@def title = "Julia Smooth Optimizers" @def mainpage = true
<div class="tile is-ancestor">
<div class="tile is-vertical is-6">
<div class="tile is-parent">
<div class="tile is-child box has-background-white">
<p class="subtitle has-text-weight-bold">
<a href="/news-and-blogposts/" class="has-text-weight-bold">
News and Blogposts
{{ list_news_short }}
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<a href="/ecosystems/" class="has-text-weight-bold">
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<a href="/ecosystems/linear-algebra/" class="button box is-info">Linear Algebra</a>
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<a href="/ecosystems/models/" class="button box is-danger">Models</a>
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<a href="/ecosystems/solvers/" class="button box is-success">Solvers</a>
<div class="tile is-parent is-6">
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<a href="/tutorials/" class="has-text-weight-bold">
Check our tutorials and guides
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<a href="/tutorials/" class="is-underlined">here</a>.
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<a href="{{ latest_link }}">
<div class="box px-4 py-2 on-hover-primary on-hover-text-white is-clickable">
<span class="is-size-4">{{ latest_title }}</span>
<span>{{ latest_short }}</span>