diff --git a/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-domain.pddl b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-domain.pddl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb880062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-domain.pddl
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(define (domain multirobot-time)
+ (:requirements :typing :durative-actions)
+ (:types robot - robot
+ position - position
+ trash launch - item)
+ (:predicates
+ ;; spatial-map
+ (can-move ?robot - robot ?from ?to - position)
+ ;; robot
+ (item-in-place ?item - item ?pos - position)
+ (item-in-robot ?item - item ?robot - robot)
+ (robot-in-place ?robot - robot ?pos - position)
+ (arm-moving ?robot - robot) ;; mutex between move and pick/place
+ )
+ ;; Move : [?robot] can move from [?from] to [?to].
+ (:durative-action move
+ :parameters (?robot - robot ?from - position ?to - position)
+ :duration (= ?duration 10)
+ :condition (and
+ (at start (robot-in-place ?robot ?from))
+ (over all (can-move ?robot ?from ?to))
+ (over all (not (arm-moving ?robot)))
+ )
+ :effect (and
+ (at end (not (robot-in-place ?robot ?from)))
+ (at end (robot-in-place ?robot ?to))
+ ))
+ ;; Pick : [?robot] can pick [?item] at [?place}.
+ (:durative-action pick
+ :parameters (?robot - robot ?item - item ?where - position)
+ :duration (= ?duration 1)
+ :condition (and
+ (over all (robot-in-place ?robot ?where))
+ (at start (item-in-place ?item ?where))
+ )
+ :effect (and
+ (at start (not (item-in-place ?item ?where)))
+ (at start (item-in-robot ?item ?robot))
+ (at start (arm-moving ?robot))
+ (at end (not (arm-moving ?robot)))
+ ))
+ ;; Place : [?robot] can place [?item] at [?place}.
+ (:durative-action place
+ :parameters (?robot - robot ?item - item ?where - position)
+ :duration (= ?duration 1)
+ :condition (and
+ (over all (robot-in-place ?robot ?where))
+ (at start (item-in-robot ?item ?robot)))
+ :effect (and
+ (at start (item-in-place ?item ?where))
+ (at start (not (item-in-robot ?item ?robot)))
+ (at start (arm-moving ?robot))
+ (at end (not (arm-moving ?robot)))
+ ))
diff --git a/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-problem.pddl b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-problem.pddl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcafdddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-problem.pddl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(define (problem multirobot-time-problem)
+ (:domain multirobot-time)
+ (:objects
+ ;; item
+ trash - item
+ ;; robot
+ spot fetch - robot
+ satou-prof - man
+ ;; position
+ room-73b2-station room-73b2-trash room-trash - position)
+ (:init
+ ;;
+ (robot-in-place fetch room-73b2-station)
+ (robot-in-place spot room-73b2-station)
+ ;;
+ (item-in-place trash room-73b2-trash)
+ ;; spatial-map
+ (can-move fetch room-73b2-station room-73b2-trash)
+ (can-move fetch room-73b2-trash room-73b2-station)
+ (can-move spot room-73b2-station room-trash)
+ (can-move spot room-trash room-73b2-station)
+ )
+ (:goal
+ (and
+ (item-in-place trash room-trash)
+ (robot-in-place fetch room-73b2-station)
+ (robot-in-place spot room-73b2-station)
+ ))
+ (:metric minimize (total-time))
diff --git a/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-temporal.launch b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-temporal.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07036e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/multirobot-temporal.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/solve-multirobot-task.l b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/solve-multirobot-task.l
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..611920da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/solve-multirobot-task.l
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env roseus
+ ゴミ袋はゴミ箱にかかっている.
+ (郵便物は機械系事務室にある)
+ ロボットが移動できる場所の組み合わせと移動コスト
+ (郵便物が73B2にある)
+(ros::roseus "solve_multirobot_task")
+(load "package://pddl_planner/src/pddl-result-graph.l")
+(load "package://pddl_planner/src/eus-pddl-client.l")
+;; domain
+(setq *domain* (instance pddl-domain :init :name 'multirobot))
+(send *domain* :requirements '(:typing :action-costs))
+(send *domain* :types '(robot item place))
+;; predicates: 述語
+(send *domain* :predicates '((robot-in-place ?robot - robot ?place - place) ;; ?robotが?placeに存在する
+ (item-in-place ?item - item ?place - place) ;; ?itemが?placeに存在する
+ (item-in-robot ?item - item ?robot - robot) ;; ?robotが?itemを持っているか?
+ (can-move ?from ?to - place) ;; ロボットが?toから?fromに移動できるか
+ (can-pick ?robot - robot ?item - item) ;; ロボットが?itemをPickできるか
+ (close-distance ?where - place) ;; ロボット同士の距離
+ (robot-can-not-understand ?robot - robot) ;; ロボットが司令を受け付けない
+ ))
+;; 使用する関数の宣言
+(send *domain* :functions '((total-cost) ;; 合計の移動コスト
+ (move-cost ?robot - robot ?from - place ?to - place) ;; 各移動にかかるコスト
+ ))
+;; making action
+(setq *actions*
+ (list
+ (instance pddl-action :init
+ :name "move"
+ :parameters '((?robot robot) (?from ?to place))
+ :precondition '((robot-in-place ?robot ?from)
+ (can-move ?from ?to))
+ :effect '((robot-in-place ?robot ?to)
+ (not (robot-in-place ?robot ?from))
+ (increase (total-cost) (move-cost ?robot ?from ?to))
+ ))
+ (instance pddl-action :init
+ :name "pick"
+ :parameters '((?robot robot) (?item item) (?where place))
+ :precondition '((robot-in-place ?robot ?where)
+ (item-in-place ?item ?where)
+ (can-pick ?robot ?item))
+ :effect '((not (item-in-place ?item ?where))
+ (item-in-robot ?item ?robot)
+ ))
+ (instance pddl-action :init
+ :name "place"
+ :parameters '((?robot robot) (?item item) (?where place))
+ :precondition '((robot-in-place ?robot ?where)
+ (item-in-robot ?item ?robot)
+ )
+ :effect '((item-in-place ?item ?where)
+ (not (item-in-robot ?item ?robot))
+ ))
+ (instance pddl-action :init
+ :name "transfer-by-voice"
+ :parameters '((?from-robot ?to-robot robot) (?item item) (?where place))
+ :precondition '((robot-in-place ?from-robot ?where)
+ (robot-in-place ?to-robot ?where)
+ (item-in-robot ?item ?from-robot)
+ (close-distance ?where)
+ (not (robot-can-not-understand ?to-robot))
+ )
+ :effect '((item-in-robot ?item ?to-robot)
+ (not (item-in-robot ?item ?from-robot))
+ ))
+ (instance pddl-action :init
+ :name "transfer-by-communication"
+ :parameters '((?from-robot ?to-robot robot) (?item item) (?where place))
+ :precondition '((robot-in-place ?from-robot ?where)
+ (robot-in-place ?to-robot ?where)
+ (item-in-robot ?item ?from-robot)
+ (not (close-distance ?where))
+ (not (robot-can-not-understand ?to-robot))
+ )
+ :effect '((item-in-robot ?item ?to-robot)
+ (not (item-in-robot ?item ?from-robot))
+ ))
+ ;; https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/blob/bcd1a44f64ccba995edbcc658543f6d381d54d13/task_compiler/samples/failure-recovery-sample/solve-failure-recovery-task.l#L39
+ (instance pddl-action :init
+ :name "transfer-by-voice_f" ;; add '_f' to define failure action
+ :parameters '((?from-robot ?to-robot robot) (?item item) (?where place))
+ :precondition '((robot-in-place ?from-robot ?where)
+ (robot-in-place ?to-robot ?where)
+ (item-in-robot ?item ?from-robot)
+ (close-distance ?where)
+ )
+ :effect '(
+ (robot-can-not-understand ?to-robot) ;; set robot can NOT understand mode
+ ))
+ (instance pddl-action :init
+ :name "transfer-by-human-assist"
+ :parameters '((?from-robot ?to-robot robot) (?item item) (?where place))
+ :precondition '((robot-in-place ?from-robot ?where)
+ (robot-in-place ?to-robot ?where)
+ (item-in-robot ?item ?from-robot)
+ (robot-can-not-understand ?to-robot) ;; when robot can NOT understand
+ )
+ :effect '((item-in-robot ?item ?to-robot)
+ (not (item-in-robot ?item ?from-robot))
+ (not (robot-can-not-understand ?to-robot)) ;; enable robot to understand
+ ))
+ ))
+;;add actions to domain
+(dolist (action *actions*)
+ (send *domain* :add :action action))
+;; problem
+(setq *problem* (instance pddl-problem :init :name 'tetsudai :domain 'multirobot))
+;; 使用する変数の宣言。
+(send *problem* :objects
+ '(
+ ;; item
+ (trash . item)
+ ;; robot
+ (fetch . robot)
+ (spot . robot)
+ ;; places
+ (room-73b2-station . place)
+ (room-73b2-trash . place)
+ (room-trash . place)
+ ))
+;; 初期条件
+(setq *initial-condition*
+ '(;; 物品・ロボットの初期位置
+ (item-in-place trash room-73b2-trash)
+ (robot-in-place fetch room-73b2-station)
+ (robot-in-place spot room-73b2-station)
+ ;; 移動可能な場所
+ (can-move room-73b2-station room-73b2-trash)
+ (can-move room-73b2-trash room-73b2-station)
+ (can-move room-73b2-station room-trash)
+ (can-move room-trash room-73b2-station)
+ ;; 把持可能な物品
+ (can-pick fetch trash)
+ ;; トータル移動コスト
+ (= (total-cost) 0)
+ ;; fetch移動コスト
+ (= (move-cost fetch room-73b2-station room-73b2-trash) 3)
+ (= (move-cost fetch room-73b2-trash room-73b2-station) 3)
+ (= (move-cost fetch room-73b2-station room-trash) 99999)
+ (= (move-cost fetch room-trash room-73b2-station) 99999)
+ ;; spot移動コスト
+ (= (move-cost spot room-73b2-station room-73b2-trash) 3)
+ (= (move-cost spot room-73b2-trash room-73b2-station) 3)
+ (= (move-cost spot room-73b2-station room-trash) 100)
+ (= (move-cost spot room-trash room-73b2-station) 100)
+ ;; ロボット同士の距離
+ ;; (close-distance room-73b2-trash) ;; uncomment to use transfer-by-communication
+ (close-distance room-73b2-station) ;; uncomment to use transfer-by-voice
+ ))
+;; ゴール条件
+(setq *goal-condition*
+ '((item-in-place trash room-trash)))
+(send *problem* :initial-condition *initial-condition*)
+(send *problem* :goal-condition *goal-condition*)
+;; solve planning
+(send *problem* :metric '(minimize (total-cost)))
+(pprint (setq *result* (solve-pddl-planning *domain* *problem*)))
+(setq gr (make-graph-from-pddl-results (list *result*) :node-name :pprint))
+;;;; https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_planning/blame/bcd1a44f64ccba995edbcc658543f6d381d54d13/task_compiler/samples/failure-recovery-sample/solve-failure-recovery-task.l#L113-L114
+;; swap nodes ( check_open <-> check_open_f ) for making task flow
+(setq gr (add-failed-nodes *result* (list 'transfer-by-voice) :graph gr))
+(send gr :write-to-pdf "multirobot.pdf")
+(when (ros::get-param "~display_graph" "true")
+ (piped-fork "xdg-open multirobot.pdf"))
+;;; task planner
+(defun move (robot from to)
+ (ros::ros-info "move ~A from ~A ~A" robot from to))
+(defun pick (robot item where)
+ (ros::ros-info "pick ~A by ~A at ~A" item robot where))
+(defun place (robot item where)
+ (ros::ros-info "place ~A by ~A at ~A" item robot where))
+(defun transfer-by-voice (from-robot to-robot item where)
+ (ros::ros-info "transfer ~A from ~A to ~A at ~A by voice" item from-robot to-robot where)
+ nil) ;;;; force erro when transfer-by-voice
+(defun transfer-by-communication (from-robot to-robot item where)
+ (ros::ros-info "transfer ~A from ~A to ~A at ~A by communication" item from-robot to-robot where))
+(defun transfer-by-human-assist (from-robot to-robot item where)
+ (ros::ros-info "transfer ~A from ~A to ~A at ~A by human" item from-robot to-robot where))
+;; convert to smach
+(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine-ros.l")
+(load "package://roseus_smach/src/state-machine-utils.l")
+(load "package://roseus_smach/src/pddl2smach.l")
+;; global data is not used (nil)
+(exec-smach-with-spin (convert-smach gr) nil :hz 1.0)
+(when (string= "__log:=" (subseq (car (last lisp::*eustop-argument*)) 0 7))
+ (ros::exit))
diff --git a/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/solve-multirobot-task.launch b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/solve-multirobot-task.launch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..592d9320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pddl/pddl_planner/demos/2021_tsukamoto_multirobot/solve-multirobot-task.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@