Project | How to translate the game | Translation Menu | Contributors | Contributing
The project consists of translating the game texts that are in Japanese into English, so it would be easy to understand the game.
We don't know how to rom-hack, so we will only translate the game.
You are free to run the game however you prefer. You can use Duckstation emulator to run the game.
You are free to use whichever translation method you prefer. We will describe ours below.
Google Translate have a handwriting area when you can draw the glyph and the translator will suggest some characters, where you can choose the most similar one
This site is also very useful. You can upload an image to it and it will try to tell you which characters are in the image.
So we put the string of characters into Google Translate, from Japanese to English, and try to see if it makes sense.
- Translation of the Start and Main Menu - (essential stuff - ✅ complete!)
- Translation of Cards - 📝 in progress
- Translation of Story Mode - 📝 in progress
Juan Carlos C. Oliveira |
Marcus Vinicius |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.