v1.4.2 @ 2014-10-14
new feature: core.analysis.SolutionAnalyser
v1.4.1 @ 2014-09-25
v1.4 @ 2014-09-08
! Break change !
- detailed changelog
- migrated from log4j1x to log4j2 (if you do not use Maven, see how the dependencies changed: https://github.com/jsprit/jsprit/wiki/jsprit-core
- new feature: skills can now be included easily (see for example https://github.com/jsprit/jsprit/blob/master/jsprit-examples/src/main/java/jsprit/examples/SolomonWithSkillsExample.java)
- new feature: unassigned job list
- countless improvements of javadocs
renaming of core.problem.constraint.HardActivityStateLevelConstraint into HardActivityConstraint
renaming of core.problem.constraint.HardRouteStateLevelConstraint into HardRouteConstraint
StateFactory.createId(String name) moved to core.algorithm.state.StateManager.createStateId(String name)
StateFactory moved from core.problem.solution.route.state.StateFactory to core.algorithm.state.InternalStates
StateId moved from core.problem.route.state.StateFactory.StateId to core.algorithm.state.StateId
StateFactory.createId(String name) is not accessible anymore
constructor new StateManager(VehicleRoutingTransportCosts costs) does not exist anymore, but is new StateManager(VehicleRoutingProblem vrp)
StateManager.addDefault... methods do not exists anymore. Client must now decide what to do when state does not exist.
deprecated core.problem.VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.addVehicle(Vehicle v) and added core.problem.VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.addVehicle(AbstractVehicle v)
deprecated core.problem.VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.addJob(Job j) and added core.problem.VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.addJob(AbstractJob j)
this example might make migrating from v1.3.1 to v1.4 easier (since both versions are implemented - v1.3.1 was commented out)
bugfix #107
bugfix #109
bugfix #111
bugfix #112
bugfix #114
bugfix #126
bugfix #128
v1.3.1 @ 2014-06-14
v1.3.0 @ 2014-05-19
- detailed changelog
- removed deprecated code (that had been deprecated before v1.2.0) which is definitely a break change (see details above)
- redesigned analysis.toolbox.Plotter - it now always shows first activity as small triangle (no annotation that does not scale anymore)
- added analysis.toolbox.ComputationalLaboratory to conduct various sensitivity studies concurrently
- added analysis.toolbox.XYLineChartBuilder to simplify chart creation of n XYLines
- bugfix #59
- added a number of unit- and integration-test to better guarantee/protect functionality
- added feature: algorithm maximizes/minimizes whatever constraints and custom objective suggest, i.e.constraints and custom objective function can now be easily defined and considered by the meta-heuristic #57, #72
- added feature: initial loads can now be defined #87
- bugfix #84
- bugfix #91
- bugfix #92
- bugfix #95
- bugfix #96
- bugfix #98
v1.2.0 @ 2014-03-06
- detailed changelog (containing added and deprecated methods and classes)
- added feature: multiple capacity dimensions (#55)
- added feature: different start and end locations of routes (#74)
- added a number of unit-tests
- reworked jsprit.core.algorithm.state.StateManager to deal with any state-object
- jsprit.core.problem.io.VrpXMLReader$ServiceBuilderFactory: Parameter 3 of 'public jsprit.core.problem.job.Service$Builder createBuilder(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int)' has changed its type to java.lang.Integer
- jsprit.core.problem.job.Job: Method 'public jsprit.core.problem.Capacity getSize()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.job.Service$Builder: Removed field demand
- jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.activity.ServiceActivity: Removed field capacityDemand
- jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.activity.TourActivity: Method 'public jsprit.core.problem.Capacity getSize()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.state.RouteAndActivityStateGetter: Method 'public java.lang.Object getActivityState(jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.activity.TourActivity, jsprit.core.algorithm.state.StateFactory$StateId, java.lang.Class)' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.state.RouteAndActivityStateGetter: Method 'public java.lang.Object getRouteState(jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.VehicleRoute, jsprit.core.algorithm.state.StateFactory$StateId, java.lang.Class)' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle: Method 'public jsprit.core.util.Coordinate getEndLocationCoordinate()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle: Method 'public java.lang.String getEndLocationId()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle: Method 'public jsprit.core.util.Coordinate getStartLocationCoordinate()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle: Method 'public java.lang.String getStartLocationId()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.VehicleFleetManager: Method 'public java.util.Collection getAvailableVehicles(jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle)' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.VehicleType: Method 'public jsprit.core.problem.Capacity getCapacityDimensions()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.util.VrpVerifier: Class jsprit.core.util.VrpVerifier removed [potential Break Change]
v1.1.1 @ 2014-01-31
- fixed bug: #80
- added new package reporting with basic reporting
v1.1.0 @ 2014-01-27
- added javadocs (VehicleRoutingProblem and classes in package vehicle. and job.)
- added unit-tests (for classes in package vehicle., job. and io.)
- deprecated methods in VehicleRoutingProblem, VehicleTypeImpl, VehicleImpl
- added func in VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder (.addPenaltyVehicle(...) methods)
- added feature: open-routes (#54)
- added func in VehicleImpl and VehicleImpl.Builder (.setReturnToDepot(...), isReturnToDepot())
- added feature: prohibit vehicles to take over entire route (#70)
- fixed bug: #58,#76-#79
- added abstract class AbstractForwardVehicleRoutingCosts
- inspected and removed all warnings
- visibility of methods activity.Start.get/setCoordinate(...) decreased from public to package [potential Break Change]
- visibility of methods activity.End.get/setCoordinate(...) decreased from public to package [potential Break Change]
- method isReturnToDepot() has been added to interface Vehicle [potential Break Change]
- visibility of constructor VehicleImpl.Builder decreased from public to private [potential Break Change]
- added GraphStreamViewer
- inspected and removed all warnings
- added BicycleMessenger
- enriched examples with GraphStreamViewer
- inspected and removed all warnings
- added VrphGoldenReader (plus instances to bechmark VRPH)
- inspected and removed all warnings
v1.0.0 @ 2013-11-26 (break change)
- re-organized API
- new package names: jsprit.<module>.<folder(s)>
- most of the breaks can be fixed by (re-)organizing imports
- however the following breaks have to be fixed manually:
- SolutionPrinter.
print(solution, Print.VERBOSE)--> use .print(solution) instead - VehicleRoute:
getCosts(),getCostCalculator() - TimeBreaker --> TimeTermination, VariationCoefficentBreaker --> ...Termination, Iteration...Breaker --> ...Termination
- VehicleRoutingAlgorithm: setPrematureBreaker(...) --> setPrematureTermination(...)
- util.
Counter - detailed changelog
v0.0.5 @ 2013-11-22
- more memory-efficient RadialRuin (issue #53)
- bug fix (issue #51)
v0.0.4 @ 2013-10-17
- a number of internal improvements
- license change from GPLv2 to LGPLv3
- add premature algorithm termination: PrematureAlgorithmBreaker.java and its implementations
- searchStrategy.java: public SearchStrategy(SolutionSelector,SolutionAcceptor) --> public SearchStratgy(SolutionSelector,SolutionAcceptor,SolutionCostCalculator)
- searchStrategy.java: public boolean run(...) --> public DiscoveredSolution run(...)
- vehicleImpl.VehicleType.Builder --> VehicleTypeImpl.Builder
- vehicleImpl.VehicleBuilder --> VehicleImpl.Builder
v0.0.3 @ 2013-06-04
- bug fix - access resources in jar
v0.0.2 @ 2013-06-03
- bug fix - access resources in jar
v0.0.1 @ 2013-06-02