The Entity
is used as the primary configuration for driving the entity-driven code generation.
The Entity
object supports a number of properties that control the generated code output. These properties are separated into a series of logical categories.
Category | Description |
Key |
Provides the key configuration. |
RefData |
Provides the Reference Data configuration. |
Entity |
Provides the Entity class configuration. |
Collection |
Provides the Entity collection class configuration. |
Operation |
Provides the Operation configuration. |
Auth |
Provides the Authorization configuration. |
Events |
Provides the Events configuration. |
WebApi |
Provides the data Web API configuration. |
Manager |
Provides the Manager-layer configuration. |
DataSvc |
Provides the Data Services-layer configuration. |
Data |
Provides the generic Data-layer configuration. |
Database |
Provides the specific Database (ADO.NET) configuration where AutoImplement is Database . |
EntityFramework |
Provides the specific Entity Framework (EF) configuration where AutoImplement is EntityFramework . |
Cosmos |
Provides the specific Cosmos configuration where AutoImplement is Cosmos . |
OData |
Provides the specific OData configuration where AutoImplement is OData . |
HttpAgent |
Provides the specific HTTP Agent configuration where AutoImplement is HttpAgent . |
Model |
Provides the data Model configuration. |
gRPC |
Provides the gRPC configuration. |
Exclude |
Provides the Exclude configuration. |
Collections |
Provides related child (hierarchical) configuration. |
The properties with a bold name are those that are more typically used (considered more important).
Provides the key configuration.
Property | Description |
Name |
The unique entity name. [Mandatory] |
Text |
The overriding text for use in comments. † Overrides the Name (as sentence text) for the summary comments. It will be formatted as: Represents the {Text} entity. . To create a <see cref="XXX"/> within use moustache shorthand (e.g. {{Xxx}}). |
FileName |
The overriding file name. † Overrides the Name as the code-generated file name. |
EntityScope |
The entity scope option. Valid options are: Common , Business , Autonomous .† Defaults to the CodeGeneration.EntityScope . Determines where the entity is scoped/defined, being Common or Business (i.e. not externally visible). Additionally, there is a special case of Autonomous where both a Common and Business entity are generated (where only the latter inherits from EntityBase , etc). |
PrivateName |
The overriding private name. † Overrides the Name to be used for private fields. By default reformatted from Name ; e.g. FirstName as _firstName . |
ArgumentName |
The overriding argument name. † Overrides the Name to be used for argument parameters. By default reformatted from Name ; e.g. FirstName as firstName . |
ConstType |
The Const .NET Type option. Valid options are: int , long , Guid , string .† The .NET Type to be used for the const values. Defaults to string . |
IsInitialOverride |
Indicates whether to override the ICleanup.IsInitial property.† Set to either true or false to override as specified; otherwise, null to check each property. Defaults to null . |
Provides the Reference Data configuration.
Property | Description |
RefDataType |
The Reference Data identifier Type option. Valid options are: int , long , Guid , string .† Required to identify an entity as being Reference Data. Specifies the underlying .NET Type used for the Reference Data identifier. |
RefDataText |
Indicates whether a corresponding Text property is added when generating a Reference Data Property overriding the CodeGeneration.RefDataText selection.† This is used where serializing within the Web API Controller and the ExecutionContext.IsRefDataTextSerializationEnabled is set to true (which is automatically set where the url contains $text=true ). |
RefDataSortOrder |
The Reference Data sort order option. Valid options are: SortOrder , Id , Code , Text .† Specifies the default sort order for the underlying Reference Data collection. Defaults to SortOrder . |
RefDataStringFormat |
The Reference Data ToString composite format.† The string format supports the standard composite formatting; where the following indexes are used: {0} for Id , {1} for Code and {2} for Text . Defaults to {2} . |
Provides the Entity class configuration.
Property | Description |
EntityUsing |
The namespace for the non Reference Data entities (adds as a c# using statement). Valid options are: Common , Business , All , None .† Defaults to EntityScope (Autonomous will result in Business ). A value of Common will add .Common.Entities , Business will add .Business.Entities , All to add both, and None to exclude any. |
Inherits |
The base class that the entity inherits from. † Defaults to EntityBase for a standard entity. For Reference Data it will default to ReferenceDataBaseXxx depending on the corresponding RefDataType value. See OmitEntityBase if the desired outcome is to not inherit from any of the aforementioned base classes. |
Implements |
The list of comma separated interfaces that are to be declared for the entity class. |
AutoInferImplements |
Indicates whether to automatically infer the interface implements for the entity from the properties declared. † Will attempt to infer the following: IGuidIdentifier , IInt32Identifier , IInt64Identifier , IStringIdentifier , IETag and IChangeLog . Defaults to true . |
Abstract |
Indicates whether the class should be defined as abstract. |
GenericWithT |
Indicates whether the class should be defined as a generic with a single parameter T . |
Namespace |
The entity namespace to be appended. † Appended to the end of the standard structure as follows: {Company}.{AppName}.Common.Entities.{Namespace} . |
OmitEntityBase |
Indicates that the entity should not inherit from EntityBase .† As such any of the EntityBase related capabilites are not supported (are omitted from generation). The intention for this is more for the generation of simple internal entities. |
JsonSerializer |
The JSON Serializer to use for JSON property attribution. Valid options are: None , Newtonsoft .† Defaults to the CodeGeneration.JsonSerializer configuration property where specified; otherwise, Newtonsoft . |
Provides the Entity collection class configuration.
Property | Description |
Collection |
Indicates whether a corresponding entity collection class should be created. |
CollectionResult |
Indicates whether a corresponding entity collection result class should be created † Enables the likes of additional paging state to be stored with the underlying collection. |
CollectionKeyed |
Indicates whether the entity collection is keyed using the properties defined as forming part of the unique key. |
CollectionInherits |
The base class that a Collection inherits from.† Defaults to EntityBaseCollection or EntityBaseKeyedCollection depending on CollectionKeyed . For Reference Data it will default to ReferenceDataCollectionBase . |
CollectionResultInherits |
The base class that a CollectionResult inherits from.† Defaults to EntityCollectionResult . |
Provides the Operation configuration. These primarily provide a shorthand to create the standard Get
, Create
, Update
and Delete
operations (versus having to specify directly).
Property | Description |
Get |
Indicates that a Get operation will be automatically generated where not otherwise explicitly specified. |
GetAll |
Indicates that a GetAll operation will be automatically generated where not otherwise explicitly specified. |
Create |
Indicates that a Create operation will be automatically generated where not otherwise explicitly specified. |
Update |
Indicates that a Update operation will be automatically generated where not otherwise explicitly specified. |
Patch |
Indicates that a Patch operation will be automatically generated where not otherwise explicitly specified. |
Delete |
Indicates that a Delete operation will be automatically generated where not otherwise explicitly specified. |
Provides the Authorization configuration.
Property | Description |
AuthRole |
The role (permission) used by the ExecutionContext.IsInRole(role) for each Operation .† Used where not overridden specifically for an Operation ; i.e. acts as the default. |
Provides the Events configuration.
Property | Description |
EventPublish |
The layer to add logic to publish an event for a Create , Update or Delete operation. Valid options are: None , false , DataSvc , true , Data .† Defaults to the CodeGeneration.EventPublish configuration property (inherits) where not specified. Used to enable the sending of messages to the likes of EventHub, Service Broker, SignalR, etc. This can be overridden within the Entity (s). |
EventOutbox |
The the data-tier event outbox persistence technology (where the events will be transactionally persisted in an outbox as part of the data-tier processing). Valid options are: None , Database .† Defaults to CodeGeneration.EventOutbox configuration property (inherits) where not specified. A value of Database will result in the DatabaseEventOutboxInvoker being used to orchestrate. |
EventSource |
The Event Source. † Defaults to Name (as lowercase) appended with the /{$key} placeholder. Note: when used in code-generation the CodeGeneration.EventSourceRoot will be prepended where specified. To include the entity id/key include a {$key} placeholder (Create , Update or Delete operation only); for example: person/{$key} . This can be overridden for the Operation . |
EventSubjectFormat |
The default formatting for the Subject when an Event is published. Valid options are: NameOnly , NameAndKey .† Defaults to CodeGeneration.EventSubjectFormat . |
EventTransaction |
Indicates whether a System.TransactionScope should be created and orchestrated at the DataSvc -layer whereever generating event publishing logic.† Usage will force a rollback of any underlying data transaction (where the provider supports TransactionScope) on failure, such as an EventPublish error. This is by no means implying a Distributed Transaction (DTC) should be invoked; this is only intended for a single data source that supports a TransactionScope to guarantee reliable event publishing. Defaults to CodeGeneration.EventTransaction . This essentially defaults the Operation.DataSvcTransaction where not otherwise specified. This should only be used where EventPublish is DataSvc and a transactionally-aware data source is being used. |
Provides the data Web API configuration.
Property | Description |
WebApiRoutePrefix |
The RoutePrefixAtttribute for the corresponding entity Web API controller.† This is the base (prefix) URI for the entity and can be further extended when defining the underlying Operation (s). The CodeGeneration.WebApiRoutePrefix will be prepended where specified. |
WebApiAuthorize |
The authorize attribute value to be used for the corresponding entity Web API controller; generally Authorize (or true ), otherwise AllowAnonymous (or false ).† Defaults to the CodeGeneration.WebApiAuthorize configuration property (inherits) where not specified; can be overridden at the Operation level also. |
WebApiCtor |
The access modifier for the generated Web API Controller constructor. Valid options are: Public , Private , Protected .† Defaults to Public . |
WebApiCtorParams |
The comma seperated list of additional (non-inferred) Dependency Injection (DI) parameters for the generated WebApi constructor.† Each constructor parameter should be formatted as Type + ^ + Name ; e.g. IConfiguration^Config . Where the Name portion is not specified it will be inferred. Where the Type matches an already inferred value it will be ignored. |
WebApiAutoLocation |
Indicates whether the HTTP Response Location Header route (Operation.WebApiLocation ) is automatically inferred.† This will automatically set the Operation.WebApiLocation for an Operation named Create where there is a corresponding named Get . This is defaulted from the CodeGen.WebApiAutoLocation . |
WebApiConcurrency |
Indicates whether the Web API is responsible for managing (simulating) concurrency via auto-generated ETag. † This provides an alternative where the underlying data source does not natively support optimistic concurrency (native support should always be leveraged as a priority). Where the Operation.Type is Update or Patch , the request ETag will be matched against the response for a corresponding Get operation to verify no changes have been made prior to updating. For this to function correctly the .NET response Type for the Get must be the same as that returned from the corresponding Create , Update and Patch (where applicable) as the generated ETag is a SHA256 hash of the resulting JSON. This defaults the Operation.WebApiConcurrency . |
WebApiGetOperation |
The corresponding Get method name (in the XxxManager ) where the Operation.Type is Update and SimulateConcurrency is true .† Defaults to Get . Specify either just the method name (e.g. OperationName ) or, interface and method name (e.g. IXxxManager.OperationName ) to be invoked where in a different YyyManager.OperationName . |
Provides the Manager-layer configuration.
Property | Description |
ManagerConstructor |
The access modifier for the generated Manager constructor. Valid options are: Public , Private , Protected .† Defaults to Public . |
ManagerCtorParams |
The comma seperated list of additional (non-inferred) Dependency Injection (DI) parameters for the generated Manager constructor.† Each constructor parameter should be formatted as Type + ^ + Name ; e.g. IConfiguration^Config . Where the Name portion is not specified it will be inferred. Where the Type matches an already inferred value it will be ignored. |
ManagerExtensions |
Indicates whether the Manager extensions logic should be generated.† This can be overridden using Operation.ManagerExtensions . |
Validator |
The name of the .NET Type that will perform the validation.† Only used for defaulting the Create and Update operation types (Operation.Type ) where not specified explicitly. |
IValidator |
The name of the .NET Interface that the Validator implements/inherits.† Only used for defaulting the Create and Update operation types (Operation.Type ) where not specified explicitly. |
Provides the Data Services-layer configuration.
Property | Description |
DataSvcCaching |
Indicates whether request-based IRequestCache caching is to be performed at the DataSvc layer to improve performance (i.e. reduce chattiness).† Defaults to true . |
DataSvcConstructor |
The access modifier for the generated DataSvc constructor. Valid options are: Public , Private , Protected .† Defaults to Public . |
DataSvcCtorParams |
The comma seperated list of additional (non-inferred) Dependency Injection (DI) parameters for the generated DataSvc constructor.† Each constructor parameter should be formatted as Type + ^ + Name ; e.g. IConfiguration^Config . Where the Name portion is not specified it will be inferred. Where the Type matches an already inferred value it will be ignored. |
DataSvcExtensions |
Indicates whether the DataSvc extensions logic should be generated.† This can be overridden using Operation.DataSvcExtensions . |
Provides the generic Data-layer configuration.
Property | Description |
AutoImplement |
The data source auto-implementation option. Valid options are: Database , EntityFramework , Cosmos , OData , HttpAgent , None .† Defaults to None . Indicates that the implementation for the underlying Operations will be auto-implemented using the selected data source (unless explicity overridden). When selected some of the related attributes will also be required (as documented). Additionally, the AutoImplement indicator must be selected for each underlying Operation that is to be auto-implemented. |
DataConstructor |
The access modifier for the generated Data constructor. Valid options are: Public , Private , Protected .† Defaults to Public . |
DataCtorParams |
The comma seperated list of additional (non-inferred) Dependency Injection (DI) parameters for the generated Data constructor.† Each constructor parameter should be formatted as Type + ^ + Name ; e.g. IConfiguration^Config . Where the Name portion is not specified it will be inferred. Where the Type matches an already inferred value it will be ignored. |
DataExtensions |
Indicates whether the Data extensions logic should be generated.† This can be overridden using Operation.DataExtensions . |
Provides the specific Database (ADO.NET) configuration where AutoImplement
is Database
Property | Description |
DatabaseName |
The .NET database interface name (used where AutoImplement is Database ).† Defaults to the CodeGeneration.DatabaseName configuration property (its default value is IDatabase ). |
DatabaseSchema |
The database schema name (used where AutoImplement is Database ).† Defaults to dbo . |
DataDatabaseMapperInheritsFrom |
The name of the Mapper that the generated Database Mapper inherits from. |
DatabaseCustomerMapper |
Indicates that a custom Database Mapper will be used; i.e. not generated.† Otherwise, by default, a Mapper will be generated. |
Provides the specific Entity Framework (EF) configuration where AutoImplement
is EntityFramework
Property | Description |
EntityFrameworkName |
The .NET Entity Framework interface name used where AutoImplement is EntityFramework .† Defaults to the CodeGeneration.EntityFrameworkName configuration property (its default value is IEfDb ). |
EntityFrameworkEntity |
The corresponding Entity Framework model name (required where AutoImplement is EntityFramework ). |
DataEntityFrameworkMapperInheritsFrom |
The name of the Mapper that the generated Entity Framework Mapperinherits from.<br/>† Defaults to Model.{Name}; i.e. an entity with the same name in the Model` namespace. |
DataEntityFrameworkCustomMapper |
Indicates that a custom Entity Framework Mapper will be used; i.e. not generated.† Otherwise, by default, a Mapper will be generated. |
Provides the specific Cosmos configuration where AutoImplement
is Cosmos
Property | Description |
CosmosName |
The .NET Cosmos interface name used where AutoImplement is Cosmos .† Defaults to the CodeGeneration.CosmosName configuration property (its default value is ICosmosDb ). |
CosmosEntity |
The corresponding Cosmos model name (required where AutoImplement is Cosmos ). |
CosmosContainerId |
The Cosmos ContainerId required where AutoImplement is Cosmos . |
CosmosPartitionKey |
The C# code to be used for setting the optional Cosmos PartitionKey where AutoImplement is Cosmos .† Defaults to PartitionKey.None . |
DataCosmosValueContainer |
Indicates whether the CosmosDbValueContainer is to be used; otherwise, CosmosDbContainer . |
DataCosmosMapperInheritsFrom |
The name of the Mapper that the generated Cosmos Mapper inherits from. |
DataCosmosCustomMapper |
Indicates that a custom Cosmos Mapper will be used; i.e. not generated.† Otherwise, by default, a Mapper will be generated. |
Provides the specific OData configuration where AutoImplement
is OData
Property | Description |
ODataName |
The .NET OData interface name used where AutoImplement is OData .† Defaults to the CodeGeneration.ODataName configuration property (its default value is IOData ). |
ODataEntity |
The corresponding OData model name (required where AutoImplement is OData ). |
ODataCollectionName |
The name of the underlying OData collection where AutoImplement is OData .† The underlying Simple.OData.Client will attempt to infer. |
DataODataMapperInheritsFrom |
The name of the Mapper that the generated OData Mapper inherits from. |
DataODataCustomMapper |
Indicates that a custom OData Mapper will be used; i.e. not generated.† Otherwise, by default, a Mapper will be generated. |
Provides the specific HTTP Agent configuration where AutoImplement
is HttpAgent
Property | Description |
HttpAgentName |
The .NET HTTP Agent interface name used where Operation.AutoImplement is HttpAgent .† Defaults to CodeGeneration.HttpAgentName configuration property (its default value is IHttpAgent ). |
HttpAgentRoutePrefix |
The base HTTP Agent API route where Operation.AutoImplement is HttpAgent .† This is the base (prefix) URI for the HTTP Agent endpoint and can be further extended when defining the underlying Operation (s). |
HttpAgentModel |
The corresponding HTTP Agent model name (required where AutoImplement is HttpAgent ).† This can be overridden within the Operation (s). |
HttpAgentReturnModel |
The corresponding HTTP Agent model name (required where AutoImplement is HttpAgent ).† This can be overridden within the Operation (s). |
Provides the data Model configuration.
Property | Description |
DataModel |
Indicates whether a data model version of the entity should also be generated (output to .\Business\Data\Model ).† The model will be generated with OmitEntityBase = true . Any reference data properties will be defined using their RefDataType intrinsic Type versus their corresponding (actual) reference data Type . |
Provides the gRPC configuration.
Property | Description |
Grpc |
Indicates whether gRPC support (more specifically service-side) is required for the Entity. † gRPC support is an explicit opt-in model (see CodeGeneration.Grpc configuration); therefore, each corresponding Property and Operation will also need to be opted-in specifically. |
Provides the Exclude configuration.
Property | Description |
ExcludeEntity |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the Entity class (Xxx.cs ). |
ExcludeAll |
The option to exclude the generation of all Operation related artefacts; excluding the Entity class.† Is a shorthand means for setting all of the other Exclude* properties (with the exception of ExcludeEntity ) to true . |
ExcludeIData |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the IData interface (IXxxData.cs ). |
ExcludeData |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the Data class (XxxData.cs ).† An unspecified (null) value indicates not to exclude. A value of true indicates to exclude all output; alternatively, where false is specifically specified it indicates to at least output the corresponding Mapper class. |
ExcludeIDataSvc |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the IDataSvc interface (IXxxDataSvc.cs ). |
ExcludeDataSvc |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the DataSvc class (IXxxDataSvc.cs ). |
ExcludeIManager |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the IManager interface (IXxxManager.cs ). |
ExcludeManager |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the Manager class (XxxManager.cs ). |
ExcludeWebApi |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the XxxController class (IXxxController.cs ). |
ExcludeWebApiAgent |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the XxxAgent class (XxxAgent.cs ). |
ExcludeGrpcAgent |
Indicates whether to exclude the generation of the XxxAgent class (XxxAgent.cs ). |
Provides related child (hierarchical) configuration.
Property | Description |
Properties |
The corresponding Property collection. |
Operations |
The corresponding Operation collection. |
Consts |
The corresponding Const collection. |