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Code & design guidelines

jvermillard edited this page Oct 15, 2014 · 12 revisions

This page try to collect all the Leshan development rules and good practices.

Eclipse workspace setup

At the project root, run "mvn eclipse:eclipse" it will generate the project files and classpath with the correct code formater.

In eclipse just do "File->Import" pick "Existing projects" and point to the directory where you cloned the Leshan project.

Code rules

  • license header on every source files
  • format using the provided code formatter (.xml for eclipse)
  • toString should be implemented using String format
  • throw IllegalArgumentException if a given method parameter is not following the contract (like a null value where it's illegal)
  • log using SLF4J facade, at rutime use Apache Log4J2
  • log as INFO, WARN, ERROR only low traffic messages (INFO is really only for "ok this component is started" but never for "I replied to this request")
  • high traffic log as TRACE or DEBUG
  • try hard to keep class and method names small
  • javadoc on every class for at least explaining purpose
  • javadoc on API public methods


  • explicit test name as a sentence in snake case not in camel case: not testSendMessage() but send_a_message_and_expect_a_response()


  • use "version" property in pom.xml only to avoid to duplicate it.

Design guidelines


  • avoid merge commits, rebase your work on top of the master before pushing a pull-request
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