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Target-level caching as a service


Projects can have quite a lot of dependencies that are not part of the build environment, but are, instead, built from source, e.g., in order to always build against the latest snapshot. The latter is a typical workflow in case of first-party dependencies. In the case of justbuild, those first-party dependencies form a separate logical repository that is typically content fixed (e.g., because that dependency is versioned in a git repository).

Moreover, code is typically first built (and tested) by the owning project before being used as a dependency. Therefore, if remote execution is used, for a first-party dependency, we expect all actions to be in cache. As dependencies are typically updated less often than the code being developed is changed, in most builds, the dependencies are in target-level cache. In other words, in a remote-execution setup, the whole code of dependencies is fetched just to walk through the action graph a single time to get the necessary cache hits.

Core concepts and implementation

To avoid these unnecessary fetches, we have added a new subcommand just serve that start a main service that provides the dependencies. This typically happens by looking up a target-level cache entry. If the entry, however, is not in cache, this also includes building the respective export target using an associated remote-execution endpoint.

Scope: eligible export targets

In order to typically have requests in cache, just serve will refuse to handle requests that do not refer to export targets in content-fixed repositories; recall that for a repository to be content fixed, so have to be all repositories reachable from there.

Communication through an associated remote-execution service

Each just serve endpoint is always associated with a remote-execution endpoint. All artifacts exchanged between client and just serve endpoint are exchanged via the CAS that is part in the associated remote-execution endpoint. This remote-execution endpoint is also used if just serve has to build targets.

The associated remote-execution endpoint can well be the same process simultaneously acting as just execute. In fact, this is the default if no remote-execution endpoint is specified.

Sources: local git repositories and remote trees

A just serve instance takes roots from various sources,

  • the git repository contained in the local build root,
  • additional git repositories, optionally specified in the invocation, and
  • as last resort, asking the CAS in the designated remote-execution service for the specified git tree.

Allowing a list of repositories to take as sources (rather than a single one) increases the effort when having to search for a specified tree (e.g., in case the requested export target is not in cache and an actual analysis of the build has to be carried out) or specific commit (e.g., in case a client asks for the tree of a given commit). However, it allows for the natural workflow of keeping separate upstream repositories in separate clones (updated in an appropriate way) without artificially putting them in a single repository (as orphan branches).

Supporting building against trees from CAS allows more flexibility in defining roots that clients do not have to care about. In fact, they can be defined in any way, as long as

  • the client is aware of the git tree identifier of the root, and
  • some entity ensures the needed trees are known to the CAS.

The auxiliary changes to just-mr described later in this document provide one possible way to handle archives in this way. Moreover, this additional flexibility will be necessary if we ever support computed roots, i.e., roots that are the output of a just build.

Delegation: absent roots in just repository specification

In order for just to know for which repositories to delegate the build to the designated just serve endpoint, the repository configuration for just can mark roots as absent; this is done by only giving the type as "git tree" (or the corresponding ignore-special variant thereof) and the tree identifier in the root specification, but no witnessing repository.

Any repository containing an absent root has to be content fixed, but not all roots have to be absent (as just can always upload those trees to CAS). It is an error if, outside the computations delegated to just serve, a non-export target is requested from a repository containing an absent root. Moreover, whenever there is a dependency on a repository containing an absent root, a just serve endpoint has to be specified in the invocation of just.

Protocol description

Communication is handled via grpc exchanging proto buffers containing the information described in the rest of this section.

Besides the main service of just serve, auxiliary requests are defined, bundled in two other services: one allowing just-mr to configure multi-repository builds in the context of absent roots, and the other to perform the optional check for remote-execution endpoint consistency between a client and the just serve endpoint.

Main service

Main request and answer format

A request is given by

  • the map of remote-execution properties for the designated remote-execution endpoint,
  • the identifier of the blob containing the endpoint configuration information; together with the knowledge on the fixed endpoint, the just serve instance computes the target-level cache shard, and
  • the identifier of the target-level cache key; it is the client's responsibility to ensure that the referred blob (i.e., the JSON object with appropriate values for the keys "repo_key", "target_name", and "effective_config") as well as the indirectly referred repository description (the JSON object the "repo_key" in the cache key refers to) are uploaded to CAS (of the designated remote-execution endpoint) beforehand.

The answer to that request is the identifier of the corresponding target-level cache value (in the same format as for local target-level caching). The just serve instance ensures that the actual value, as well as any directly or indirectly referenced artifacts are available in the respective remote-execution CAS. Alternatively, the answer indicates the kind of error (unknown root, not an export target, build failure, etc).

Auxiliary request: flexible variables of an export target

To allow just to compute the target-level cache key without knowledge of an absent tree, just serve also answers questions about the flexible variables of an export target. Such an export target is specified by the tree of its target-level root, the name of the targets file, and the name of the target itself. The answer is a list of strings, naming the flexible variables.

Auxiliary request: rule description of an export target

To support just describe also in the cases where code is delegated to the just serve endpoint, an additional request for the describe information of a target can be requested; as just serve only handles export targets, this target necessarily has to be an export target.

The request again contains the tree identifier of the target-level root, the name of the targets file, and the name of the target to inspect. The answer is the identifier of a blob containing a JSON object with the needed information, i.e., those parts of the target description that are used by just describe. Alternatively, the answer indicates the kind of error (unknown root, not an export target, etc).

Auxiliary service: source trees

Auxiliary request: tree of a commit

For git repositories it is common to specify a commit in order to fix a dependency (even though the corresponding tree identifier would be enough). Moreover, the standard git protocol supports asking for the commit of a given remote branch, but additional overhead is needed in order to get the tree identifier.

Therefore, in order to support clients (or, more precisely, just-mr instances setting up the repository description) in constructing an appropriate request for just serve without unnecessary overhead, just serve supports a second kind of request, where the client request consists of a git commit identifier and the server answers with the tree identifier for that commit if it is aware of that commit, or indicates that it is not aware of that commit.

Optionally, the client can request that just serve back up this tree in the CAS of the associated remote-execution endpoint.

Auxiliary request: tree of an archive

For archives typically the git blob identifier is given, rather than the tree. In order to allow just-mr to set up a repository description without fetching the respective archive, just serve supports also a request which, given the blob identifier of an archive, answers with the respective tree identifier of the unpacked archive. Here, if just serve needs the archive, it can look it up in its CAS, any of the supplied git repositories (where one might be for archiving of the third-party distribution archives), and the specified remote-execution endpoint.

The (functional!) association of archive blob identifier to tree identifier of the unpacked archive is stored in the local build root and the respective tree is fixed in the git repository of the local build root in the same way as just-mr does it. When answering such a request, that tree map is consulted first (so that those requests as well can be typically served from cache).

Optionally, the client can request that just serve back up this tree in the CAS of the associated remote-execution endpoint.

Auxiliary request: tree of a distdir

For archives we typically require the git blob identifier to be given, thus the tree identifier corresponding to a distdir (i.e., a list of distfiles) can always be computed without fetching the actual archives.

In order to allow just-mr to set up a repository description that can build against an absent distdir repository root, just serve supports a request which, given a mapping of distfile names to their content blob identifiers, returns the tree identifier of a directory containing that list of distfiles, with the guarantee that all content blobs are known to just serve. The locations they are looked for are, in order: the local CAS, all known Git repositories (including the local Git cache), and the CAS of the associated remote-execution endpoint. Any blob located in a Git repository is made available in the local CAS.

Optionally, the client can request that just serve back up this tree and all the content blobs in the CAS of the associated remote-execution endpoint.

Auxiliary requests: known Git objects

For just fetch operations typically either a blob (e.g., content of an archive) or a tree (e.g., a root, like from a git tree repository) are needed to be stored into local CAS. For these cases, two auxiliary requests, one for blobs and one for trees, respectively, have been provided. They check whether the just serve endpoint knows these Git objects and, if yes, ensure they are uploaded to the remote CAS, from where the client can easily then retrieve them.

Auxiliary requests: check and get trees

In just-mr, the to_git pragma most often is used to make sure a local root is available in a content-defined manner as a Git-tree. This allows it to be used in the build description of export targets. It would be beneficial then for export targets built by a serve endpoint to have access to such roots, which often describe exactly the target(s) we want built. In order to facilitate this, two more auxiliary requests are added.

The first request supported, given a tree identifier corresponding to a root, checks whether the serve endpoint has direct access to it, meaning it is available to it locally, and, if found, it makes sure the tree is made available in a location where the serve endpoint can build against it. The places checked for this tree are, in order: the Git cache, the known Git repositories, and the local CAS.

The second request supported, given a tree identifier, retrieves a tree from the CAS of the associated remote-execution endpoint and makes it available in a location where the serve endpoint can build against it, with the understanding that the client has ensured beforehand that the tree exists in the remote CAS. This is because, in the typical use case, a client will first perform a check via the first request above, and if the serve endpoint reports that it doesn't know the tree, the client can upload it to the remote CAS and ask the serve endpoint to retrieve it via the second request. This ensures that a client can avoid unnecessary uploads to the remote CAS, while making sure that the serve endpoint has the roots marked absent available to build against.

Auxiliary service: configuration

Auxiliary request: remote-execution endpoint

Given that all artifact exchanges between client and just serve rely on the CAS of a given remote endpoint, the client might want to double check that the remote execution endpoint it wants to use is the same that is associated with the just serve instance.

The server replies with the address (in the usual HOST:PORT string format) of the associated remote execution endpoint, if set, or an empty string otherwise (i.e., if the serve endpoint acts also as execution endpoint).

Auxiliary changes

Modifications to the justbuild analysis of an export target

During the analysis of an export target, querying the just serve endpoint is exclusively linked to the presence of at least one absent root.

The first time that we need to query just serve we verify that its remote endpoint coincides with the one given to just.

If the target root for this export target is marked as absent:

  • We query the just serve for retrieving the flexible configuration variables needed to compute the target cache key. If just serve cannot answer, we break the analysis and inform the user with a proper error message.

  • With the served flexible configuration variables we compute the target cache key, as all other required information for this in available locally. If the cache entry is not in the local target cache, we query just serve to provide the associated target cache value. If it is not able to provide the target cache value, analysis fails and we error out.

It has to be noted that, in the case the just serve endpoint also does not have the target cache entry in its own target cache, a build of the content-fixed target is dispatched to the associated remote-execution endpoint, which will thus increase the time spent in the analysis phase, as experienced by the user. In order to provide a better user experience, the work done by the just serve endpoint is also being reported to the end user, similarly to the reporting done for a locally-triggered build.

just-mr pragma "absent"

For just-mr to know how to construct the multi-repository description, the description used by just-mr was extended. More precisely, a new key "absent" is allowed in the "pragma" dictionary of a repository description. If the specified value is true, just-mr generates an absent root out of this description, using all available means to generate that root without ever having to fetch the repository locally. For example, in the typical case of a git repository the auxiliary just serve function to obtain the tree of a commit is used. To allow this communication, just-mr also accepts arguments describing a just serve endpoint and forwards them as early arguments to just, in the same way as it does, e.g., with --local-build-root.

If a just serve endpoint is given to just-mr, the tool ensures however possible that all absent roots it generates are available also to the serve endpoint for a subsequent orchestrated remote build. Absent roots without providing a serve endpoint can also be generated, however this is not a typical use case and the tool provides warnings in this regard.

just-mr to inquire remote execution before fetching

In line with the idea that fetching sources from upstream should happen only once and not once per developer, we have added remote execution as another way of obtaining files to just-mr. More precisely, just-mr now supports the options just accepts to connect to the remote CAS. When given, those are forwarded to just as early arguments (so that later just-only ones can override them); moreover, when a file needed to set up a (present) root is found neither in local CAS nor in one of the specified distdirs, just-mr first asks the remote CAS for the missing file before trying to fetch itself from the specified URL. The rationale for this search order is that the designated remote-execution service is typically reachable over the network in a more reliable way than external resources (while local resources do not require a network at all).

just-mr to support new repository type git tree

A new repository type is added to just-mr, called git tree. Such a repository is given by

  • a git tree identifier, and
  • a command that, when executed in an empty directory (anywhere in the file system) will create in that directory a directory structure containing the specified git tree (either top-level or in some subdirectory). Moreover, that command does not modify anything outside the directory it is called in; it is an error if the specified tree is not created in this way.

In this way, content-fixed repositories can be generated in a generic way, e.g., using other version-control systems or specialized artifact-fetching tools.

just-mr fetch to support storing in remote-execution CAS

The fetch subcommand of just-mr will get an additional option to support backing up the fetched information not to a local directory, but instead to the CAS of the specified remote-execution endpoint. This includes

  • all archives fetched, but also
  • all trees computed in setting up the respective repository description, both, from git tree repositories, as well as from archives.

In this way, just-mr can be used to fill the CAS from one central point with all the information the clients need to treat all content-fixed roots as absent.

Target-level cache writing in the presence of some targets served

When building, just normally does not create an entry for target-level cache hit received from just serve. However, it might happen that just has to analyse an eligible export target locally, as the just serve instance cannot provide it, and during that analysis export targets provided by just serve are encountered. In this case, the writing of the export targets depending on served targets is skipped.