Students will be able to...
- Define "loop" in a programming context
- Explain why loops are useful
- Implement simple repeat and forever loops in SNAP
- Utilize loops to reduce redundancy in code
- Do Now 2.1: Intro Loops
- Lab 2.1 handout - Squares and Triangles Redux ([Download in MS Word](Unit 2 Word/Lab 2.1 Triangles and Squares Redux.docx)) (Link to PDF)
Duration | Description |
5 minutes | Welcome, attendance, bell work, announcements |
15 minutes | Lecture and examples |
25 minutes | Activity - Squares and Triangles |
10 minutes | Debrief and wrap-up |
Introduce and discuss concepts of code redundancy and readability
- Remind students that a program can be written in many different ways that are functionally equivalent.
- Ask students to speculate as to why one version of a program might be better or worse.
- Possible answers: more efficient (in time or space), shorter code, more elegant/readable code
- Use this example to demonstrate unreadable code
- Show students the code, ask what it does, then ask if they can think of ways to improve it
- Attempt to get students to realize that the code is redundant and could be simplified if there were a way to execute a block of code more than once
Introduce loops
- Begin with general definition: A type of block that causes other code to run multiple times in succession
- Introduce SNAP specific loops:
- runs the body of the loop the specified number of times
- Number of iterations can be a value, variable, or reporter
- runs the body of the loop nonstop until the script is ended
- runs the body of the loop until the specified condition becomes true
- Save detailed discussion of this loop until conditionals are introduced
- runs the body of the loop the specified number of times
- Emphasize usefulness in reducing redundancy and complexity, especially for repetitive tasks
- Simple examples are here
- Direct students to complete "Squares and Triangles Redux" individually.
- If available, students should use their solutions to Lab 1.3 ("Squares and Triangles and Stars, Oh My!") as a starting point. Ensure students "Save as..." before starting on the new lab to not overwrite their original project (part 1.1).
- If student solutions for Lab 1.3 are not available, or are not correct, provide a correct implementation (the solution to Lab 1.3 can be found on the TEALS Dashboard under Additional Curriculum Materials).
- Encourage students to try to use as few blocks and have as little code duplication as possible to draw each shape while still creating understandable scripts.
- Once students complete part 2.1, the remaining parts should go much more quickly as they all follow the same basic pattern.
- If available, students should use their solutions to Lab 1.3 ("Squares and Triangles and Stars, Oh My!") as a starting point. Ensure students "Save as..." before starting on the new lab to not overwrite their original project (part 1.1).
- Direct students to complete "Squares and Triangles Redux" individually.
- Discuss one or two student solutions to part 2.2
- Ask students to think about what the code would look like without loops
- Discuss one or two students solutions to part 3.1
- Point out how unwieldy the code for these two shapes would be without loops
- Discuss one or two student solutions to part 2.2
####Background Information for Instructors
- BJC Video Suggestion: BJC Lecture 4: Functions
- SIRI-EVI 0:00-1:00
- Functions & Generaliztions (Function Basics) 1:00-3:45
- More Terminology (from Math) Boolean etc 3:47-6:10
- Types of Input (Sentences, words, characters, digits) 6:12-8:00
- Functions (Explanations of Use-can be tied in to loops, and inputs) 8:00-9:55
- MIT Scratch --> BYOB SNAP ( Development of SNAP, DEMO) 10:00-11:30
- Functions-1 (BYOB-Custom Blocks) & Generalization 11:30-14:50
- Functions-2 (Join Block) Domain and Range 14:52-17:50
- Types of Blocks 18:15-19:45
- Recursion Preview 19:50-27:40
- Functional Programming Summary 27:40- End
- Big concepts narrow down to functions
- More advanced students can add additional shapes, including a five-pointed star without interior lines.
- Particularly advanced students can be encouraged to build pictures by combining multiple shapes (e.g. a house built of squares of various sizes).