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Daan van Yperen edited this page May 30, 2019 · 18 revisions

You need a container for your entities, systems and components. The World is this container.

Creating a World

To assemble a world, you first configure it with WorldConfigurationBuilder.

WorldConfiguration config = new WorldConfigurationBuilder()
		new MySystemA(),
		new MySystemB(),
		new MySystemC(),

// All systems initialized and injected. 
World world = new World(config);

// Instance entities and assets here, or via your systems.

Integrating world in your game.

Typically games have a loop where the game gets updated and rendered each frame. Put the following logic in your game loop to have World iterate over all systems in order.



The builder is where you alter and extend the artemis-odb framework. Here you register systems, plugins and inject Pojo's, and more advanced features like custom dependency injector


WorldConfiguration config = new WorldConfigurationBuilder()
   .with( new MyManagerA(), new MyManagerB()  ) 
   .with( new MySystemA(), new MySystemB(), new MySystemN()  )
   .with( new MyPluginA(), new MyPluginB(), new MyPluginN()  )
   .register( new MyDIResolver())

Order of addition is preserved, but can be overridden. This is especially useful for writing plugins.

  // Systems and managers are called from highest to lowest priority. Default is `NORMAL`.
  .with( WorldConfigurationBuilder.Priority.HIGH + 1, new MyPluginA())
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