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Adrian Papari edited this page Jun 24, 2016 · 13 revisions



Injects aspect-related types. See Dependency Injection for more info.

    all = {Scale.class, Tint.class},
    exclude = Velocity.class)
private EntityTransmuter transmuter;


Ensuring removed components are retrievable until all SubscriptionListeners have been informed.

public class ProlongedLife extends Component {
    public float life;

Without @Transient, explicit component removal is instantaneous:

    .addSubscriptionListener(new SubscriptionListener() {
        public void inserted(IntBag entities) {}

        public void removed(IntBag entities) {
            for (int i = 0, s = entities.size(); s > i; i++) {
                // without @DelayedCompoentRemoval on ProlongedLife,
                // this may be null
                ProlongedLife pf = prolongedLifeMapper.get(entities.get(i));


Marks an int or IntBag field as entity-referencing. Serialization and EntityLinkManager both use this annotation. Entity and Bag<Entity> naturally don't require this annotation.

public class InheritScale extends Component {    
    @EntityId public int target = -1;


Configures the method with which EntityLinkManager checks inter-entity relationships - on a per field basis.

public class ChildRenderable extends PooledComponent {
    @EntityId @LinkPolicy(CHECK_SOURCE_AND_TARGETS)
    public IntBag children = new IntBag();


Disables dependency injection for the current class or field.

public class NoInjectSystem extends IteratingSystem {


Marks component as un-serializable. Transient component types are not included in the serialized output.

public class Renderable extends Component {
    public Sprite sprite;


Marker annotation.


Injecting objects registered with WorldConfiguration#register:

@Wire(name = "")
private OrthographicCamera camera;

Injecting fields inherited from parent classes:

@Wire(injectInherited = true)
public final class LayerHud extends AnimatedHudWidget<VisTable> {

For more options, see @Wire.


Annotations are processed by the maven or gradle plugin. Plugin setup is described in Bytecode weaving. All compile-time annotations work directly on class files. No source files are generated or modified.


Rewrites the component into a pooled component. Pooled components are managed by the world instance.

public class Size extends Component {
    public float width = 10;
    public float height;


public class Size extends PooledComponent {
    public float width = 10;
    public float height;

    protected void reset() {
        width = 10;
        height = 0;


Annotation for preserving the access visibiliy of process(e). Necessary if an external class invokes the system's per entity-process method directly.


Profile system execution with custom profilers. Injects conditional profiler call at start of begin() and before any exit point in end()

@Profile(enabled=true, using=SimpleProfiler.class)
public class ProfiledSystem extends IteratingSystem {
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