If you are just wanting to get a demo going, see the DemoSetup.md guide.
This is the parent directory of several sample applications
Note: the applications in the sample-apps/ directory generally require java 1.8 or greater.
There are 2 different mechanisms for using these sample applications
If you'd like to deploy one of these applications to a standalone application server or servlet container, follow these simple steps:
- Download the source code (either zip download or git clone)
- Go into the folder containing the application you want to deploy (e.g. 'simple-dashboard')
- Execute 'mvn package'
- Look in the 'target' folder that gets generated and find the '.war' file
- Deploy this WAR file into your application server / servlet container and start it up
- You should now be able to interact with the application locally
If you'd like to deploy one of these applications to a standalone application server or servlet container, follow these simple steps:
- Download the source code (either zip download or git clone)
- Import the application into your IDE (using 'import maven project' mechanism)
- Setup an IDE managed container if you don't have one already
- Add the application to your container
- Startup the container
- You should now be able to interact with the application locally