55 100644
--- a/test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap
+++ b/test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap
@@ -7614,3 +7614,15201 @@ exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/ZeroArgConstructor.js\\");
+exports[`without processors BufferSourceTypes.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'BufferSourceTypes'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"BufferSourceTypes\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor BufferSourceTypes is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"BufferSourceTypes\\";
+ class BufferSourceTypes {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ bs(source) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'bs' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'bs' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].bs(...args);
+ }
+ ab(ab) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'ab' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"ArrayBuffer\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'ab' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].ab(...args);
+ }
+ abv(abv) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'abv' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'abv' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].abv(...args);
+ }
+ u8a(u8) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'u8a' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"Uint8Array\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'u8a' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].u8a(...args);
+ }
+ abUnion(ab) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'abUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'abUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].abUnion(...args);
+ }
+ u8aUnion(ab) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'u8aUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg) && === \\"Uint8Array\\") {
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'u8aUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].u8aUnion(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(BufferSourceTypes.prototype, {
+ bs: { enumerable: true },
+ ab: { enumerable: true },
+ abv: { enumerable: true },
+ u8a: { enumerable: true },
+ abUnion: { enumerable: true },
+ u8aUnion: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"BufferSourceTypes\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = BufferSourceTypes;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: BufferSourceTypes
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/BufferSourceTypes.js\\");
+exports[`without processors CEReactions.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'CEReactions'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"CEReactions\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor CEReactions is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"CEReactions\\";
+ class CEReactions {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ method() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].method();
+ }
+ get attr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
+ }
+ set attr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'attr' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(CEReactions.prototype, {
+ method: { enumerable: true },
+ attr: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"CEReactions\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = CEReactions;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: CEReactions
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ const namedValue = target[impl][utils.namedGet](P);
+ return {
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ let namedValue = V;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ if (desc.get || desc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let namedValue = desc.value;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedDelete](P);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/CEReactions.js\\");
+exports[`without processors DOMImplementation.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'DOMImplementation'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"DOMImplementation\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor DOMImplementation is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"DOMImplementation\\";
+ class DOMImplementation {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ createDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 3) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[2];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 3\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createDocumentType(...args));
+ }
+ createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 2\\",
+ treatNullAsEmptyString: true
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[2];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ curArg = utils.tryImplForWrapper(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ curArg = null;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createDocument(...args));
+ }
+ createHTMLDocument() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createHTMLDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createHTMLDocument(...args));
+ }
+ hasFeature() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].hasFeature();
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(DOMImplementation.prototype, {
+ createDocumentType: { enumerable: true },
+ createDocument: { enumerable: true },
+ createHTMLDocument: { enumerable: true },
+ hasFeature: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"DOMImplementation\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = DOMImplementation;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: DOMImplementation
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/DOMImplementation.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Dictionary.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const convertURLSearchParams = require(\\"./URLSearchParams.js\\").convert;
+exports.convertInherit = function convertInherit(obj, ret, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ {
+ const key = \\"boolWithDefault\\";
+ let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ value = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](value, { context: context + \\" has member boolWithDefault that\\" });
+ ret[key] = value;
+ } else {
+ ret[key] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const key = \\"requiredInterface\\";
+ let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ value = convertURL(value, { context: context + \\" has member requiredInterface that\\" });
+ ret[key] = value;
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"requiredInterface is required in 'Dictionary'\\");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const key = \\"seq\\";
+ let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ if (!utils.isObject(value)) {
+ throw new TypeError(context + \\" has member seq that\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\");
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = value;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = convertURLSearchParams(nextItem, { context: context + \\" has member seq that\\" + \\"'s element\\" });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ value = V;
+ }
+ ret[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const key = \\"vanillaString\\";
+ let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ value = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](value, { context: context + \\" has member vanillaString that\\" });
+ ret[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if (obj !== undefined && typeof obj !== \\"object\\" && typeof obj !== \\"function\\") {
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not an object.\`);
+ }
+ const ret = Object.create(null);
+ module.exports.convertInherit(obj, ret, { context });
+ return ret;
+exports[`without processors DictionaryConvert.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertDictionary = require(\\"./Dictionary.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'DictionaryConvert'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"DictionaryConvert\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor DictionaryConvert is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"DictionaryConvert\\";
+ class DictionaryConvert {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ op() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'DictionaryConvert': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = convertDictionary(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'DictionaryConvert': parameter 2\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].op(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(DictionaryConvert.prototype, {
+ op: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"DictionaryConvert\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = DictionaryConvert;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: DictionaryConvert
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/DictionaryConvert.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Enum.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertRequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\").convert;
+const RequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Enum'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Enum\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Enum is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Enum\\";
+ class Enum {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ op(destination) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'Enum': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = convertRequestDestination(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'Enum': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].op(...args);
+ }
+ get attr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"attr\\"]);
+ }
+ set attr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = \`\${V}\`;
+ if (!RequestDestination.enumerationValues.has(V)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Enum.prototype, {
+ op: { enumerable: true },
+ attr: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Enum\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Enum;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Enum
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Enum.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Global.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Global'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Global\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Global is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
+ Object.defineProperties(
+ obj,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
+ op() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].op();
+ },
+ unforgeableOp() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].unforgeableOp();
+ },
+ get attr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"attr\\"];
+ },
+ set attr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'attr' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
+ },
+ get unforgeableAttr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"unforgeableAttr\\"];
+ },
+ set unforgeableAttr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'unforgeableAttr' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"unforgeableAttr\\"] = V;
+ },
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ },
+ set length(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'length' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"length\\"] = V;
+ },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator],
+ keys: Array.prototype.keys,
+ values: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator],
+ entries: Array.prototype.entries,
+ forEach: Array.prototype.forEach
+ })
+ );
+ Object.defineProperties(obj, {
+ unforgeableOp: { configurable: false, writable: false },
+ unforgeableAttr: { configurable: false },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { enumerable: false }
+ });
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Global\\";
+ class Global {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Global.prototype, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Global\\", configurable: true } });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Global;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Global
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Global.js\\");
+exports[`without processors HTMLConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'HTMLConstructor'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"HTMLConstructor\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor HTMLConstructor is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"HTMLConstructor\\";
+ class HTMLConstructor {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(HTMLConstructor.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"HTMLConstructor\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = HTMLConstructor;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: HTMLConstructor
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/HTMLConstructor.js\\");
+exports[`without processors LegacyArrayClass.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'LegacyArrayClass'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"LegacyArrayClass\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor LegacyArrayClass is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"LegacyArrayClass\\";
+ class LegacyArrayClass {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(LegacyArrayClass.prototype, Array.prototype);
+ Object.defineProperties(LegacyArrayClass.prototype, {
+ length: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"LegacyArrayClass\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = LegacyArrayClass;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: LegacyArrayClass
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/LegacyArrayClass.js\\");
+exports[`without processors MixedIn.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'MixedIn'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"MixedIn\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor MixedIn is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"MixedIn\\";
+ class MixedIn {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ mixedInOp() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].mixedInOp();
+ }
+ ifaceMixinOp() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].ifaceMixinOp();
+ }
+ get mixedInAttr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"mixedInAttr\\"];
+ }
+ set mixedInAttr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'mixedInAttr' property on 'MixedIn': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"mixedInAttr\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get ifaceMixinAttr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"ifaceMixinAttr\\"];
+ }
+ set ifaceMixinAttr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ifaceMixinAttr' property on 'MixedIn': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"ifaceMixinAttr\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(MixedIn.prototype, {
+ mixedInOp: { enumerable: true },
+ ifaceMixinOp: { enumerable: true },
+ mixedInAttr: { enumerable: true },
+ ifaceMixinAttr: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"MixedIn\\", configurable: true },
+ mixedInConst: { value: 43, enumerable: true },
+ ifaceMixinConst: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperties(MixedIn, {
+ mixedInConst: { value: 43, enumerable: true },
+ ifaceMixinConst: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = MixedIn;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: MixedIn
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/MixedIn.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Overloads.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const isURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").is;
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Overloads'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Overloads\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Overloads is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Overloads\\";
+ class Overloads {
+ constructor() {
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ default: {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (isURL(curArg)) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = convertURL(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'Overloads': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'Overloads': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
+ }
+ compatible(arg1) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[2];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 3\\"
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = 0;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].compatible(...args));
+ }
+ incompatible1(arg1) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].incompatible1(...args);
+ }
+ incompatible2(arg1) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].incompatible2(...args);
+ }
+ incompatible3(arg1) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (curArg === undefined) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = convertURL(curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else if (isURL(curArg)) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = convertURL(curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': only \\" + arguments.length + \\" arguments present.\\"
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[2];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 3\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[3];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 4\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].incompatible3(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Overloads.prototype, {
+ compatible: { enumerable: true },
+ incompatible1: { enumerable: true },
+ incompatible2: { enumerable: true },
+ incompatible3: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Overloads\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Overloads;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Overloads
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Overloads.js\\");
+exports[`without processors PromiseTypes.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'PromiseTypes'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"PromiseTypes\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor PromiseTypes is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"PromiseTypes\\";
+ class PromiseTypes {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ voidPromiseConsumer(p) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'voidPromiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = Promise.resolve(curArg).then(
+ value => {},
+ reason => reason
+ );
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].voidPromiseConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ promiseConsumer(p) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'promiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = Promise.resolve(curArg).then(
+ value => {
+ value = conversions[\\"double\\"](value, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'promiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" promise value\\"
+ });
+ return value;
+ },
+ reason => reason
+ );
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].promiseConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(PromiseTypes.prototype, {
+ voidPromiseConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ promiseConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"PromiseTypes\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = PromiseTypes;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: PromiseTypes
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/PromiseTypes.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Reflect.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Reflect'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Reflect\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Reflect is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Reflect\\";
+ class Reflect {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ get ReflectedBoolean() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].hasAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\");
+ }
+ set ReflectedBoolean(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedBoolean' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ if (V) {
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\", \\"\\");
+ } else {
+ this[impl].removeAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\");
+ }
+ }
+ get ReflectedDOMString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflecteddomstring\\");
+ return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
+ }
+ set ReflectedDOMString(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedDOMString' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflecteddomstring\\", V);
+ }
+ get ReflectedLong() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = parseInt(this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedlong\\"));
+ return isNaN(value) || value < -2147483648 || value > 2147483647 ? 0 : value;
+ }
+ set ReflectedLong(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"long\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedLong' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedlong\\", String(V));
+ }
+ get ReflectedUnsignedLong() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = parseInt(this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedunsignedlong\\"));
+ return isNaN(value) || value < 0 || value > 2147483647 ? 0 : value;
+ }
+ set ReflectedUnsignedLong(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedUnsignedLong' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedunsignedlong\\", String(V > 2147483647 ? 0 : V));
+ }
+ get ReflectionTest() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflection\\");
+ return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
+ }
+ set ReflectionTest(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectionTest' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflection\\", V);
+ }
+ get withUnderscore() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"with-underscore\\");
+ return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
+ }
+ set withUnderscore(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'withUnderscore' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"with-underscore\\", V);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Reflect.prototype, {
+ ReflectedBoolean: { enumerable: true },
+ ReflectedDOMString: { enumerable: true },
+ ReflectedLong: { enumerable: true },
+ ReflectedUnsignedLong: { enumerable: true },
+ ReflectionTest: { enumerable: true },
+ withUnderscore: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Reflect\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Reflect;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Reflect
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Reflect.js\\");
+exports[`without processors RequestDestination.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const enumerationValues = new Set([
+ \\"\\",
+ \\"audio\\",
+ \\"document\\",
+ \\"embed\\",
+ \\"font\\",
+ \\"image\\",
+ \\"manifest\\",
+ \\"object\\",
+ \\"report\\",
+ \\"script\\",
+ \\"sharedworker\\",
+ \\"style\\",
+ \\"track\\",
+ \\"video\\",
+ \\"worker\\",
+ \\"xslt\\"
+exports.enumerationValues = enumerationValues;
+exports.convert = function convert(value, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ const string = \`\${value}\`;
+ if (!enumerationValues.has(value)) {
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} '\${value}' is not a valid enumeration value for RequestDestination\`);
+ }
+ return string;
+exports[`without processors SeqAndRec.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'SeqAndRec'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"SeqAndRec\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor SeqAndRec is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"SeqAndRec\\";
+ class SeqAndRec {
+ constructor() {
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, undefined);
+ }
+ recordConsumer(rec) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\");
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = conversions[\\"double\\"](typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].recordConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ recordConsumer2(rec) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\");
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].recordConsumer2(...args);
+ }
+ sequenceConsumer(seq) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](nextItem, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
+ });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].sequenceConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ sequenceConsumer2(seq) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = utils.tryImplForWrapper(nextItem);
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].sequenceConsumer2(...args);
+ }
+ frozenArrayConsumer(arr) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = conversions[\\"double\\"](nextItem, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
+ });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ curArg = Object.freeze(curArg);
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].frozenArrayConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(SeqAndRec.prototype, {
+ recordConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ recordConsumer2: { enumerable: true },
+ sequenceConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ sequenceConsumer2: { enumerable: true },
+ frozenArrayConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"SeqAndRec\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = SeqAndRec;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: SeqAndRec
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/SeqAndRec.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Static.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Static'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Static\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Static is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Static\\";
+ class Static {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ def() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].def();
+ }
+ get abc() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"abc\\"];
+ }
+ set abc(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'abc' property on 'Static': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"abc\\"] = V;
+ }
+ static def() {
+ return Impl.implementation.def();
+ }
+ static get abc() {
+ return Impl.implementation[\\"abc\\"];
+ }
+ static set abc(V) {
+ return Impl.implementation[\\"abc\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Static.prototype, {
+ def: { enumerable: true },
+ abc: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Static\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperties(Static, { def: { enumerable: true }, abc: { enumerable: true } });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Static;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Static
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Static.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Storage.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Storage'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Storage\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Storage is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Storage\\";
+ class Storage {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ key(index) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'key' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'key' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].key(...args);
+ }
+ getItem(key) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'getItem' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'getItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].getItem(...args);
+ }
+ setItem(key, value) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': 2 arguments required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': parameter 2\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].setItem(...args);
+ }
+ removeItem(key) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'removeItem' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'removeItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].removeItem(...args);
+ }
+ clear() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].clear();
+ }
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Storage.prototype, {
+ key: { enumerable: true },
+ getItem: { enumerable: true },
+ setItem: { enumerable: true },
+ removeItem: { enumerable: true },
+ clear: { enumerable: true },
+ length: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Storage\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Storage;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Storage
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ const namedValue = target[impl].getItem(P);
+ return {
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ let namedValue = V;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'Storage': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ target[impl].setItem(P, namedValue);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ if (desc.get || desc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let namedValue = desc.value;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'Storage': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ target[impl].setItem(P, namedValue);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
+ target[impl].removeItem(P);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Storage.js\\");
+exports[`without processors StringifierAttribute.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierAttribute'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierAttribute\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor StringifierAttribute is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"StringifierAttribute\\";
+ class StringifierAttribute {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ get attr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(StringifierAttribute.prototype, {
+ attr: { enumerable: true },
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierAttribute\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierAttribute;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: StringifierAttribute
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierAttribute.js\\");
+exports[`without processors StringifierDefaultOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierDefaultOperation'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: constructor StringifierDefaultOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\"
+ );
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\";
+ class StringifierDefaultOperation {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].toString();
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(StringifierDefaultOperation.prototype, {
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierDefaultOperation;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: StringifierDefaultOperation
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierDefaultOperation.js\\");
+exports[`without processors StringifierNamedOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierNamedOperation'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierNamedOperation\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: constructor StringifierNamedOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\"
+ );
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"StringifierNamedOperation\\";
+ class StringifierNamedOperation {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ operation() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].operation();
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].operation();
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(StringifierNamedOperation.prototype, {
+ operation: { enumerable: true },
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierNamedOperation\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierNamedOperation;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: StringifierNamedOperation
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierNamedOperation.js\\");
+exports[`without processors StringifierOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierOperation'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierOperation\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor StringifierOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"StringifierOperation\\";
+ class StringifierOperation {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].toString();
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(StringifierOperation.prototype, {
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierOperation\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierOperation;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: StringifierOperation
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierOperation.js\\");
+exports[`without processors TypedefsAndUnions.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertRequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\").convert;
+const isURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").is;
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'TypedefsAndUnions'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"TypedefsAndUnions\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor TypedefsAndUnions is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"TypedefsAndUnions\\";
+ class TypedefsAndUnions {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ numOrStrConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ clamp: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].numOrStrConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ numOrEnumConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = convertRequestDestination(curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].numOrEnumConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ numOrStrOrNullConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ clamp: true,
+ enforceRange: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ enforceRange: true
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].numOrStrOrNullConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (isURL(curArg)) {
+ curArg = utils.implForWrapper(curArg);
+ } else if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ clamp: true,
+ enforceRange: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ enforceRange: true
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ urlMapInnerConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].urlMapInnerConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ urlMapConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].urlMapConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ bufferSourceOrURLConsumer(b) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'bufferSourceOrURLConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (isURL(curArg)) {
+ curArg = utils.implForWrapper(curArg);
+ } else if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'bufferSourceOrURLConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].bufferSourceOrURLConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer(b) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else if (utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" record\\" +
+ \\" is not an object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context:
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" record\\" +
+ \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
+ context:
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" record\\" +
+ \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ arrayBufferViewDupConsumer(b) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewDupConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewDupConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].arrayBufferViewDupConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ get buf() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"buf\\"]);
+ }
+ set buf(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(V)) {
+ } else if (
+ ArrayBuffer.isView(V) &&
+ ( === \\"Uint8Array\\" || === \\"Uint16Array\\")
+ ) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to set the 'buf' property on 'TypedefsAndUnions': The provided value\\" +
+ \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ this[impl][\\"buf\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get time() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"time\\"];
+ }
+ set time(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"unsigned long long\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'time' property on 'TypedefsAndUnions': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"time\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(TypedefsAndUnions.prototype, {
+ numOrStrConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ numOrEnumConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ numOrStrOrNullConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ urlMapInnerConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ urlMapConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ bufferSourceOrURLConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ arrayBufferViewDupConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ buf: { enumerable: true },
+ time: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"TypedefsAndUnions\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = TypedefsAndUnions;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: TypedefsAndUnions
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/TypedefsAndUnions.js\\");
+exports[`without processors URL.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URL'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URL\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URL is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URL\\";
+ class URL {
+ constructor(url) {
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URL': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'URL': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'URL': parameter 2\\" });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
+ }
+ toJSON() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].toJSON();
+ }
+ get href() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"href\\"];
+ }
+ set href(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'href' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"href\\"] = V;
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"href\\"];
+ }
+ get origin() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"origin\\"];
+ }
+ get protocol() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"protocol\\"];
+ }
+ set protocol(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"protocol\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get username() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"username\\"];
+ }
+ set username(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'username' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"username\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get password() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"password\\"];
+ }
+ set password(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'password' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"password\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get host() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"host\\"];
+ }
+ set host(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'host' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"host\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get hostname() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"hostname\\"];
+ }
+ set hostname(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'hostname' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"hostname\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get port() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"port\\"];
+ }
+ set port(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'port' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"port\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get pathname() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"pathname\\"];
+ }
+ set pathname(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'pathname' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"pathname\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get search() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"search\\"];
+ }
+ set search(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'search' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"search\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get searchParams() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return utils.getSameObject(this, \\"searchParams\\", () => {
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"searchParams\\"]);
+ });
+ }
+ get hash() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"hash\\"];
+ }
+ set hash(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'hash' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"hash\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URL.prototype, {
+ toJSON: { enumerable: true },
+ href: { enumerable: true },
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ origin: { enumerable: true },
+ protocol: { enumerable: true },
+ username: { enumerable: true },
+ password: { enumerable: true },
+ host: { enumerable: true },
+ hostname: { enumerable: true },
+ port: { enumerable: true },
+ pathname: { enumerable: true },
+ search: { enumerable: true },
+ searchParams: { enumerable: true },
+ hash: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URL\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URL;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URL
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URL.js\\");
+exports[`without processors URLList.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLList'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLList\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URLList is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URLList\\";
+ class URLList {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ item(index) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLList': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLList': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].item(...args));
+ }
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLList.prototype, {
+ item: { enumerable: true },
+ length: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLList\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true },
+ keys: { value: Array.prototype.keys, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
+ values: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
+ entries: { value: Array.prototype.entries, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
+ forEach: { value: Array.prototype.forEach, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLList;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URLList
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index)) {
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ return {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ ignoreNamedProps = true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index)) {
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ ownDesc = {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ return !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index);
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLList.js\\");
+exports[`without processors URLSearchParams.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+const IteratorPrototype = Object.create(utils.IteratorPrototype, {
+ next: {
+ value: function next() {
+ const internal = this[utils.iterInternalSymbol];
+ const { target, kind, index } = internal;
+ const values = Array.from(target[impl]);
+ const len = values.length;
+ if (index >= len) {
+ return { value: undefined, done: true };
+ }
+ const pair = values[index];
+ internal.index = index + 1;
+ const [key, value] =;
+ let result;
+ switch (kind) {
+ case \\"key\\":
+ result = key;
+ break;
+ case \\"value\\":
+ result = value;
+ break;
+ case \\"key+value\\":
+ result = [key, value];
+ break;
+ }
+ return { value: result, done: false };
+ },
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: {
+ value: \\"URLSearchParams Iterator\\",
+ configurable: true
+ }
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParams'.\`);
+exports.createDefaultIterator = function createDefaultIterator(target, kind) {
+ const iterator = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, utils.iterInternalSymbol, {
+ value: { target, kind, index: 0 },
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ return iterator;
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParams\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParams is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParams\\";
+ class URLSearchParams {
+ constructor() {
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ if (utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ if (curArg[Symbol.iterator] !== undefined) {
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" sequence\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ if (!utils.isObject(nextItem)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" sequence\\" +
+ \\"'s element\\" +
+ \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = nextItem;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](nextItem, {
+ context:
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" sequence\\" +
+ \\"'s element\\" +
+ \\"'s element\\"
+ });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ nextItem = V;
+ }
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ curArg = \\"\\";
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
+ }
+ append(name, value) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].append(...args);
+ }
+ delete(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'delete' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'delete' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].delete(...args);
+ }
+ get(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'get' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'get' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].get(...args);
+ }
+ getAll(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'getAll' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'getAll' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].getAll(...args));
+ }
+ has(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'has' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'has' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].has(...args);
+ }
+ set(name, value) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].set(...args);
+ }
+ sort() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].sort();
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].toString();
+ }
+ keys() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"key\\");
+ }
+ values() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"value\\");
+ }
+ entries() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"key+value\\");
+ }
+ forEach(callback) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'forEach' on 'iterable': 1 argument required, \\" + \\"but only 0 present.\\");
+ }
+ if (typeof callback !== \\"function\\") {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'forEach' on 'iterable': The callback provided \\" + \\"as parameter 1 is not a function.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const thisArg = arguments[1];
+ let pairs = Array.from(this[impl]);
+ let i = 0;
+ while (i < pairs.length) {
+ const [key, value] = pairs[i].map(utils.tryWrapperForImpl);
+, value, key, this);
+ pairs = Array.from(this[impl]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParams.prototype, {
+ append: { enumerable: true },
+ delete: { enumerable: true },
+ get: { enumerable: true },
+ getAll: { enumerable: true },
+ has: { enumerable: true },
+ set: { enumerable: true },
+ sort: { enumerable: true },
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ keys: { enumerable: true },
+ values: { enumerable: true },
+ entries: { enumerable: true },
+ forEach: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParams\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { value: URLSearchParams.prototype.entries, configurable: true, writable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParams;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URLSearchParams
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParams.js\\");
+exports[`without processors URLSearchParamsCollection.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParamsCollection'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParamsCollection is not installed on the passed global object\\"
+ );
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\";
+ class URLSearchParamsCollection {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ item(index) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].item(...args));
+ }
+ namedItem(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'namedItem' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'namedItem' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].namedItem(...args));
+ }
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParamsCollection.prototype, {
+ item: { enumerable: true },
+ namedItem: { enumerable: true },
+ length: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParamsCollection;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URLSearchParamsCollection
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
+ return {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ ignoreNamedProps = true;
+ }
+ const namedValue = target[impl].namedItem(P);
+ if (namedValue !== null && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ return {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
+ typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
+ ownDesc = {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
+ if (!creating) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ return !(target[impl].item(index) !== undefined);
+ }
+ if (target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null && !(P in target)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParamsCollection.js\\");
+exports[`without processors URLSearchParamsCollection2.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+const URLSearchParamsCollection = require(\\"./URLSearchParamsCollection.js\\");
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParamsCollection2'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParamsCollection2 is not installed on the passed global object\\"
+ );
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
+ URLSearchParamsCollection._internalSetup(obj);
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\";
+ if (globalObject.URLSearchParamsCollection === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: attempting to evaluate URLSearchParamsCollection2 before URLSearchParamsCollection\\"
+ );
+ }
+ class URLSearchParamsCollection2 extends globalObject.URLSearchParamsCollection {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParamsCollection2.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParamsCollection2;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URLSearchParamsCollection2
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
+ return {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ ignoreNamedProps = true;
+ }
+ const namedValue = target[impl].namedItem(P);
+ if (namedValue !== null && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ return {
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
+ if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ let namedValue = V;
+ namedValue = convertURL(namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'URLSearchParamsCollection2': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
+ ownDesc = {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ if (desc.get || desc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let namedValue = desc.value;
+ namedValue = convertURL(namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'URLSearchParamsCollection2': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ return !(target[impl].item(index) !== undefined);
+ }
+ if (target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null && !(P in target)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParamsCollection2.js\\");
+exports[`without processors UnderscoredProperties.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'UnderscoredProperties'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"UnderscoredProperties\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor UnderscoredProperties is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"UnderscoredProperties\\";
+ class UnderscoredProperties {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ operation(sequence) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](nextItem, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
+ });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].operation(...args);
+ }
+ get attribute() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"attribute\\"];
+ }
+ set attribute(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"byte\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'attribute' property on 'UnderscoredProperties': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"attribute\\"] = V;
+ }
+ static static(void_) {
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'static' on 'UnderscoredProperties': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'static' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return Impl.implementation.static(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(UnderscoredProperties.prototype, {
+ operation: { enumerable: true },
+ attribute: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"UnderscoredProperties\\", configurable: true },
+ const: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperties(UnderscoredProperties, {
+ static: { enumerable: true },
+ const: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = UnderscoredProperties;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: UnderscoredProperties
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/UnderscoredProperties.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Unforgeable.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Unforgeable'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Unforgeable\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Unforgeable is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
+ Object.defineProperties(
+ obj,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
+ assign(url) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'assign' on 'Unforgeable': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'assign' on 'Unforgeable': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].assign(...args);
+ },
+ get href() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"href\\"];
+ },
+ set href(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'href' property on 'Unforgeable': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"href\\"] = V;
+ },
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"href\\"];
+ },
+ get origin() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"origin\\"];
+ },
+ get protocol() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"protocol\\"];
+ },
+ set protocol(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'Unforgeable': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"protocol\\"] = V;
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ Object.defineProperties(obj, {
+ assign: { configurable: false, writable: false },
+ href: { configurable: false },
+ toString: { configurable: false, writable: false },
+ origin: { configurable: false },
+ protocol: { configurable: false }
+ });
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Unforgeable\\";
+ class Unforgeable {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Unforgeable.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Unforgeable\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Unforgeable;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Unforgeable
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Unforgeable.js\\");
+exports[`without processors UnforgeableMap.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'UnforgeableMap'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"UnforgeableMap\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor UnforgeableMap is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
+ Object.defineProperties(
+ obj,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
+ get a() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"a\\"];
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ Object.defineProperties(obj, { a: { configurable: false } });
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"UnforgeableMap\\";
+ class UnforgeableMap {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(UnforgeableMap.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"UnforgeableMap\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = UnforgeableMap;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: UnforgeableMap
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ const namedValue = target[impl][utils.namedGet](P);
+ return {
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ let namedValue = V;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'UnforgeableMap': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (![\\"a\\"].includes(P)) {
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ if (desc.get || desc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let namedValue = desc.value;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'UnforgeableMap': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/UnforgeableMap.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Unscopable.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Unscopable'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Unscopable\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Unscopable is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Unscopable\\";
+ class Unscopable {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ get unscopableTest() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"unscopableTest\\"];
+ }
+ set unscopableTest(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'unscopableTest' property on 'Unscopable': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"unscopableTest\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get unscopableMixin() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"unscopableMixin\\"];
+ }
+ set unscopableMixin(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'unscopableMixin' property on 'Unscopable': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"unscopableMixin\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Unscopable.prototype, {
+ unscopableTest: { enumerable: true },
+ unscopableMixin: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Unscopable\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.unscopables]: {
+ value: { unscopableTest: true, unscopableMixin: true, __proto__: null },
+ configurable: true
+ }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Unscopable;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Unscopable
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Unscopable.js\\");
+exports[`without processors Variadic.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Variadic'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Variadic\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Variadic is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Variadic\\";
+ class Variadic {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ simple1() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].simple1(...args);
+ }
+ simple2(first) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = convertURL(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1) });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].simple2(...args);
+ }
+ overloaded1() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ default: {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].overloaded1(...args);
+ }
+ overloaded2(first) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default: {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].overloaded2(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Variadic.prototype, {
+ simple1: { enumerable: true },
+ simple2: { enumerable: true },
+ overloaded1: { enumerable: true },
+ overloaded2: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Variadic\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Variadic;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Variadic
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Variadic.js\\");
+exports[`without processors ZeroArgConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'ZeroArgConstructor'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"ZeroArgConstructor\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor ZeroArgConstructor is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"ZeroArgConstructor\\";
+ class ZeroArgConstructor {
+ constructor() {
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, undefined);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(ZeroArgConstructor.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"ZeroArgConstructor\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = ZeroArgConstructor;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: ZeroArgConstructor
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/ZeroArgConstructor.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors BufferSourceTypes.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'BufferSourceTypes'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"BufferSourceTypes\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor BufferSourceTypes is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"BufferSourceTypes\\";
+ class BufferSourceTypes {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ bs(source) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'bs' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'bs' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].bs(...args);
+ }
+ ab(ab) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'ab' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"ArrayBuffer\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'ab' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].ab(...args);
+ }
+ abv(abv) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'abv' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'abv' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].abv(...args);
+ }
+ u8a(u8) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'u8a' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"Uint8Array\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'u8a' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].u8a(...args);
+ }
+ abUnion(ab) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'abUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'abUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].abUnion(...args);
+ }
+ u8aUnion(ab) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'u8aUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg) && === \\"Uint8Array\\") {
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'u8aUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].u8aUnion(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(BufferSourceTypes.prototype, {
+ bs: { enumerable: true },
+ ab: { enumerable: true },
+ abv: { enumerable: true },
+ u8a: { enumerable: true },
+ abUnion: { enumerable: true },
+ u8aUnion: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"BufferSourceTypes\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = BufferSourceTypes;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: BufferSourceTypes
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/BufferSourceTypes.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors CEReactions.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const CEReactions = require(\\"../CEReactions.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'CEReactions'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"CEReactions\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor CEReactions is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"CEReactions\\";
+ class CEReactions {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ method() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
+ try {
+ return this[impl].method();
+ } finally {
+ CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
+ }
+ }
+ get attr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
+ try {
+ return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
+ } finally {
+ CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
+ }
+ }
+ set attr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'attr' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
+ try {
+ this[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
+ } finally {
+ CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(CEReactions.prototype, {
+ method: { enumerable: true },
+ attr: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"CEReactions\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = CEReactions;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: CEReactions
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ const namedValue = target[impl][utils.namedGet](P);
+ return {
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ let namedValue = V;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
+ try {
+ const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ if (desc.get || desc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let namedValue = desc.value;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
+ try {
+ const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
+ CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
+ try {
+ target[impl][utils.namedDelete](P);
+ return true;
+ } finally {
+ CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
+ }
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/CEReactions.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors DOMImplementation.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'DOMImplementation'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"DOMImplementation\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor DOMImplementation is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"DOMImplementation\\";
+ class DOMImplementation {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ createDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 3) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[2];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 3\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createDocumentType(...args));
+ }
+ createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 2\\",
+ treatNullAsEmptyString: true
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[2];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ curArg = utils.tryImplForWrapper(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ curArg = null;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createDocument(...args));
+ }
+ createHTMLDocument() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'createHTMLDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createHTMLDocument(...args));
+ }
+ hasFeature() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].hasFeature();
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(DOMImplementation.prototype, {
+ createDocumentType: { enumerable: true },
+ createDocument: { enumerable: true },
+ createHTMLDocument: { enumerable: true },
+ hasFeature: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"DOMImplementation\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = DOMImplementation;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: DOMImplementation
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/DOMImplementation.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Dictionary.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const convertURLSearchParams = require(\\"./URLSearchParams.js\\").convert;
+exports.convertInherit = function convertInherit(obj, ret, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ {
+ const key = \\"boolWithDefault\\";
+ let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ value = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](value, { context: context + \\" has member boolWithDefault that\\" });
+ ret[key] = value;
+ } else {
+ ret[key] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const key = \\"requiredInterface\\";
+ let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ value = convertURL(value, { context: context + \\" has member requiredInterface that\\" });
+ ret[key] = value;
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"requiredInterface is required in 'Dictionary'\\");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const key = \\"seq\\";
+ let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ if (!utils.isObject(value)) {
+ throw new TypeError(context + \\" has member seq that\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\");
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = value;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = convertURLSearchParams(nextItem, { context: context + \\" has member seq that\\" + \\"'s element\\" });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ value = V;
+ }
+ ret[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const key = \\"vanillaString\\";
+ let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ value = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](value, { context: context + \\" has member vanillaString that\\" });
+ ret[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if (obj !== undefined && typeof obj !== \\"object\\" && typeof obj !== \\"function\\") {
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not an object.\`);
+ }
+ const ret = Object.create(null);
+ module.exports.convertInherit(obj, ret, { context });
+ return ret;
+exports[`without with processors DictionaryConvert.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertDictionary = require(\\"./Dictionary.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'DictionaryConvert'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"DictionaryConvert\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor DictionaryConvert is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"DictionaryConvert\\";
+ class DictionaryConvert {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ op() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'DictionaryConvert': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = convertDictionary(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'DictionaryConvert': parameter 2\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].op(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(DictionaryConvert.prototype, {
+ op: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"DictionaryConvert\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = DictionaryConvert;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: DictionaryConvert
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/DictionaryConvert.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Enum.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertRequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\").convert;
+const RequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Enum'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Enum\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Enum is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Enum\\";
+ class Enum {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ op(destination) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'Enum': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = convertRequestDestination(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'Enum': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].op(...args);
+ }
+ get attr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"attr\\"]);
+ }
+ set attr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = \`\${V}\`;
+ if (!RequestDestination.enumerationValues.has(V)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Enum.prototype, {
+ op: { enumerable: true },
+ attr: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Enum\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Enum;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Enum
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Enum.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Global.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Global'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Global\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Global is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
+ Object.defineProperties(
+ obj,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
+ op() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].op();
+ },
+ unforgeableOp() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].unforgeableOp();
+ },
+ get attr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"attr\\"];
+ },
+ set attr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'attr' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
+ },
+ get unforgeableAttr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"unforgeableAttr\\"];
+ },
+ set unforgeableAttr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'unforgeableAttr' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"unforgeableAttr\\"] = V;
+ },
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ },
+ set length(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'length' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"length\\"] = V;
+ },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator],
+ keys: Array.prototype.keys,
+ values: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator],
+ entries: Array.prototype.entries,
+ forEach: Array.prototype.forEach
+ })
+ );
+ Object.defineProperties(obj, {
+ unforgeableOp: { configurable: false, writable: false },
+ unforgeableAttr: { configurable: false },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { enumerable: false }
+ });
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Global\\";
+ class Global {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Global.prototype, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Global\\", configurable: true } });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Global;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Global
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Global.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors HTMLConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const HTMLConstructor_HTMLConstructor = require(\\"../HTMLConstructor.js\\").HTMLConstructor;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'HTMLConstructor'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"HTMLConstructor\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor HTMLConstructor is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"HTMLConstructor\\";
+ class HTMLConstructor {
+ constructor() {
+ return HTMLConstructor_HTMLConstructor(globalObject, interfaceName);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(HTMLConstructor.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"HTMLConstructor\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = HTMLConstructor;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: HTMLConstructor
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/HTMLConstructor.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors LegacyArrayClass.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'LegacyArrayClass'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"LegacyArrayClass\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor LegacyArrayClass is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"LegacyArrayClass\\";
+ class LegacyArrayClass {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.setPrototypeOf(LegacyArrayClass.prototype, Array.prototype);
+ Object.defineProperties(LegacyArrayClass.prototype, {
+ length: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"LegacyArrayClass\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = LegacyArrayClass;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: LegacyArrayClass
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/LegacyArrayClass.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors MixedIn.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'MixedIn'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"MixedIn\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor MixedIn is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"MixedIn\\";
+ class MixedIn {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ mixedInOp() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].mixedInOp();
+ }
+ ifaceMixinOp() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].ifaceMixinOp();
+ }
+ get mixedInAttr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"mixedInAttr\\"];
+ }
+ set mixedInAttr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'mixedInAttr' property on 'MixedIn': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"mixedInAttr\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get ifaceMixinAttr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"ifaceMixinAttr\\"];
+ }
+ set ifaceMixinAttr(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ifaceMixinAttr' property on 'MixedIn': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"ifaceMixinAttr\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(MixedIn.prototype, {
+ mixedInOp: { enumerable: true },
+ ifaceMixinOp: { enumerable: true },
+ mixedInAttr: { enumerable: true },
+ ifaceMixinAttr: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"MixedIn\\", configurable: true },
+ mixedInConst: { value: 43, enumerable: true },
+ ifaceMixinConst: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperties(MixedIn, {
+ mixedInConst: { value: 43, enumerable: true },
+ ifaceMixinConst: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = MixedIn;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: MixedIn
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/MixedIn.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Overloads.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const isURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").is;
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Overloads'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Overloads\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Overloads is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Overloads\\";
+ class Overloads {
+ constructor() {
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ default: {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (isURL(curArg)) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = convertURL(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'Overloads': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'Overloads': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
+ }
+ compatible(arg1) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[2];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 3\\"
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = 0;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].compatible(...args));
+ }
+ incompatible1(arg1) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].incompatible1(...args);
+ }
+ incompatible2(arg1) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].incompatible2(...args);
+ }
+ incompatible3(arg1) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (curArg === undefined) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = convertURL(curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else if (isURL(curArg)) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = convertURL(curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': only \\" + arguments.length + \\" arguments present.\\"
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[2];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 3\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[3];
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 4\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].incompatible3(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Overloads.prototype, {
+ compatible: { enumerable: true },
+ incompatible1: { enumerable: true },
+ incompatible2: { enumerable: true },
+ incompatible3: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Overloads\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Overloads;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Overloads
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Overloads.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors PromiseTypes.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'PromiseTypes'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"PromiseTypes\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor PromiseTypes is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"PromiseTypes\\";
+ class PromiseTypes {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ voidPromiseConsumer(p) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'voidPromiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = Promise.resolve(curArg).then(
+ value => {},
+ reason => reason
+ );
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].voidPromiseConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ promiseConsumer(p) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'promiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = Promise.resolve(curArg).then(
+ value => {
+ value = conversions[\\"double\\"](value, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'promiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" promise value\\"
+ });
+ return value;
+ },
+ reason => reason
+ );
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].promiseConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(PromiseTypes.prototype, {
+ voidPromiseConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ promiseConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"PromiseTypes\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = PromiseTypes;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: PromiseTypes
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/PromiseTypes.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Reflect.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Reflect'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Reflect\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Reflect is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Reflect\\";
+ class Reflect {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ get ReflectedBoolean() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].hasAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\");
+ }
+ set ReflectedBoolean(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedBoolean' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ if (V) {
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\", \\"\\");
+ } else {
+ this[impl].removeAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\");
+ }
+ }
+ get ReflectedDOMString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflecteddomstring\\");
+ return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
+ }
+ set ReflectedDOMString(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedDOMString' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflecteddomstring\\", V);
+ }
+ get ReflectedLong() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = parseInt(this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedlong\\"));
+ return isNaN(value) || value < -2147483648 || value > 2147483647 ? 0 : value;
+ }
+ set ReflectedLong(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"long\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedLong' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedlong\\", String(V));
+ }
+ get ReflectedUnsignedLong() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = parseInt(this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedunsignedlong\\"));
+ return isNaN(value) || value < 0 || value > 2147483647 ? 0 : value;
+ }
+ set ReflectedUnsignedLong(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedUnsignedLong' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedunsignedlong\\", String(V > 2147483647 ? 0 : V));
+ }
+ get ReflectionTest() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflection\\");
+ return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
+ }
+ set ReflectionTest(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectionTest' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflection\\", V);
+ }
+ get withUnderscore() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"with-underscore\\");
+ return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
+ }
+ set withUnderscore(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'withUnderscore' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"with-underscore\\", V);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Reflect.prototype, {
+ ReflectedBoolean: { enumerable: true },
+ ReflectedDOMString: { enumerable: true },
+ ReflectedLong: { enumerable: true },
+ ReflectedUnsignedLong: { enumerable: true },
+ ReflectionTest: { enumerable: true },
+ withUnderscore: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Reflect\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Reflect;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Reflect
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Reflect.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors RequestDestination.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const enumerationValues = new Set([
+ \\"\\",
+ \\"audio\\",
+ \\"document\\",
+ \\"embed\\",
+ \\"font\\",
+ \\"image\\",
+ \\"manifest\\",
+ \\"object\\",
+ \\"report\\",
+ \\"script\\",
+ \\"sharedworker\\",
+ \\"style\\",
+ \\"track\\",
+ \\"video\\",
+ \\"worker\\",
+ \\"xslt\\"
+exports.enumerationValues = enumerationValues;
+exports.convert = function convert(value, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ const string = \`\${value}\`;
+ if (!enumerationValues.has(value)) {
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} '\${value}' is not a valid enumeration value for RequestDestination\`);
+ }
+ return string;
+exports[`without with processors SeqAndRec.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'SeqAndRec'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"SeqAndRec\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor SeqAndRec is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"SeqAndRec\\";
+ class SeqAndRec {
+ constructor() {
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, undefined);
+ }
+ recordConsumer(rec) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\");
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = conversions[\\"double\\"](typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].recordConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ recordConsumer2(rec) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\");
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].recordConsumer2(...args);
+ }
+ sequenceConsumer(seq) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](nextItem, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
+ });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].sequenceConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ sequenceConsumer2(seq) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = utils.tryImplForWrapper(nextItem);
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].sequenceConsumer2(...args);
+ }
+ frozenArrayConsumer(arr) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = conversions[\\"double\\"](nextItem, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
+ });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ curArg = Object.freeze(curArg);
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].frozenArrayConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(SeqAndRec.prototype, {
+ recordConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ recordConsumer2: { enumerable: true },
+ sequenceConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ sequenceConsumer2: { enumerable: true },
+ frozenArrayConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"SeqAndRec\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = SeqAndRec;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: SeqAndRec
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/SeqAndRec.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Static.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Static'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Static\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Static is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Static\\";
+ class Static {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ def() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].def();
+ }
+ get abc() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"abc\\"];
+ }
+ set abc(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'abc' property on 'Static': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"abc\\"] = V;
+ }
+ static def() {
+ return Impl.implementation.def();
+ }
+ static get abc() {
+ return Impl.implementation[\\"abc\\"];
+ }
+ static set abc(V) {
+ return Impl.implementation[\\"abc\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Static.prototype, {
+ def: { enumerable: true },
+ abc: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Static\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperties(Static, { def: { enumerable: true }, abc: { enumerable: true } });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Static;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Static
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Static.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Storage.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Storage'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Storage\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Storage is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Storage\\";
+ class Storage {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ key(index) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'key' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'key' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].key(...args);
+ }
+ getItem(key) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'getItem' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'getItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].getItem(...args);
+ }
+ setItem(key, value) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': 2 arguments required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': parameter 2\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].setItem(...args);
+ }
+ removeItem(key) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'removeItem' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'removeItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].removeItem(...args);
+ }
+ clear() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].clear();
+ }
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Storage.prototype, {
+ key: { enumerable: true },
+ getItem: { enumerable: true },
+ setItem: { enumerable: true },
+ removeItem: { enumerable: true },
+ clear: { enumerable: true },
+ length: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Storage\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Storage;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Storage
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ const namedValue = target[impl].getItem(P);
+ return {
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ let namedValue = V;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'Storage': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ target[impl].setItem(P, namedValue);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ if (desc.get || desc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let namedValue = desc.value;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'Storage': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ target[impl].setItem(P, namedValue);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
+ target[impl].removeItem(P);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Storage.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors StringifierAttribute.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierAttribute'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierAttribute\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor StringifierAttribute is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"StringifierAttribute\\";
+ class StringifierAttribute {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ get attr() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(StringifierAttribute.prototype, {
+ attr: { enumerable: true },
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierAttribute\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierAttribute;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: StringifierAttribute
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierAttribute.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors StringifierDefaultOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierDefaultOperation'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: constructor StringifierDefaultOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\"
+ );
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\";
+ class StringifierDefaultOperation {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].toString();
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(StringifierDefaultOperation.prototype, {
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierDefaultOperation;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: StringifierDefaultOperation
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierDefaultOperation.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors StringifierNamedOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierNamedOperation'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierNamedOperation\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: constructor StringifierNamedOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\"
+ );
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"StringifierNamedOperation\\";
+ class StringifierNamedOperation {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ operation() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].operation();
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].operation();
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(StringifierNamedOperation.prototype, {
+ operation: { enumerable: true },
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierNamedOperation\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierNamedOperation;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: StringifierNamedOperation
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierNamedOperation.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors StringifierOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierOperation'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierOperation\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor StringifierOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"StringifierOperation\\";
+ class StringifierOperation {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].toString();
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(StringifierOperation.prototype, {
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierOperation\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierOperation;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: StringifierOperation
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierOperation.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors TypedefsAndUnions.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertRequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\").convert;
+const isURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").is;
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'TypedefsAndUnions'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"TypedefsAndUnions\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor TypedefsAndUnions is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"TypedefsAndUnions\\";
+ class TypedefsAndUnions {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ numOrStrConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ clamp: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].numOrStrConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ numOrEnumConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = convertRequestDestination(curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].numOrEnumConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ numOrStrOrNullConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ clamp: true,
+ enforceRange: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ enforceRange: true
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].numOrStrOrNullConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (isURL(curArg)) {
+ curArg = utils.implForWrapper(curArg);
+ } else if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ clamp: true,
+ enforceRange: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
+ enforceRange: true
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ urlMapInnerConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].urlMapInnerConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ urlMapConsumer(a) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].urlMapConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ bufferSourceOrURLConsumer(b) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'bufferSourceOrURLConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (isURL(curArg)) {
+ curArg = utils.implForWrapper(curArg);
+ } else if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
+ } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'bufferSourceOrURLConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].bufferSourceOrURLConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer(b) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
+ curArg = null;
+ } else {
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else if (utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" record\\" +
+ \\" is not an object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context:
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" record\\" +
+ \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
+ context:
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" record\\" +
+ \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ arrayBufferViewDupConsumer(b) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewDupConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewDupConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].arrayBufferViewDupConsumer(...args);
+ }
+ get buf() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"buf\\"]);
+ }
+ set buf(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayBuffer(V)) {
+ } else if (
+ ArrayBuffer.isView(V) &&
+ ( === \\"Uint8Array\\" || === \\"Uint16Array\\")
+ ) {
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to set the 'buf' property on 'TypedefsAndUnions': The provided value\\" +
+ \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ this[impl][\\"buf\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get time() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"time\\"];
+ }
+ set time(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"unsigned long long\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'time' property on 'TypedefsAndUnions': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"time\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(TypedefsAndUnions.prototype, {
+ numOrStrConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ numOrEnumConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ numOrStrOrNullConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ urlMapInnerConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ urlMapConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ bufferSourceOrURLConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ arrayBufferViewDupConsumer: { enumerable: true },
+ buf: { enumerable: true },
+ time: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"TypedefsAndUnions\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = TypedefsAndUnions;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: TypedefsAndUnions
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/TypedefsAndUnions.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors URL.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URL'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URL\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URL is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URL\\";
+ class URL {
+ constructor(url) {
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URL': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'URL': parameter 1\\" });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'URL': parameter 2\\" });
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
+ }
+ toJSON() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].toJSON();
+ }
+ get href() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"href\\"];
+ }
+ set href(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'href' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"href\\"] = V;
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"href\\"];
+ }
+ get origin() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"origin\\"];
+ }
+ get protocol() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"protocol\\"];
+ }
+ set protocol(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"protocol\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get username() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"username\\"];
+ }
+ set username(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'username' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"username\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get password() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"password\\"];
+ }
+ set password(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'password' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"password\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get host() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"host\\"];
+ }
+ set host(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'host' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"host\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get hostname() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"hostname\\"];
+ }
+ set hostname(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'hostname' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"hostname\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get port() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"port\\"];
+ }
+ set port(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'port' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"port\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get pathname() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"pathname\\"];
+ }
+ set pathname(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'pathname' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"pathname\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get search() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"search\\"];
+ }
+ set search(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'search' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"search\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get searchParams() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return utils.getSameObject(this, \\"searchParams\\", () => {
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"searchParams\\"]);
+ });
+ }
+ get hash() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"hash\\"];
+ }
+ set hash(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'hash' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
+ this[impl][\\"hash\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URL.prototype, {
+ toJSON: { enumerable: true },
+ href: { enumerable: true },
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ origin: { enumerable: true },
+ protocol: { enumerable: true },
+ username: { enumerable: true },
+ password: { enumerable: true },
+ host: { enumerable: true },
+ hostname: { enumerable: true },
+ port: { enumerable: true },
+ pathname: { enumerable: true },
+ search: { enumerable: true },
+ searchParams: { enumerable: true },
+ hash: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URL\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URL;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URL
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URL.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors URLList.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLList'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLList\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URLList is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URLList\\";
+ class URLList {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ item(index) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLList': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLList': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].item(...args));
+ }
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLList.prototype, {
+ item: { enumerable: true },
+ length: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLList\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true },
+ keys: { value: Array.prototype.keys, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
+ values: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
+ entries: { value: Array.prototype.entries, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
+ forEach: { value: Array.prototype.forEach, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLList;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URLList
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index)) {
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ return {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ ignoreNamedProps = true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index)) {
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ ownDesc = {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ return !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index);
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLList.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors URLSearchParams.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+const IteratorPrototype = Object.create(utils.IteratorPrototype, {
+ next: {
+ value: function next() {
+ const internal = this[utils.iterInternalSymbol];
+ const { target, kind, index } = internal;
+ const values = Array.from(target[impl]);
+ const len = values.length;
+ if (index >= len) {
+ return { value: undefined, done: true };
+ }
+ const pair = values[index];
+ internal.index = index + 1;
+ const [key, value] =;
+ let result;
+ switch (kind) {
+ case \\"key\\":
+ result = key;
+ break;
+ case \\"value\\":
+ result = value;
+ break;
+ case \\"key+value\\":
+ result = [key, value];
+ break;
+ }
+ return { value: result, done: false };
+ },
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: {
+ value: \\"URLSearchParams Iterator\\",
+ configurable: true
+ }
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParams'.\`);
+exports.createDefaultIterator = function createDefaultIterator(target, kind) {
+ const iterator = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);
+ Object.defineProperty(iterator, utils.iterInternalSymbol, {
+ value: { target, kind, index: 0 },
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ return iterator;
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParams\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParams is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParams\\";
+ class URLSearchParams {
+ constructor() {
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (curArg !== undefined) {
+ if (utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ if (curArg[Symbol.iterator] !== undefined) {
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" sequence\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ if (!utils.isObject(nextItem)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" sequence\\" +
+ \\"'s element\\" +
+ \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = nextItem;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](nextItem, {
+ context:
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" +
+ \\" sequence\\" +
+ \\"'s element\\" +
+ \\"'s element\\"
+ });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ nextItem = V;
+ }
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const result = Object.create(null);
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
+ const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
+ if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
+ let typedKey = key;
+ typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
+ context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\"'s key\\"
+ });
+ let typedValue = curArg[key];
+ typedValue = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\"'s value\\"
+ });
+ result[typedKey] = typedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ curArg = result;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ curArg = \\"\\";
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
+ }
+ append(name, value) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].append(...args);
+ }
+ delete(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'delete' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'delete' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].delete(...args);
+ }
+ get(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'get' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'get' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].get(...args);
+ }
+ getAll(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'getAll' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'getAll' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].getAll(...args));
+ }
+ has(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'has' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'has' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].has(...args);
+ }
+ set(name, value) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[1];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 2\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].set(...args);
+ }
+ sort() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].sort();
+ }
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl].toString();
+ }
+ keys() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"key\\");
+ }
+ values() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"value\\");
+ }
+ entries() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"key+value\\");
+ }
+ forEach(callback) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'forEach' on 'iterable': 1 argument required, \\" + \\"but only 0 present.\\");
+ }
+ if (typeof callback !== \\"function\\") {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'forEach' on 'iterable': The callback provided \\" + \\"as parameter 1 is not a function.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const thisArg = arguments[1];
+ let pairs = Array.from(this[impl]);
+ let i = 0;
+ while (i < pairs.length) {
+ const [key, value] = pairs[i].map(utils.tryWrapperForImpl);
+, value, key, this);
+ pairs = Array.from(this[impl]);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParams.prototype, {
+ append: { enumerable: true },
+ delete: { enumerable: true },
+ get: { enumerable: true },
+ getAll: { enumerable: true },
+ has: { enumerable: true },
+ set: { enumerable: true },
+ sort: { enumerable: true },
+ toString: { enumerable: true },
+ keys: { enumerable: true },
+ values: { enumerable: true },
+ entries: { enumerable: true },
+ forEach: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParams\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { value: URLSearchParams.prototype.entries, configurable: true, writable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParams;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URLSearchParams
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParams.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors URLSearchParamsCollection.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParamsCollection'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParamsCollection is not installed on the passed global object\\"
+ );
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\";
+ class URLSearchParamsCollection {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ item(index) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].item(...args));
+ }
+ namedItem(name) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'namedItem' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'namedItem' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].namedItem(...args));
+ }
+ get length() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParamsCollection.prototype, {
+ item: { enumerable: true },
+ namedItem: { enumerable: true },
+ length: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParamsCollection;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URLSearchParamsCollection
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
+ return {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ ignoreNamedProps = true;
+ }
+ const namedValue = target[impl].namedItem(P);
+ if (namedValue !== null && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ return {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
+ typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
+ ownDesc = {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
+ if (!creating) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ return !(target[impl].item(index) !== undefined);
+ }
+ if (target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null && !(P in target)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParamsCollection.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors URLSearchParamsCollection2.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+const URLSearchParamsCollection = require(\\"./URLSearchParamsCollection.js\\");
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParamsCollection2'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParamsCollection2 is not installed on the passed global object\\"
+ );
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
+ URLSearchParamsCollection._internalSetup(obj);
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\";
+ if (globalObject.URLSearchParamsCollection === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(
+ \\"Internal error: attempting to evaluate URLSearchParamsCollection2 before URLSearchParamsCollection\\"
+ );
+ }
+ class URLSearchParamsCollection2 extends globalObject.URLSearchParamsCollection {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParamsCollection2.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParamsCollection2;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: URLSearchParamsCollection2
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
+ return {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ ignoreNamedProps = true;
+ }
+ const namedValue = target[impl].namedItem(P);
+ if (namedValue !== null && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ return {
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
+ if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ let namedValue = V;
+ namedValue = convertURL(namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'URLSearchParamsCollection2': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
+ if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
+ ownDesc = {
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ if (desc.get || desc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let namedValue = desc.value;
+ namedValue = convertURL(namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'URLSearchParamsCollection2': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ const index = P >>> 0;
+ return !(target[impl].item(index) !== undefined);
+ }
+ if (target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null && !(P in target)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParamsCollection2.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors UnderscoredProperties.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'UnderscoredProperties'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"UnderscoredProperties\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor UnderscoredProperties is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"UnderscoredProperties\\";
+ class UnderscoredProperties {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ operation(sequence) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
+ );
+ } else {
+ const V = [];
+ const tmp = curArg;
+ for (let nextItem of tmp) {
+ nextItem = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](nextItem, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
+ });
+ V.push(nextItem);
+ }
+ curArg = V;
+ }
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].operation(...args);
+ }
+ get attribute() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"attribute\\"];
+ }
+ set attribute(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"byte\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'attribute' property on 'UnderscoredProperties': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"attribute\\"] = V;
+ }
+ static static(void_) {
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'static' on 'UnderscoredProperties': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'static' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return Impl.implementation.static(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(UnderscoredProperties.prototype, {
+ operation: { enumerable: true },
+ attribute: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"UnderscoredProperties\\", configurable: true },
+ const: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperties(UnderscoredProperties, {
+ static: { enumerable: true },
+ const: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = UnderscoredProperties;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: UnderscoredProperties
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/UnderscoredProperties.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Unforgeable.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Unforgeable'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Unforgeable\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Unforgeable is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
+ Object.defineProperties(
+ obj,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
+ assign(url) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'assign' on 'Unforgeable': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'assign' on 'Unforgeable': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].assign(...args);
+ },
+ get href() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"href\\"];
+ },
+ set href(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'href' property on 'Unforgeable': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"href\\"] = V;
+ },
+ toString() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"href\\"];
+ },
+ get origin() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"origin\\"];
+ },
+ get protocol() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"protocol\\"];
+ },
+ set protocol(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'Unforgeable': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ obj[impl][\\"protocol\\"] = V;
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ Object.defineProperties(obj, {
+ assign: { configurable: false, writable: false },
+ href: { configurable: false },
+ toString: { configurable: false, writable: false },
+ origin: { configurable: false },
+ protocol: { configurable: false }
+ });
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Unforgeable\\";
+ class Unforgeable {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Unforgeable.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Unforgeable\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Unforgeable;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Unforgeable
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Unforgeable.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors UnforgeableMap.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'UnforgeableMap'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"UnforgeableMap\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor UnforgeableMap is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
+ Object.defineProperties(
+ obj,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
+ get a() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return obj[impl][\\"a\\"];
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ Object.defineProperties(obj, { a: { configurable: false } });
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"UnforgeableMap\\";
+ class UnforgeableMap {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(UnforgeableMap.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"UnforgeableMap\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = UnforgeableMap;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: UnforgeableMap
+ });
+const proxyHandler = {
+ get(target, P, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent === null) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
+ }
+ if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
+ return desc.value;
+ }
+ const getter = desc.get;
+ if (getter === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
+ },
+ has(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.has(target, P);
+ }
+ const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.has(parent, P);
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ownKeys(target) {
+ const keys = new Set();
+ for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
+ if (!(key in target)) {
+ keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
+ keys.add(key);
+ }
+ return [...keys];
+ },
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ let ignoreNamedProps = false;
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
+ const namedValue = target[impl][utils.namedGet](P);
+ return {
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
+ };
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ },
+ set(target, P, V, receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ if (target === receiver) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
+ let namedValue = V;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'UnforgeableMap': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let ownDesc;
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
+ }
+ if (ownDesc === undefined) {
+ const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
+ }
+ ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
+ }
+ if (!ownDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
+ let valueDesc;
+ if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
+ if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!existingDesc.writable) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ valueDesc = { value: V };
+ } else {
+ valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
+ },
+ defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ }
+ if (![\\"a\\"].includes(P)) {
+ if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
+ if (desc.get || desc.set) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let namedValue = desc.value;
+ namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'UnforgeableMap': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
+ if (creating) {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
+ } else {
+ target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
+ },
+ deleteProperty(target, P) {
+ if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ }
+ if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
+ },
+ preventExtensions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/UnforgeableMap.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Unscopable.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Unscopable'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Unscopable\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Unscopable is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Unscopable\\";
+ class Unscopable {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ get unscopableTest() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"unscopableTest\\"];
+ }
+ set unscopableTest(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'unscopableTest' property on 'Unscopable': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"unscopableTest\\"] = V;
+ }
+ get unscopableMixin() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ return this[impl][\\"unscopableMixin\\"];
+ }
+ set unscopableMixin(V) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
+ context: \\"Failed to set the 'unscopableMixin' property on 'Unscopable': The provided value\\"
+ });
+ this[impl][\\"unscopableMixin\\"] = V;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Unscopable.prototype, {
+ unscopableTest: { enumerable: true },
+ unscopableMixin: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Unscopable\\", configurable: true },
+ [Symbol.unscopables]: {
+ value: { unscopableTest: true, unscopableMixin: true, __proto__: null },
+ configurable: true
+ }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Unscopable;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Unscopable
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Unscopable.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors Variadic.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Variadic'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Variadic\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Variadic is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"Variadic\\";
+ class Variadic {
+ constructor() {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
+ }
+ simple1() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].simple1(...args);
+ }
+ simple2(first) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = convertURL(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1) });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ return this[impl].simple2(...args);
+ }
+ overloaded1() {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ default: {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].overloaded1(...args);
+ }
+ overloaded2(first) {
+ if (!this || ! {
+ throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) {
+ throw new TypeError(
+ \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
+ arguments.length +
+ \\" present.\\"
+ );
+ }
+ const args = [];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default: {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ let curArg = arguments[0];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ let curArg = arguments[i];
+ curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
+ context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
+ });
+ args.push(curArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this[impl].overloaded2(...args);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(Variadic.prototype, {
+ simple1: { enumerable: true },
+ simple2: { enumerable: true },
+ overloaded1: { enumerable: true },
+ overloaded2: { enumerable: true },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Variadic\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Variadic;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: Variadic
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Variadic.js\\");
+exports[`without with processors ZeroArgConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
+"\\"use strict\\";
+const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
+const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
+const impl = utils.implSymbol;
+const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
+ * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
+ * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
+ * implementing this mixin interface.
+ */
+exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
+ for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
+ if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
+ if ( {
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'ZeroArgConstructor'.\`);
+exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
+ }
+ const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"ZeroArgConstructor\\"];
+ if (ctor === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor ZeroArgConstructor is not installed on the passed global object\\");
+ }
+ let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
+ obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return obj;
+exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
+ const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
+ return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
+exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
+exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
+ privateData.wrapper = obj;
+ exports._internalSetup(obj);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
+ value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
+ if (Impl.init) {
+ Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
+ }
+ return obj;
+exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
+ const interfaceName = \\"ZeroArgConstructor\\";
+ class ZeroArgConstructor {
+ constructor() {
+ return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, undefined);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(ZeroArgConstructor.prototype, {
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"ZeroArgConstructor\\", configurable: true }
+ });
+ if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = ZeroArgConstructor;
+ Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: ZeroArgConstructor
+ });
+const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/ZeroArgConstructor.js\\");
diff --git a/test/test.js b/test/test.js
index a3b3c481..28db1cd7 100644
--- a/test/test.js
+++ b/test/test.js
@@ -9,43 +9,63 @@ const casesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "cases");
const implsDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "implementations");
const outputDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "output");
-beforeAll(() => {
- const transformer = new Transformer({
- processCEReactions(code) {
- const ceReactions = this.addImport("../CEReactions");
- return `
- ${ceReactions}.preSteps(globalObject);
- try {
- ${code}
- } finally {
- ${ceReactions}.postSteps(globalObject);
- }
- `;
- },
- processHTMLConstructor() {
- const htmlConstructor = this.addImport("../HTMLConstructor", "HTMLConstructor");
- return `
- return ${htmlConstructor}(globalObject, interfaceName);
- `;
- }
+const idlFiles = fs.readdirSync(casesDir);
+describe("without processors", () => {
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ const transformer = new Transformer();
+ transformer.addSource(casesDir, implsDir);
+ return transformer.generate(outputDir);
- transformer.addSource(casesDir, implsDir);
- return transformer.generate(outputDir);
+ for (const idlFile of idlFiles) {
+ test(idlFile, () => {
+ const outputFile = path.resolve(outputDir, path.basename(idlFile, ".webidl") + ".js");
+ const output = fs.readFileSync(outputFile, { encoding: "utf-8" });
+ expect(output).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ }
-const idlFiles = fs.readdirSync(casesDir);
+describe("with processors", () => {
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ const transformer = new Transformer({
+ processCEReactions(code) {
+ const ceReactions = this.addImport("../CEReactions");
-for (const idlFile of idlFiles) {
- test(idlFile, () => {
- const outputFile = path.resolve(outputDir, path.basename(idlFile, ".webidl") + ".js");
- const output = fs.readFileSync(outputFile, { encoding: "utf-8" });
+ return `
+ ${ceReactions}.preSteps(globalObject);
+ try {
+ ${code}
+ } finally {
+ ${ceReactions}.postSteps(globalObject);
+ }
+ `;
+ },
+ processHTMLConstructor() {
+ const htmlConstructor = this.addImport("../HTMLConstructor", "HTMLConstructor");
- expect(output).toMatchSnapshot();
+ return `
+ return ${htmlConstructor}(globalObject, interfaceName);
+ `;
+ }
+ });
+ transformer.addSource(casesDir, implsDir);
+ return transformer.generate(outputDir);
+ for (const idlFile of idlFiles) {
+ test(idlFile, () => {
+ const outputFile = path.resolve(outputDir, path.basename(idlFile, ".webidl") + ".js");
+ const output = fs.readFileSync(outputFile, { encoding: "utf-8" });
+ expect(output).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ }
test("utils.js", () => {
const input = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(rootDir, "lib/output/utils.js"), { encoding: "utf-8" });
From eeac91211abbff6df0ea14f69ebb3c45b2ab66ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre-Marie Dartus
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 08:16:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] update jest snapshots
test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap | 7681 +------------------------------
1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 7648 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap b/test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap
index 41113f55..3f13d0a7 100644
--- a/test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap
+++ b/test/__snapshots__/test.js.snap
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,
-exports[`BufferSourceTypes.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors BufferSourceTypes.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/BufferSourceTypes.js\\");
-exports[`CEReactions.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors CEReactions.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/CEReactions.js\\");
-exports[`DOMImplementation.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors DOMImplementation.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/DOMImplementation.js\\");
-exports[`Dictionary.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Dictionary.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } =
-exports[`DictionaryConvert.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors DictionaryConvert.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/DictionaryConvert.js\\");
-exports[`Enum.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Enum.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Enum.js\\");
-exports[`Global.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Global.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Global.js\\");
-exports[`HTMLConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors HTMLConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/HTMLConstructor.js\\");
-exports[`LegacyArrayClass.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors LegacyArrayClass.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -1636,7 +1636,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/LegacyArrayClass.js\\");
-exports[`MixedIn.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors MixedIn.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/MixedIn.js\\");
-exports[`Overloads.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Overloads.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -2232,7 +2232,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Overloads.js\\");
-exports[`PromiseTypes.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors PromiseTypes.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -2399,7 +2399,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/PromiseTypes.js\\");
-exports[`Reflect.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Reflect.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -2645,7 +2645,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Reflect.js\\");
-exports[`RequestDestination.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors RequestDestination.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const enumerationValues = new Set([
@@ -2678,7 +2678,7 @@ exports.convert = function convert(value, { context = \\"The provided value\\" }
-exports[`SeqAndRec.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors SeqAndRec.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -2990,7 +2990,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/SeqAndRec.js\\");
-exports[`Static.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Static.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -3142,7 +3142,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Static.js\\");
-exports[`Storage.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Storage.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -3524,7 +3524,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Storage.js\\");
-exports[`StringifierAttribute.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors StringifierAttribute.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -3652,7 +3652,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierAttribute.js\\");
-exports[`StringifierDefaultOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors StringifierDefaultOperation.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -3774,7 +3774,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierDefaultOperation.js\\");
-exports[`StringifierNamedOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors StringifierNamedOperation.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -3905,7 +3905,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierNamedOperation.js\\");
-exports[`StringifierOperation.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors StringifierOperation.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -4025,7 +4025,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierOperation.js\\");
-exports[`TypedefsAndUnions.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors TypedefsAndUnions.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -4553,7 +4553,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/TypedefsAndUnions.js\\");
-exports[`URL.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors URL.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -4919,7 +4919,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URL.js\\");
-exports[`URLList.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors URLList.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -5228,7 +5228,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLList.js\\");
-exports[`URLSearchParams.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors URLSearchParams.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -5692,7 +5692,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParams.js\\");
-exports[`URLSearchParamsCollection.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors URLSearchParamsCollection.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -6051,7 +6051,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParamsCollection.js\\");
-exports[`URLSearchParamsCollection2.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors URLSearchParamsCollection2.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -6392,7 +6392,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParamsCollection2.js\\");
-exports[`UnderscoredProperties.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors UnderscoredProperties.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -6585,7 +6585,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/UnderscoredProperties.js\\");
-exports[`Unforgeable.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Unforgeable.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -6781,7 +6781,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Unforgeable.js\\");
-exports[`UnforgeableMap.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors UnforgeableMap.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -7084,7 +7084,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/UnforgeableMap.js\\");
-exports[`Unscopable.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Unscopable.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -7241,7 +7241,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Unscopable.js\\");
-exports[`Variadic.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors Variadic.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -7504,7 +7504,7 @@ const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Variadic.js\\");
-exports[`ZeroArgConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
+exports[`with processors ZeroArgConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
"\\"use strict\\";
const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
@@ -15197,7618 +15197,3 @@ exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/ZeroArgConstructor.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors BufferSourceTypes.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'BufferSourceTypes'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"BufferSourceTypes\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor BufferSourceTypes is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"BufferSourceTypes\\";
- class BufferSourceTypes {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- bs(source) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'bs' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
- } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'bs' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].bs(...args);
- }
- ab(ab) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'ab' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"ArrayBuffer\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'ab' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].ab(...args);
- }
- abv(abv) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'abv' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'abv' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].abv(...args);
- }
- u8a(u8) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'u8a' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"Uint8Array\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'u8a' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].u8a(...args);
- }
- abUnion(ab) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'abUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
- } else {
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'abUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
- });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].abUnion(...args);
- }
- u8aUnion(ab) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'u8aUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg) && === \\"Uint8Array\\") {
- } else {
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'u8aUnion' on 'BufferSourceTypes': parameter 1\\"
- });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].u8aUnion(...args);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(BufferSourceTypes.prototype, {
- bs: { enumerable: true },
- ab: { enumerable: true },
- abv: { enumerable: true },
- u8a: { enumerable: true },
- abUnion: { enumerable: true },
- u8aUnion: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"BufferSourceTypes\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = BufferSourceTypes;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: BufferSourceTypes
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/BufferSourceTypes.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors CEReactions.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const CEReactions = require(\\"../CEReactions.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'CEReactions'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"CEReactions\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor CEReactions is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"CEReactions\\";
- class CEReactions {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- method() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
- try {
- return this[impl].method();
- } finally {
- CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
- }
- }
- get attr() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
- try {
- return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
- } finally {
- CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
- }
- }
- set attr(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'attr' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
- });
- CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
- try {
- this[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
- } finally {
- CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
- }
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(CEReactions.prototype, {
- method: { enumerable: true },
- attr: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"CEReactions\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = CEReactions;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: CEReactions
- });
-const proxyHandler = {
- get(target, P, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc === undefined) {
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent === null) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
- return desc.value;
- }
- const getter = desc.get;
- if (getter === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
- },
- has(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.has(target, P);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc !== undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.has(parent, P);
- }
- return false;
- },
- ownKeys(target) {
- const keys = new Set();
- for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
- if (!(key in target)) {
- keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
- }
- }
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
- keys.add(key);
- }
- return [...keys];
- },
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- let ignoreNamedProps = false;
- if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
- const namedValue = target[impl][utils.namedGet](P);
- return {
- writable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
- };
- }
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- },
- set(target, P, V, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
- }
- if (target === receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- let namedValue = V;
- namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
- });
- CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
- try {
- const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
- if (creating) {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
- } else {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
- }
- } finally {
- CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- let ownDesc;
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
- }
- ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
- }
- if (!ownDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
- return false;
- }
- const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
- let valueDesc;
- if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
- if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!existingDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- valueDesc = { value: V };
- } else {
- valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
- },
- defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- }
- if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
- if (desc.get || desc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- let namedValue = desc.value;
- namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'CEReactions': The provided value\\"
- });
- CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
- try {
- const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
- if (creating) {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
- } else {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
- }
- } finally {
- CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- },
- deleteProperty(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- }
- if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
- CEReactions.preSteps(globalObject);
- try {
- target[impl][utils.namedDelete](P);
- return true;
- } finally {
- CEReactions.postSteps(globalObject);
- }
- }
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- },
- preventExtensions() {
- return false;
- }
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/CEReactions.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors DOMImplementation.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'DOMImplementation'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"DOMImplementation\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor DOMImplementation is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"DOMImplementation\\";
- class DOMImplementation {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- createDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 3) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': 3 arguments required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 2\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[2];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocumentType' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 3\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createDocumentType(...args));
- }
- createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 2) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
- curArg = null;
- } else {
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
- });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 2\\",
- treatNullAsEmptyString: true
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[2];
- if (curArg !== undefined) {
- if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
- curArg = null;
- } else {
- curArg = utils.tryImplForWrapper(curArg);
- }
- } else {
- curArg = null;
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createDocument(...args));
- }
- createHTMLDocument() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg !== undefined) {
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'createHTMLDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': parameter 1\\"
- });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].createHTMLDocument(...args));
- }
- hasFeature() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].hasFeature();
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(DOMImplementation.prototype, {
- createDocumentType: { enumerable: true },
- createDocument: { enumerable: true },
- createHTMLDocument: { enumerable: true },
- hasFeature: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"DOMImplementation\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = DOMImplementation;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: DOMImplementation
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/DOMImplementation.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Dictionary.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
-const convertURLSearchParams = require(\\"./URLSearchParams.js\\").convert;
-exports.convertInherit = function convertInherit(obj, ret, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- {
- const key = \\"boolWithDefault\\";
- let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
- if (value !== undefined) {
- value = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](value, { context: context + \\" has member boolWithDefault that\\" });
- ret[key] = value;
- } else {
- ret[key] = false;
- }
- }
- {
- const key = \\"requiredInterface\\";
- let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
- if (value !== undefined) {
- value = convertURL(value, { context: context + \\" has member requiredInterface that\\" });
- ret[key] = value;
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(\\"requiredInterface is required in 'Dictionary'\\");
- }
- }
- {
- const key = \\"seq\\";
- let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
- if (value !== undefined) {
- if (!utils.isObject(value)) {
- throw new TypeError(context + \\" has member seq that\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\");
- } else {
- const V = [];
- const tmp = value;
- for (let nextItem of tmp) {
- nextItem = convertURLSearchParams(nextItem, { context: context + \\" has member seq that\\" + \\"'s element\\" });
- V.push(nextItem);
- }
- value = V;
- }
- ret[key] = value;
- }
- }
- {
- const key = \\"vanillaString\\";
- let value = obj === undefined || obj === null ? undefined : obj[key];
- if (value !== undefined) {
- value = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](value, { context: context + \\" has member vanillaString that\\" });
- ret[key] = value;
- }
- }
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if (obj !== undefined && typeof obj !== \\"object\\" && typeof obj !== \\"function\\") {
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not an object.\`);
- }
- const ret = Object.create(null);
- module.exports.convertInherit(obj, ret, { context });
- return ret;
-exports[`without with processors DictionaryConvert.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const convertDictionary = require(\\"./Dictionary.js\\").convert;
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'DictionaryConvert'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"DictionaryConvert\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor DictionaryConvert is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"DictionaryConvert\\";
- class DictionaryConvert {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- op() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg !== undefined) {
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'DictionaryConvert': parameter 1\\"
- });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = convertDictionary(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'DictionaryConvert': parameter 2\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].op(...args);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(DictionaryConvert.prototype, {
- op: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"DictionaryConvert\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = DictionaryConvert;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: DictionaryConvert
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/DictionaryConvert.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Enum.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const convertRequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\").convert;
-const RequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Enum'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Enum\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Enum is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Enum\\";
- class Enum {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- op(destination) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'Enum': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = convertRequestDestination(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'op' on 'Enum': parameter 1\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].op(...args);
- }
- get attr() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"attr\\"]);
- }
- set attr(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = \`\${V}\`;
- if (!RequestDestination.enumerationValues.has(V)) {
- return;
- }
- this[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Enum.prototype, {
- op: { enumerable: true },
- attr: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Enum\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Enum;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Enum
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Enum.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Global.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Global'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Global\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Global is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
- Object.defineProperties(
- obj,
- Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
- op() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].op();
- },
- unforgeableOp() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].unforgeableOp();
- },
- get attr() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return obj[impl][\\"attr\\"];
- },
- set attr(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'attr' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
- });
- obj[impl][\\"attr\\"] = V;
- },
- get unforgeableAttr() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return obj[impl][\\"unforgeableAttr\\"];
- },
- set unforgeableAttr(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'unforgeableAttr' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
- });
- obj[impl][\\"unforgeableAttr\\"] = V;
- },
- get length() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return obj[impl][\\"length\\"];
- },
- set length(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'length' property on 'Global': The provided value\\"
- });
- obj[impl][\\"length\\"] = V;
- },
- [Symbol.iterator]: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator],
- keys: Array.prototype.keys,
- values: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator],
- entries: Array.prototype.entries,
- forEach: Array.prototype.forEach
- })
- );
- Object.defineProperties(obj, {
- unforgeableOp: { configurable: false, writable: false },
- unforgeableAttr: { configurable: false },
- [Symbol.iterator]: { enumerable: false }
- });
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Global\\";
- class Global {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Global.prototype, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Global\\", configurable: true } });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Global;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Global
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Global.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors HTMLConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const HTMLConstructor_HTMLConstructor = require(\\"../HTMLConstructor.js\\").HTMLConstructor;
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'HTMLConstructor'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"HTMLConstructor\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor HTMLConstructor is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"HTMLConstructor\\";
- class HTMLConstructor {
- constructor() {
- return HTMLConstructor_HTMLConstructor(globalObject, interfaceName);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(HTMLConstructor.prototype, {
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"HTMLConstructor\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = HTMLConstructor;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: HTMLConstructor
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/HTMLConstructor.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors LegacyArrayClass.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'LegacyArrayClass'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"LegacyArrayClass\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor LegacyArrayClass is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"LegacyArrayClass\\";
- class LegacyArrayClass {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- get length() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
- }
- }
- Object.setPrototypeOf(LegacyArrayClass.prototype, Array.prototype);
- Object.defineProperties(LegacyArrayClass.prototype, {
- length: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"LegacyArrayClass\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = LegacyArrayClass;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: LegacyArrayClass
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/LegacyArrayClass.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors MixedIn.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'MixedIn'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"MixedIn\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor MixedIn is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"MixedIn\\";
- class MixedIn {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- mixedInOp() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].mixedInOp();
- }
- ifaceMixinOp() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].ifaceMixinOp();
- }
- get mixedInAttr() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"mixedInAttr\\"];
- }
- set mixedInAttr(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'mixedInAttr' property on 'MixedIn': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"mixedInAttr\\"] = V;
- }
- get ifaceMixinAttr() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"ifaceMixinAttr\\"];
- }
- set ifaceMixinAttr(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'ifaceMixinAttr' property on 'MixedIn': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"ifaceMixinAttr\\"] = V;
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(MixedIn.prototype, {
- mixedInOp: { enumerable: true },
- ifaceMixinOp: { enumerable: true },
- mixedInAttr: { enumerable: true },
- ifaceMixinAttr: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"MixedIn\\", configurable: true },
- mixedInConst: { value: 43, enumerable: true },
- ifaceMixinConst: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
- });
- Object.defineProperties(MixedIn, {
- mixedInConst: { value: 43, enumerable: true },
- ifaceMixinConst: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = MixedIn;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: MixedIn
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/MixedIn.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Overloads.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const isURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").is;
-const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Overloads'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Overloads\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Overloads is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Overloads\\";
- class Overloads {
- constructor() {
- const args = [];
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 0:
- break;
- default: {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (isURL(curArg)) {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = convertURL(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'Overloads': parameter 1\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'Overloads': parameter 1\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
- }
- compatible(arg1) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 1:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[2];
- if (curArg !== undefined) {
- curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'compatible' on 'Overloads': parameter 3\\"
- });
- } else {
- curArg = 0;
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].compatible(...args));
- }
- incompatible1(arg1) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible1' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- }
- return this[impl].incompatible1(...args);
- }
- incompatible2(arg1) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 1:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible2' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- return this[impl].incompatible2(...args);
- }
- incompatible3(arg1) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 1:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- if (curArg === undefined) {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- if (curArg !== undefined) {
- curArg = convertURL(curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
- });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else if (isURL(curArg)) {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- if (curArg !== undefined) {
- curArg = convertURL(curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
- });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
- } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
- } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': only \\" + arguments.length + \\" arguments present.\\"
- );
- break;
- default:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"long\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 2\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[2];
- if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
- } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 3\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[3];
- if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
- } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'incompatible3' on 'Overloads': parameter 4\\" + \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- return this[impl].incompatible3(...args);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Overloads.prototype, {
- compatible: { enumerable: true },
- incompatible1: { enumerable: true },
- incompatible2: { enumerable: true },
- incompatible3: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Overloads\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Overloads;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Overloads
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Overloads.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors PromiseTypes.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'PromiseTypes'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"PromiseTypes\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor PromiseTypes is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"PromiseTypes\\";
- class PromiseTypes {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- voidPromiseConsumer(p) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'voidPromiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = Promise.resolve(curArg).then(
- value => {},
- reason => reason
- );
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].voidPromiseConsumer(...args);
- }
- promiseConsumer(p) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'promiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = Promise.resolve(curArg).then(
- value => {
- value = conversions[\\"double\\"](value, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'promiseConsumer' on 'PromiseTypes': parameter 1\\" + \\" promise value\\"
- });
- return value;
- },
- reason => reason
- );
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].promiseConsumer(...args);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(PromiseTypes.prototype, {
- voidPromiseConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- promiseConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"PromiseTypes\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = PromiseTypes;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: PromiseTypes
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/PromiseTypes.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Reflect.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Reflect'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Reflect\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Reflect is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Reflect\\";
- class Reflect {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- get ReflectedBoolean() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].hasAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\");
- }
- set ReflectedBoolean(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedBoolean' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
- });
- if (V) {
- this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\", \\"\\");
- } else {
- this[impl].removeAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedboolean\\");
- }
- }
- get ReflectedDOMString() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflecteddomstring\\");
- return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
- }
- set ReflectedDOMString(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedDOMString' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflecteddomstring\\", V);
- }
- get ReflectedLong() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const value = parseInt(this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedlong\\"));
- return isNaN(value) || value < -2147483648 || value > 2147483647 ? 0 : value;
- }
- set ReflectedLong(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"long\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedLong' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedlong\\", String(V));
- }
- get ReflectedUnsignedLong() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const value = parseInt(this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedunsignedlong\\"));
- return isNaN(value) || value < 0 || value > 2147483647 ? 0 : value;
- }
- set ReflectedUnsignedLong(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectedUnsignedLong' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflectedunsignedlong\\", String(V > 2147483647 ? 0 : V));
- }
- get ReflectionTest() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"reflection\\");
- return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
- }
- set ReflectionTest(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'ReflectionTest' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"reflection\\", V);
- }
- get withUnderscore() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const value = this[impl].getAttributeNS(null, \\"with-underscore\\");
- return value === null ? \\"\\" : value;
- }
- set withUnderscore(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'withUnderscore' property on 'Reflect': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl].setAttributeNS(null, \\"with-underscore\\", V);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Reflect.prototype, {
- ReflectedBoolean: { enumerable: true },
- ReflectedDOMString: { enumerable: true },
- ReflectedLong: { enumerable: true },
- ReflectedUnsignedLong: { enumerable: true },
- ReflectionTest: { enumerable: true },
- withUnderscore: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Reflect\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Reflect;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Reflect
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Reflect.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors RequestDestination.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const enumerationValues = new Set([
- \\"\\",
- \\"audio\\",
- \\"document\\",
- \\"embed\\",
- \\"font\\",
- \\"image\\",
- \\"manifest\\",
- \\"object\\",
- \\"report\\",
- \\"script\\",
- \\"sharedworker\\",
- \\"style\\",
- \\"track\\",
- \\"video\\",
- \\"worker\\",
- \\"xslt\\"
-exports.enumerationValues = enumerationValues;
-exports.convert = function convert(value, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- const string = \`\${value}\`;
- if (!enumerationValues.has(value)) {
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} '\${value}' is not a valid enumeration value for RequestDestination\`);
- }
- return string;
-exports[`without with processors SeqAndRec.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'SeqAndRec'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"SeqAndRec\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor SeqAndRec is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"SeqAndRec\\";
- class SeqAndRec {
- constructor() {
- return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, undefined);
- }
- recordConsumer(rec) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\");
- } else {
- const result = Object.create(null);
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
- if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
- let typedKey = key;
- typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
- });
- let typedValue = curArg[key];
- typedValue = conversions[\\"double\\"](typedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
- });
- result[typedKey] = typedValue;
- }
- }
- curArg = result;
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].recordConsumer(...args);
- }
- recordConsumer2(rec) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\");
- } else {
- const result = Object.create(null);
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
- if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
- let typedKey = key;
- typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
- });
- let typedValue = curArg[key];
- typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'recordConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
- });
- result[typedKey] = typedValue;
- }
- }
- curArg = result;
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].recordConsumer2(...args);
- }
- sequenceConsumer(seq) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const V = [];
- const tmp = curArg;
- for (let nextItem of tmp) {
- nextItem = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](nextItem, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
- });
- V.push(nextItem);
- }
- curArg = V;
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].sequenceConsumer(...args);
- }
- sequenceConsumer2(seq) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'sequenceConsumer2' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const V = [];
- const tmp = curArg;
- for (let nextItem of tmp) {
- nextItem = utils.tryImplForWrapper(nextItem);
- V.push(nextItem);
- }
- curArg = V;
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].sequenceConsumer2(...args);
- }
- frozenArrayConsumer(arr) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const V = [];
- const tmp = curArg;
- for (let nextItem of tmp) {
- nextItem = conversions[\\"double\\"](nextItem, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'frozenArrayConsumer' on 'SeqAndRec': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
- });
- V.push(nextItem);
- }
- curArg = V;
- }
- curArg = Object.freeze(curArg);
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].frozenArrayConsumer(...args);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(SeqAndRec.prototype, {
- recordConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- recordConsumer2: { enumerable: true },
- sequenceConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- sequenceConsumer2: { enumerable: true },
- frozenArrayConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"SeqAndRec\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = SeqAndRec;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: SeqAndRec
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/SeqAndRec.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Static.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Static'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Static\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Static is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Static\\";
- class Static {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- def() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].def();
- }
- get abc() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"abc\\"];
- }
- set abc(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'abc' property on 'Static': The provided value\\" });
- this[impl][\\"abc\\"] = V;
- }
- static def() {
- return Impl.implementation.def();
- }
- static get abc() {
- return Impl.implementation[\\"abc\\"];
- }
- static set abc(V) {
- return Impl.implementation[\\"abc\\"];
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Static.prototype, {
- def: { enumerable: true },
- abc: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Static\\", configurable: true }
- });
- Object.defineProperties(Static, { def: { enumerable: true }, abc: { enumerable: true } });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Static;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Static
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Static.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Storage.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Storage'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Storage\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Storage is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Storage\\";
- class Storage {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- key(index) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'key' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'key' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].key(...args);
- }
- getItem(key) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'getItem' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'getItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].getItem(...args);
- }
- setItem(key, value) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 2) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': 2 arguments required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': parameter 2\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].setItem(...args);
- }
- removeItem(key) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'removeItem' on 'Storage': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'removeItem' on 'Storage': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].removeItem(...args);
- }
- clear() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].clear();
- }
- get length() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Storage.prototype, {
- key: { enumerable: true },
- getItem: { enumerable: true },
- setItem: { enumerable: true },
- removeItem: { enumerable: true },
- clear: { enumerable: true },
- length: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Storage\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Storage;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Storage
- });
-const proxyHandler = {
- get(target, P, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc === undefined) {
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent === null) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
- return desc.value;
- }
- const getter = desc.get;
- if (getter === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
- },
- has(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.has(target, P);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc !== undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.has(parent, P);
- }
- return false;
- },
- ownKeys(target) {
- const keys = new Set();
- for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
- if (!(key in target)) {
- keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
- }
- }
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
- keys.add(key);
- }
- return [...keys];
- },
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- let ignoreNamedProps = false;
- if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
- const namedValue = target[impl].getItem(P);
- return {
- writable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
- };
- }
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- },
- set(target, P, V, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
- }
- if (target === receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- let namedValue = V;
- namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'Storage': The provided value\\"
- });
- target[impl].setItem(P, namedValue);
- return true;
- }
- }
- let ownDesc;
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
- }
- ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
- }
- if (!ownDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
- return false;
- }
- const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
- let valueDesc;
- if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
- if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!existingDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- valueDesc = { value: V };
- } else {
- valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
- },
- defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- }
- if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
- if (desc.get || desc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- let namedValue = desc.value;
- namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'Storage': The provided value\\"
- });
- target[impl].setItem(P, namedValue);
- return true;
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- },
- deleteProperty(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- }
- if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
- target[impl].removeItem(P);
- return true;
- }
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- },
- preventExtensions() {
- return false;
- }
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Storage.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors StringifierAttribute.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierAttribute'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierAttribute\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor StringifierAttribute is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"StringifierAttribute\\";
- class StringifierAttribute {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- get attr() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
- }
- toString() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"attr\\"];
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(StringifierAttribute.prototype, {
- attr: { enumerable: true },
- toString: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierAttribute\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierAttribute;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: StringifierAttribute
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierAttribute.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors StringifierDefaultOperation.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierDefaultOperation'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(
- \\"Internal error: constructor StringifierDefaultOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\"
- );
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\";
- class StringifierDefaultOperation {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- toString() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].toString();
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(StringifierDefaultOperation.prototype, {
- toString: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierDefaultOperation\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierDefaultOperation;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: StringifierDefaultOperation
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierDefaultOperation.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors StringifierNamedOperation.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierNamedOperation'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierNamedOperation\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(
- \\"Internal error: constructor StringifierNamedOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\"
- );
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"StringifierNamedOperation\\";
- class StringifierNamedOperation {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- operation() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].operation();
- }
- toString() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].operation();
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(StringifierNamedOperation.prototype, {
- operation: { enumerable: true },
- toString: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierNamedOperation\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierNamedOperation;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: StringifierNamedOperation
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierNamedOperation.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors StringifierOperation.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'StringifierOperation'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"StringifierOperation\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor StringifierOperation is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"StringifierOperation\\";
- class StringifierOperation {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- toString() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].toString();
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(StringifierOperation.prototype, {
- toString: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"StringifierOperation\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = StringifierOperation;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: StringifierOperation
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/StringifierOperation.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors TypedefsAndUnions.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const convertRequestDestination = require(\\"./RequestDestination.js\\").convert;
-const isURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").is;
-const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'TypedefsAndUnions'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"TypedefsAndUnions\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor TypedefsAndUnions is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"TypedefsAndUnions\\";
- class TypedefsAndUnions {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- numOrStrConsumer(a) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
- curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
- clamp: true
- });
- } else {
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
- });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].numOrStrConsumer(...args);
- }
- numOrEnumConsumer(a) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
- curArg = null;
- } else {
- if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
- curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
- });
- } else {
- curArg = convertRequestDestination(curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrEnumConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\"
- });
- }
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].numOrEnumConsumer(...args);
- }
- numOrStrOrNullConsumer(a) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
- curArg = null;
- } else {
- if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
- curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
- clamp: true,
- enforceRange: true
- });
- } else {
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
- enforceRange: true
- });
- }
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].numOrStrOrNullConsumer(...args);
- }
- numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer(a) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
- curArg = null;
- } else {
- if (isURL(curArg)) {
- curArg = utils.implForWrapper(curArg);
- } else if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
- curArg = conversions[\\"double\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
- clamp: true,
- enforceRange: true
- });
- } else {
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\",
- enforceRange: true
- });
- }
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer(...args);
- }
- urlMapInnerConsumer(a) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const result = Object.create(null);
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
- if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
- let typedKey = key;
- typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
- });
- let typedValue = curArg[key];
- typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapInnerConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
- });
- result[typedKey] = typedValue;
- }
- }
- curArg = result;
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].urlMapInnerConsumer(...args);
- }
- urlMapConsumer(a) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
- curArg = null;
- } else {
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const result = Object.create(null);
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
- if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
- let typedKey = key;
- typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s key\\"
- });
- let typedValue = curArg[key];
- typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'urlMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s value\\"
- });
- result[typedKey] = typedValue;
- }
- }
- curArg = result;
- }
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].urlMapConsumer(...args);
- }
- bufferSourceOrURLConsumer(b) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'bufferSourceOrURLConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (isURL(curArg)) {
- curArg = utils.implForWrapper(curArg);
- } else if (utils.isArrayBuffer(curArg)) {
- } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'bufferSourceOrURLConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
- \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].bufferSourceOrURLConsumer(...args);
- }
- arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer(b) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg === null || curArg === undefined) {
- curArg = null;
- } else {
- if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else if (utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
- \\" record\\" +
- \\" is not an object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const result = Object.create(null);
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
- if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
- let typedKey = key;
- typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
- context:
- \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
- \\" record\\" +
- \\"'s key\\"
- });
- let typedValue = curArg[key];
- typedValue = convertURL(typedValue, {
- context:
- \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
- \\" record\\" +
- \\"'s value\\"
- });
- result[typedKey] = typedValue;
- }
- }
- curArg = result;
- }
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
- \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer(...args);
- }
- arrayBufferViewDupConsumer(b) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewDupConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (ArrayBuffer.isView(curArg)) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'arrayBufferViewDupConsumer' on 'TypedefsAndUnions': parameter 1\\" +
- \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].arrayBufferViewDupConsumer(...args);
- }
- get buf() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"buf\\"]);
- }
- set buf(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (utils.isArrayBuffer(V)) {
- } else if (
- ArrayBuffer.isView(V) &&
- ( === \\"Uint8Array\\" || === \\"Uint16Array\\")
- ) {
- } else {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to set the 'buf' property on 'TypedefsAndUnions': The provided value\\" +
- \\" is not of any supported type.\\"
- );
- }
- this[impl][\\"buf\\"] = V;
- }
- get time() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"time\\"];
- }
- set time(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"unsigned long long\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'time' property on 'TypedefsAndUnions': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"time\\"] = V;
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(TypedefsAndUnions.prototype, {
- numOrStrConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- numOrEnumConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- numOrStrOrNullConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- numOrStrOrURLOrNullConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- urlMapInnerConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- urlMapConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- bufferSourceOrURLConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- arrayBufferViewOrURLMapConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- arrayBufferViewDupConsumer: { enumerable: true },
- buf: { enumerable: true },
- time: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"TypedefsAndUnions\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = TypedefsAndUnions;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: TypedefsAndUnions
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/TypedefsAndUnions.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors URL.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URL'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URL\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URL is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"URL\\";
- class URL {
- constructor(url) {
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to construct 'URL': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'URL': parameter 1\\" });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- if (curArg !== undefined) {
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, { context: \\"Failed to construct 'URL': parameter 2\\" });
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
- }
- toJSON() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].toJSON();
- }
- get href() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"href\\"];
- }
- set href(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'href' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
- this[impl][\\"href\\"] = V;
- }
- toString() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"href\\"];
- }
- get origin() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"origin\\"];
- }
- get protocol() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"protocol\\"];
- }
- set protocol(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"protocol\\"] = V;
- }
- get username() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"username\\"];
- }
- set username(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'username' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"username\\"] = V;
- }
- get password() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"password\\"];
- }
- set password(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'password' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"password\\"] = V;
- }
- get host() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"host\\"];
- }
- set host(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'host' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
- this[impl][\\"host\\"] = V;
- }
- get hostname() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"hostname\\"];
- }
- set hostname(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'hostname' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"hostname\\"] = V;
- }
- get port() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"port\\"];
- }
- set port(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'port' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
- this[impl][\\"port\\"] = V;
- }
- get pathname() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"pathname\\"];
- }
- set pathname(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'pathname' property on 'URL': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"pathname\\"] = V;
- }
- get search() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"search\\"];
- }
- set search(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'search' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
- this[impl][\\"search\\"] = V;
- }
- get searchParams() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return utils.getSameObject(this, \\"searchParams\\", () => {
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl][\\"searchParams\\"]);
- });
- }
- get hash() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"hash\\"];
- }
- set hash(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, { context: \\"Failed to set the 'hash' property on 'URL': The provided value\\" });
- this[impl][\\"hash\\"] = V;
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(URL.prototype, {
- toJSON: { enumerable: true },
- href: { enumerable: true },
- toString: { enumerable: true },
- origin: { enumerable: true },
- protocol: { enumerable: true },
- username: { enumerable: true },
- password: { enumerable: true },
- host: { enumerable: true },
- hostname: { enumerable: true },
- port: { enumerable: true },
- pathname: { enumerable: true },
- search: { enumerable: true },
- searchParams: { enumerable: true },
- hash: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URL\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URL;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: URL
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URL.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors URLList.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLList'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLList\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URLList is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"URLList\\";
- class URLList {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- item(index) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLList': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLList': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].item(...args));
- }
- get length() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(URLList.prototype, {
- item: { enumerable: true },
- length: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLList\\", configurable: true },
- [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true },
- keys: { value: Array.prototype.keys, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
- values: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
- entries: { value: Array.prototype.entries, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true },
- forEach: { value: Array.prototype.forEach, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLList;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: URLList
- });
-const proxyHandler = {
- get(target, P, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc === undefined) {
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent === null) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
- return desc.value;
- }
- const getter = desc.get;
- if (getter === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
- },
- has(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.has(target, P);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc !== undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.has(parent, P);
- }
- return false;
- },
- ownKeys(target) {
- const keys = new Set();
- for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
- keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
- }
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
- keys.add(key);
- }
- return [...keys];
- },
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- let ignoreNamedProps = false;
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index)) {
- const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
- return {
- writable: false,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
- };
- }
- ignoreNamedProps = true;
- }
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- },
- set(target, P, V, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
- }
- if (target === receiver) {
- utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
- }
- let ownDesc;
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index)) {
- const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
- ownDesc = {
- writable: false,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
- };
- }
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
- }
- ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
- }
- if (!ownDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
- return false;
- }
- const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
- let valueDesc;
- if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
- if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!existingDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- valueDesc = { value: V };
- } else {
- valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
- },
- defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- }
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- return false;
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- },
- deleteProperty(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- }
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- return !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyIndex](index);
- }
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- },
- preventExtensions() {
- return false;
- }
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLList.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors URLSearchParams.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
-const IteratorPrototype = Object.create(utils.IteratorPrototype, {
- next: {
- value: function next() {
- const internal = this[utils.iterInternalSymbol];
- const { target, kind, index } = internal;
- const values = Array.from(target[impl]);
- const len = values.length;
- if (index >= len) {
- return { value: undefined, done: true };
- }
- const pair = values[index];
- internal.index = index + 1;
- const [key, value] =;
- let result;
- switch (kind) {
- case \\"key\\":
- result = key;
- break;
- case \\"value\\":
- result = value;
- break;
- case \\"key+value\\":
- result = [key, value];
- break;
- }
- return { value: result, done: false };
- },
- writable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: {
- value: \\"URLSearchParams Iterator\\",
- configurable: true
- }
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParams'.\`);
-exports.createDefaultIterator = function createDefaultIterator(target, kind) {
- const iterator = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);
- Object.defineProperty(iterator, utils.iterInternalSymbol, {
- value: { target, kind, index: 0 },
- configurable: true
- });
- return iterator;
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParams\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParams is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParams\\";
- class URLSearchParams {
- constructor() {
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (curArg !== undefined) {
- if (utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- if (curArg[Symbol.iterator] !== undefined) {
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" sequence\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const V = [];
- const tmp = curArg;
- for (let nextItem of tmp) {
- if (!utils.isObject(nextItem)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" +
- \\" sequence\\" +
- \\"'s element\\" +
- \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const V = [];
- const tmp = nextItem;
- for (let nextItem of tmp) {
- nextItem = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](nextItem, {
- context:
- \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" +
- \\" sequence\\" +
- \\"'s element\\" +
- \\"'s element\\"
- });
- V.push(nextItem);
- }
- nextItem = V;
- }
- V.push(nextItem);
- }
- curArg = V;
- }
- } else {
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\" is not an object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const result = Object.create(null);
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(curArg)) {
- const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(curArg, key);
- if (desc && desc.enumerable) {
- let typedKey = key;
- typedKey = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedKey, {
- context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\"'s key\\"
- });
- let typedValue = curArg[key];
- typedValue = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](typedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\" + \\" record\\" + \\"'s value\\"
- });
- result[typedKey] = typedValue;
- }
- }
- curArg = result;
- }
- }
- } else {
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
- });
- }
- } else {
- curArg = \\"\\";
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, args);
- }
- append(name, value) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 2) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'append' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 2\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].append(...args);
- }
- delete(name) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'delete' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'delete' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].delete(...args);
- }
- get(name) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'get' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'get' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].get(...args);
- }
- getAll(name) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'getAll' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'getAll' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].getAll(...args));
- }
- has(name) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'has' on 'URLSearchParams': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'has' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].has(...args);
- }
- set(name, value) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 2) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': 2 arguments required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- {
- let curArg = arguments[1];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'set' on 'URLSearchParams': parameter 2\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].set(...args);
- }
- sort() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].sort();
- }
- toString() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl].toString();
- }
- keys() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"key\\");
- }
- values() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"value\\");
- }
- entries() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return exports.createDefaultIterator(this, \\"key+value\\");
- }
- forEach(callback) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Failed to execute 'forEach' on 'iterable': 1 argument required, \\" + \\"but only 0 present.\\");
- }
- if (typeof callback !== \\"function\\") {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'forEach' on 'iterable': The callback provided \\" + \\"as parameter 1 is not a function.\\"
- );
- }
- const thisArg = arguments[1];
- let pairs = Array.from(this[impl]);
- let i = 0;
- while (i < pairs.length) {
- const [key, value] = pairs[i].map(utils.tryWrapperForImpl);
-, value, key, this);
- pairs = Array.from(this[impl]);
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParams.prototype, {
- append: { enumerable: true },
- delete: { enumerable: true },
- get: { enumerable: true },
- getAll: { enumerable: true },
- has: { enumerable: true },
- set: { enumerable: true },
- sort: { enumerable: true },
- toString: { enumerable: true },
- keys: { enumerable: true },
- values: { enumerable: true },
- entries: { enumerable: true },
- forEach: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParams\\", configurable: true },
- [Symbol.iterator]: { value: URLSearchParams.prototype.entries, configurable: true, writable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParams;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: URLSearchParams
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParams.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors URLSearchParamsCollection.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParamsCollection'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(
- \\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParamsCollection is not installed on the passed global object\\"
- );
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\";
- class URLSearchParamsCollection {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- item(index) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'item' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].item(...args));
- }
- namedItem(name) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'namedItem' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'namedItem' on 'URLSearchParamsCollection': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return utils.tryWrapperForImpl(this[impl].namedItem(...args));
- }
- get length() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"length\\"];
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParamsCollection.prototype, {
- item: { enumerable: true },
- namedItem: { enumerable: true },
- length: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParamsCollection\\", configurable: true },
- [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParamsCollection;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: URLSearchParamsCollection
- });
-const proxyHandler = {
- get(target, P, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc === undefined) {
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent === null) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
- return desc.value;
- }
- const getter = desc.get;
- if (getter === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
- },
- has(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.has(target, P);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc !== undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.has(parent, P);
- }
- return false;
- },
- ownKeys(target) {
- const keys = new Set();
- for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
- keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
- }
- for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
- if (!(key in target)) {
- keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
- }
- }
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
- keys.add(key);
- }
- return [...keys];
- },
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- let ignoreNamedProps = false;
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
- if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
- return {
- writable: false,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
- };
- }
- ignoreNamedProps = true;
- }
- const namedValue = target[impl].namedItem(P);
- if (namedValue !== null && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
- return {
- writable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
- };
- }
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- },
- set(target, P, V, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
- }
- if (target === receiver) {
- utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
- typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
- }
- let ownDesc;
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
- if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
- ownDesc = {
- writable: false,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
- };
- }
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
- }
- ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
- }
- if (!ownDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
- return false;
- }
- const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
- let valueDesc;
- if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
- if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!existingDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- valueDesc = { value: V };
- } else {
- valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
- },
- defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- }
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
- const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
- if (!creating) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- },
- deleteProperty(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- }
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- return !(target[impl].item(index) !== undefined);
- }
- if (target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null && !(P in target)) {
- return false;
- }
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- },
- preventExtensions() {
- return false;
- }
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParamsCollection.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors URLSearchParamsCollection2.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
-const URLSearchParamsCollection = require(\\"./URLSearchParamsCollection.js\\");
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'URLSearchParamsCollection2'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(
- \\"Internal error: constructor URLSearchParamsCollection2 is not installed on the passed global object\\"
- );
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
- URLSearchParamsCollection._internalSetup(obj);
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\";
- if (globalObject.URLSearchParamsCollection === undefined) {
- throw new Error(
- \\"Internal error: attempting to evaluate URLSearchParamsCollection2 before URLSearchParamsCollection\\"
- );
- }
- class URLSearchParamsCollection2 extends globalObject.URLSearchParamsCollection {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(URLSearchParamsCollection2.prototype, {
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"URLSearchParamsCollection2\\", configurable: true },
- [Symbol.iterator]: { value: Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], configurable: true, writable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = URLSearchParamsCollection2;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: URLSearchParamsCollection2
- });
-const proxyHandler = {
- get(target, P, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc === undefined) {
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent === null) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
- return desc.value;
- }
- const getter = desc.get;
- if (getter === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
- },
- has(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.has(target, P);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc !== undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.has(parent, P);
- }
- return false;
- },
- ownKeys(target) {
- const keys = new Set();
- for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyIndices]) {
- keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
- }
- for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
- if (!(key in target)) {
- keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
- }
- }
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
- keys.add(key);
- }
- return [...keys];
- },
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- let ignoreNamedProps = false;
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
- if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
- return {
- writable: false,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
- };
- }
- ignoreNamedProps = true;
- }
- const namedValue = target[impl].namedItem(P);
- if (namedValue !== null && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
- return {
- writable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
- };
- }
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- },
- set(target, P, V, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
- }
- if (target === receiver) {
- utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P);
- if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- let namedValue = V;
- namedValue = convertURL(namedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'URLSearchParamsCollection2': The provided value\\"
- });
- const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
- if (creating) {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
- } else {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- let ownDesc;
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- const indexedValue = target[impl].item(index);
- if (indexedValue !== undefined) {
- ownDesc = {
- writable: false,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(indexedValue)
- };
- }
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
- }
- ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
- }
- if (!ownDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
- return false;
- }
- const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
- let valueDesc;
- if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
- if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!existingDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- valueDesc = { value: V };
- } else {
- valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
- },
- defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- }
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
- if (desc.get || desc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- let namedValue = desc.value;
- namedValue = convertURL(namedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'URLSearchParamsCollection2': The provided value\\"
- });
- const creating = !(target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null);
- if (creating) {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
- } else {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- },
- deleteProperty(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- }
- if (utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- const index = P >>> 0;
- return !(target[impl].item(index) !== undefined);
- }
- if (target[impl].namedItem(P) !== null && !(P in target)) {
- return false;
- }
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- },
- preventExtensions() {
- return false;
- }
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/URLSearchParamsCollection2.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors UnderscoredProperties.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'UnderscoredProperties'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"UnderscoredProperties\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor UnderscoredProperties is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"UnderscoredProperties\\";
- class UnderscoredProperties {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- operation(sequence) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (!utils.isObject(curArg)) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\" + \\" is not an iterable object.\\"
- );
- } else {
- const V = [];
- const tmp = curArg;
- for (let nextItem of tmp) {
- nextItem = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](nextItem, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'operation' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\" + \\"'s element\\"
- });
- V.push(nextItem);
- }
- curArg = V;
- }
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].operation(...args);
- }
- get attribute() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"attribute\\"];
- }
- set attribute(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"byte\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'attribute' property on 'UnderscoredProperties': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"attribute\\"] = V;
- }
- static static(void_) {
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'static' on 'UnderscoredProperties': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'static' on 'UnderscoredProperties': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return Impl.implementation.static(...args);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(UnderscoredProperties.prototype, {
- operation: { enumerable: true },
- attribute: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"UnderscoredProperties\\", configurable: true },
- const: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
- });
- Object.defineProperties(UnderscoredProperties, {
- static: { enumerable: true },
- const: { value: 42, enumerable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = UnderscoredProperties;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: UnderscoredProperties
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/UnderscoredProperties.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Unforgeable.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Unforgeable'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Unforgeable\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Unforgeable is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
- Object.defineProperties(
- obj,
- Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
- assign(url) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'assign' on 'Unforgeable': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'assign' on 'Unforgeable': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].assign(...args);
- },
- get href() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return obj[impl][\\"href\\"];
- },
- set href(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'href' property on 'Unforgeable': The provided value\\"
- });
- obj[impl][\\"href\\"] = V;
- },
- toString() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return obj[impl][\\"href\\"];
- },
- get origin() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return obj[impl][\\"origin\\"];
- },
- get protocol() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return obj[impl][\\"protocol\\"];
- },
- set protocol(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"USVString\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'protocol' property on 'Unforgeable': The provided value\\"
- });
- obj[impl][\\"protocol\\"] = V;
- }
- })
- );
- Object.defineProperties(obj, {
- assign: { configurable: false, writable: false },
- href: { configurable: false },
- toString: { configurable: false, writable: false },
- origin: { configurable: false },
- protocol: { configurable: false }
- });
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Unforgeable\\";
- class Unforgeable {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Unforgeable.prototype, {
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Unforgeable\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Unforgeable;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Unforgeable
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Unforgeable.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors UnforgeableMap.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'UnforgeableMap'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"UnforgeableMap\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor UnforgeableMap is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {
- Object.defineProperties(
- obj,
- Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({
- get a() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return obj[impl][\\"a\\"];
- }
- })
- );
- Object.defineProperties(obj, { a: { configurable: false } });
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"UnforgeableMap\\";
- class UnforgeableMap {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(UnforgeableMap.prototype, {
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"UnforgeableMap\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = UnforgeableMap;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: UnforgeableMap
- });
-const proxyHandler = {
- get(target, P, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc === undefined) {
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent === null) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.get(target, P, receiver);
- }
- if (!desc.get && !desc.set) {
- return desc.value;
- }
- const getter = desc.get;
- if (getter === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return Reflect.apply(getter, receiver, []);
- },
- has(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.has(target, P);
- }
- const desc = this.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- if (desc !== undefined) {
- return true;
- }
- const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.has(parent, P);
- }
- return false;
- },
- ownKeys(target) {
- const keys = new Set();
- for (const key of target[impl][utils.supportedPropertyNames]) {
- if (!(key in target)) {
- keys.add(\`\${key}\`);
- }
- }
- for (const key of Reflect.ownKeys(target)) {
- keys.add(key);
- }
- return [...keys];
- },
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- let ignoreNamedProps = false;
- if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target) && !ignoreNamedProps) {
- const namedValue = target[impl][utils.namedGet](P);
- return {
- writable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: utils.tryWrapperForImpl(namedValue)
- };
- }
- return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- },
- set(target, P, V, receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.set(target, P, V, receiver);
- }
- if (target === receiver) {
- if (typeof P === \\"string\\" && !utils.isArrayIndexPropName(P)) {
- let namedValue = V;
- namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'UnforgeableMap': The provided value\\"
- });
- const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
- if (creating) {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
- } else {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- let ownDesc;
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- ownDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, P);
- }
- if (ownDesc === undefined) {
- const parent = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target);
- if (parent !== null) {
- return Reflect.set(parent, P, V, receiver);
- }
- ownDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: undefined };
- }
- if (!ownDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!utils.isObject(receiver)) {
- return false;
- }
- const existingDesc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, P);
- let valueDesc;
- if (existingDesc !== undefined) {
- if (existingDesc.get || existingDesc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!existingDesc.writable) {
- return false;
- }
- valueDesc = { value: V };
- } else {
- valueDesc = { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: V };
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(receiver, P, valueDesc);
- },
- defineProperty(target, P, desc) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- }
- if (![\\"a\\"].includes(P)) {
- if (!utils.hasOwn(target, P)) {
- if (desc.get || desc.set) {
- return false;
- }
- let namedValue = desc.value;
- namedValue = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](namedValue, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the '\\" + P + \\"' property on 'UnforgeableMap': The provided value\\"
- });
- const creating = !target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P);
- if (creating) {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetNew](P, namedValue);
- } else {
- target[impl][utils.namedSetExisting](P, namedValue);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return Reflect.defineProperty(target, P, desc);
- },
- deleteProperty(target, P) {
- if (typeof P === \\"symbol\\") {
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- }
- if (target[impl][utils.supportsPropertyName](P) && !(P in target)) {
- return false;
- }
- return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, P);
- },
- preventExtensions() {
- return false;
- }
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/UnforgeableMap.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Unscopable.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Unscopable'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Unscopable\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Unscopable is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Unscopable\\";
- class Unscopable {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- get unscopableTest() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"unscopableTest\\"];
- }
- set unscopableTest(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'unscopableTest' property on 'Unscopable': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"unscopableTest\\"] = V;
- }
- get unscopableMixin() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- return this[impl][\\"unscopableMixin\\"];
- }
- set unscopableMixin(V) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- V = conversions[\\"boolean\\"](V, {
- context: \\"Failed to set the 'unscopableMixin' property on 'Unscopable': The provided value\\"
- });
- this[impl][\\"unscopableMixin\\"] = V;
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Unscopable.prototype, {
- unscopableTest: { enumerable: true },
- unscopableMixin: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Unscopable\\", configurable: true },
- [Symbol.unscopables]: {
- value: { unscopableTest: true, unscopableMixin: true, __proto__: null },
- configurable: true
- }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Unscopable;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Unscopable
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Unscopable.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors Variadic.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const convertURL = require(\\"./URL.js\\").convert;
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'Variadic'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"Variadic\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor Variadic is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"Variadic\\";
- class Variadic {
- constructor() {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal constructor\\");
- }
- simple1() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const args = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- let curArg = arguments[i];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].simple1(...args);
- }
- simple2(first) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': 1 argument required, but only \\" + arguments.length + \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- let curArg = arguments[i];
- curArg = convertURL(curArg, { context: \\"Failed to execute 'simple2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1) });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- return this[impl].simple2(...args);
- }
- overloaded1() {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- const args = [];
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 0:
- break;
- default: {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
- for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- let curArg = arguments[i];
- curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else {
- for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- let curArg = arguments[i];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded1' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this[impl].overloaded1(...args);
- }
- overloaded2(first) {
- if (!this || ! {
- throw new TypeError(\\"Illegal invocation\\");
- }
- if (arguments.length < 1) {
- throw new TypeError(
- \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': 1 argument required, but only \\" +
- arguments.length +
- \\" present.\\"
- );
- }
- const args = [];
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 1:
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default: {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- if (typeof curArg === \\"number\\") {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"unsigned long\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- let curArg = arguments[i];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- } else {
- {
- let curArg = arguments[0];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter 1\\"
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- let curArg = arguments[i];
- curArg = conversions[\\"DOMString\\"](curArg, {
- context: \\"Failed to execute 'overloaded2' on 'Variadic': parameter \\" + (i + 1)
- });
- args.push(curArg);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this[impl].overloaded2(...args);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Variadic.prototype, {
- simple1: { enumerable: true },
- simple2: { enumerable: true },
- overloaded1: { enumerable: true },
- overloaded2: { enumerable: true },
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"Variadic\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = Variadic;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: Variadic
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/Variadic.js\\");
-exports[`without with processors ZeroArgConstructor.webidl 1`] = `
-"\\"use strict\\";
-const conversions = require(\\"webidl-conversions\\");
-const utils = require(\\"./utils.js\\");
-const impl = utils.implSymbol;
-const ctorRegistry = utils.ctorRegistrySymbol;
- * When an interface-module that implements this interface as a mixin is loaded, it will append its own \`.is()\`
- * method into this array. It allows objects that directly implements *those* interfaces to be recognized as
- * implementing this mixin interface.
- */
-exports._mixedIntoPredicates = []; = function is(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (utils.hasOwn(obj, impl) && obj[impl] instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(obj)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.isImpl = function isImpl(obj) {
- if (obj) {
- if (obj instanceof Impl.implementation) {
- return true;
- }
- const wrapper = utils.wrapperForImpl(obj);
- for (const isMixedInto of exports._mixedIntoPredicates) {
- if (isMixedInto(wrapper)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
-exports.convert = function convert(obj, { context = \\"The provided value\\" } = {}) {
- if ( {
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
- }
- throw new TypeError(\`\${context} is not of type 'ZeroArgConstructor'.\`);
-exports.create = function create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: invalid global object\\");
- }
- const ctor = globalObject[ctorRegistry][\\"ZeroArgConstructor\\"];
- if (ctor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(\\"Internal error: constructor ZeroArgConstructor is not installed on the passed global object\\");
- }
- let obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
- obj = exports.setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return obj;
-exports.createImpl = function createImpl(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData) {
- const obj = exports.create(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData);
- return utils.implForWrapper(obj);
-exports._internalSetup = function _internalSetup(obj) {};
-exports.setup = function setup(obj, globalObject, constructorArgs = [], privateData = {}) {
- privateData.wrapper = obj;
- exports._internalSetup(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, impl, {
- value: new Impl.implementation(globalObject, constructorArgs, privateData),
- configurable: true
- });
- obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj;
- if (Impl.init) {
- Impl.init(obj[impl], privateData);
- }
- return obj;
-exports.install = function install(globalObject) {
- const interfaceName = \\"ZeroArgConstructor\\";
- class ZeroArgConstructor {
- constructor() {
- return exports.setup(Object.create(, globalObject, undefined);
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(ZeroArgConstructor.prototype, {
- [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: \\"ZeroArgConstructor\\", configurable: true }
- });
- if (globalObject[ctorRegistry] === undefined) {
- globalObject[ctorRegistry] = Object.create(null);
- }
- globalObject[ctorRegistry][interfaceName] = ZeroArgConstructor;
- Object.defineProperty(globalObject, interfaceName, {
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: ZeroArgConstructor
- });
-const Impl = require(\\"../implementations/ZeroArgConstructor.js\\");