Students will be able to...
- Name the categories of blocks in SNAP and describe what the blocks in each category do
- Describe the function of several common SNAP blocks (see lab for specific blocks)
- Be able to use common blocks to build simple SNAP programs (see lab for specific blocks)
- Do Now 1.2: Tracing and Debugging
- Lab 1.2 handout (SNAP Scavenger Hunt) (Download in Word) (Link to PDF)
- Read through the handout so that you are familiar with the requirements and can assist students
Duration | Description |
5 minutes | Welcome, attendance, bell work, announcements |
10 minutes | Introductory discussion |
25 minutes | "SNAP Scavenger Hunt" Lab activity |
15 minutes | Debrief and wrap-up |
Introductory discussion
- Review the basics of SNAP from the previous lesson
- Ensure that students can:
- Define "block" and "script"
- Describe how to build a script (snapping blocks together)
- Explain how scripts are executed (one block at a time in order)
- Ensure that students can:
- Introduce the concept of block categories
- Ask students to consider why categories are helpful as opposed to having a simple list of blocks
- Review the basics of SNAP from the previous lesson
- Individually or in pairs, have students work through the "SNAP Scavenger Hunt" activity
- Students should turn in answers to all questions and SNAP programs for the final problems
- Individually or in pairs, have students work through the "SNAP Scavenger Hunt" activity
- Go through each question or prompt in parts 1 and 2 and ask students to share their answer
- Cold calling works well for this lab due to the large number of questions
- Point out the color coding for each category
- Emphasize important details in some of the blocks listed in part 2, such as:
- Solicit a few student responses for each category in part 2.2 before commenting yourself
- Try to guide the students to discuss with each other and settle on a description for each category with minimal instructor intervention
- Discuss one or two student solutions to each of the SNAP programming problems
- Either solicit volunteers or cold call
- Point out differences between student solutions and call attention to the fact that there is more than one way to solve a problem
- Go through each question or prompt in parts 1 and 2 and ask students to share their answer
- Colorblind students may not be able to identify the block colors, but can still recognize the organization of categories. Be sensitive to this, but no modifications are likely required.
- Students that are struggling with the lab can be paired up and/or receive individual instructor attention to help them through the activity.
- The bonus assignment (3.4) should be used for students who finish quickly, and can be a setup for the Animation Project.