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Wikipedia iOS Continuous Integration

This document describes the dependencies for working on continuous-integration-related aspects of the Wikipedia iOS project (automated building, testing, deployment, etc).


fastlane automates common development tasks - for example bumping version numbers, running tests on multiple configurations, or submitting to the App Store. You can list the available lanes (our project-specific scripts) using bundle exec fastlane lanes. You can list available actions (all actions available to be scripted via lanes) using bundle exec fastlane actions. The fastlane configuration and scripts are in the fastlane folder.

Fastlane isn't necessary for normal development, but will be necessary if you need to automate tasks locally or you'll be updating the lanes run on our CI server.

Similar to the project's node setup for web dev, we recommend using a Ruby version manager to install node and manage multiple versions of Ruby on the same machine.

These are the recommended steps for setting up Fastlane:

Install homebrew

homebrew should have been installed by scripts/setup, but if you didn't run that script or would like to manually install it:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install rbenv

rbenv installs Ruby inside of your home folder so you don't have to modify the macOS ruby installation using root privileges. You can also manage multiple ruby versions on the same machine if you have other projects that depend on a different Ruby version. After homebrew is installed, install rbenv by running:

brew install rbenv

Update your ~/.bash_profile

Once the install command completes, add eval "$(rbenv init -)" to your ~/.bash_profile (create this file if it doesn't exist)

Restart Terminal

After terminal restarts, verify that rbenv is working properly by typing which ruby and verifying it shows a path inside your home folder.

Install the required ruby version

First cd to the directory where you have this repository:

cd /path/to/your/wikipedia-ios

Then, install the ruby version specified by our project by running:

rbenv install -s

Verify it was installed by running ruby -v and matching it to the version number specified in the .ruby-version file in this repository.

Install bundler

Next, install bundler by running:

gem install bundler

Install gems

First cd to the directory where you have this repository if you aren't there already:

cd /path/to/your/wikipedia-ios

Next, install the Ruby dependencies (gems) specified by the Gemfile (including Fastlane) by running:

bundle install

Verify fastlane was installed by running bundle exec fastlane lanes and verifying it shows a list of lanes defined by this project.

Xcode version

You can set the Xcode version used by fastlane by editing the .xcversion file in the root directory of the repo. This is helpful when a branch uses a new Xcode beta and you'd like to be able to utilize different Xcode versions for building each branch.

Additionally, the Xcode version used by Circle CI is set in .circleci/config.yml


Tests are run on Circle CI in response to pull requests. You can run the same tests that are run on a pr locally by running bundle exec fastlane verify_pull_request.

Jenkins server and releasing

Are handled by the wmf2249 server. After logging onto the WMF VPN, open a web browser and navigate to the Jenkins instance.

There are several Jenkins jobs:

  • Deploy - This builds the app from a given branch (defaults to main) and uploads it to App Store Connect (essentially running bundle exec fastlane deploy). It is immediately released to internal beta, and can be released to an external beta or wide release via App Store Connect. This job automatically runs nightly, if there are new commits to main.
  • Experimental - This the app from a given branch (defaults to main) and uploads it as the Experimental TestFlight app (aka "Black icon") to App Store Connect. It is immediately released to internal beta, and can be released to an external beta via App Store Connect.
  • Post-release - Git tag as release - Should be manually run after each release to the app store. Uploads a git tag for a release. (bundle exec fastlane tag_release build_tag:[tag])
  • Post-release - Increase app version - Should be manually run after each release to the app store. Updates the release number in Xcode.

Build server maintenance

If you need to do more intensive build server work - like updating Xcode on the build server - when on the VPN, use the Screen Sharing macOS app to log into wmf2249.

To rotate App Store Connect credentials, log into the build server via the Jenkins account and update the files in the account's home directory.

To rotate GitHub credentials, update them via the Jenkins web interface.