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Installation Guide

We explain how to install JSAVER with necessary environment settings from the scratch. Before installation, please download JDK 8 and sbt.

Download JSAVER

The source code of JSAVER and the dataset of our study are publicly available at, and the latest version is maintained as a GitHub repository:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Additionally, we packaged the artifact in a docker container. If you want to skip the environment setting, we recommend you to use it. You can install the docker by following the instruction in and downlaod our docker image with the following command:

$ docker pull jhnaldo/fse22-jsaver
$ docker run -it -m=16g --rm jhnaldo/fse22-jsaver
# user: guest, password: guest

WARNING: The docker image is 3GB large thus be patient when you download it and please assign more than 16GB memory for the docker engine.

Environment Setting (!!IMPORTANT!!)

Insert the following commands to ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc):

# for JSAVER
export JSAVER_HOME="<path to JSAVER>"
export PATH="$JSAVER_HOME/bin:$PATH"
source $JSAVER_HOME/jsaver-auto-completion

The <path to JSAVER> should be the absolute path of JSAVER repository.

Installation of JSAVER using sbt

$ sbt assembly
$ source java-opts

NOTE: It might take several minutes at the first time because of the installation of a proper sbt version.

Basic Commands

You can run the artifact with the following command:

$ jsaver <sub-command> <option>* <filename>?

with the following sub-commands:

  • help shows the help message.
  • extract represents Definitional Interpreter Extraction phase that extracts a definitional interpreter from ECMA-262 defined in ecma262/spec.html.
    • -extract:version={string} is given, set the git version of ecma262.
    • -extract:genModel is given, generate models of the extracted definitional interpreter.
  • analyze represents Meta-level State Analysis phase that performs a meta-level static analysis for a given JavaScript program with the fixed definitional interpreter.
    • -analyze:version={string} is given, set the git version of ecma262.
    • -analyze:repl={string} is given, use a REPL for meta-level static analysis.
    • -analyze:num={string} is given, set number domain (flat or interval).
    • -analyze:str={string} is given, set string domain (set-k, char-inc, or prefix-suffix).
    • -analyze:loop-iter={number} is given, set maximum loop iteration.
    • -analyze:loop-depth={number} is given, set maximum loop depth.
    • -analyze:js-k-cfa={number} is given, set k for JavaScript callsite sensitivity.
    • -analyze:ir-k-cfa={number} is given, set k for IRES callsite sensitivity.
    • -analyze:timeout={number} is given, set timeout of analyzer (second), 0 for unlimited.
  • collect collects the final concrete/abstract state of a JavaScript program (used only for evaluation).
    • -collect:concrete is given, collect concrete state.
    • -collect:js-k-cfa={number} is given, set k for JavaScript callsite sensitivity.

and global options:

  • -silent is given, do not show final results.
  • -time is given, display the duration time.

Simple Examples

Definitional Interpreter Extraction

You can extract a definitional interpreter from ECMA-262 using the extract command. If you want to extract the definitional interpreter from ES12 (ES2021), please type the following script:

$ jsaver extract -extract:version=es2021 -extract:genModel
 extract phase
version: es2021
parsing spec.html... (14,540 ms)
generating models... (8,560 ms)
* version: es2021
* grammar:
  - lexical production: 146
  - non-lexical production: 187
* algorithms:
  - incomplete: 276
  - complete: 2364
  - total: 2640
* algorithm steps:
  - incompleted: 460
  - total: 13543
* intrinsics: 67
* symbols: 14
* aoids: 507

You can freely set the target git version of ecma262 by changing the argument of the -extract:version option, and the -extract:genModel dumps the extracted definitional interpreter to use it during meta-level static analysis.

In this artifact, we extracted the definitional interpreter from ES2021 (ES12), the latest version of ECMA-262, and manually filled out essential steps of its not-yet-compiled parts. If you want to see the compiled $\text{IR}_\text{ES}$ functions, please see the following directory:

Meta-level Static Analysis

You can analyze a JavaScript file using the analyze command as follows:

$ jsaver analyze tests/js/addition1.js
 parse phase
 analyze phase
RunJobs:[call: ][loop: ]:RET:Function[2289] -> undefined
globals: {
  CONTEXT -> null
  SCRIPT_BODY -> ☊[ScriptBody](var x =...) @ 0x0df5f5c0
heap: {

It shows the final abstract state at the program exit point. In addition, it provides a read-eval-print loop (REPL) with the -analyze:repl option for more convenience:

$ jsaver analyze tests/js/addition1.js -analyze:repl
 parse phase
 analyze phase

command list:
- help                     Show help message.
- continue                 Continue static analysis.
- move                     Move to specified control point.
- break                    Add a break point.
- list-break               Show the list of break points.
- rm-break                 Remove a break point.
- jump                     Jump to a specific iteration.
- print                    Print specific information
- log                      Dump the state.
- graph                    Dump the current control graph.
- exit                     Exit the type checking.
- stop                     Stop the repl.
- info                     Show abstract state of node
- entry                    Show the set of entry functions of current function
- worklist                 Show all the control points in the worklist
- find-merged              Find merged analysis results.

[1] RunJobs:[call: 0][loop: 0]:Entry[25909] -> {
  locals: {}
  globals: {
    SCRIPT_BODY: ☊[ScriptBody](var x =...) @ 0x7fb9f71f
  heaps: {}

analyzer> continue
* Static analysis finished. (# iter: 2294)

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalObject.SubMap.x.Value

analyzer> exit
stop for debugging

How To Reproduce Evaluation Results

Now, we explain how to reproduce evaluation results for each figure and table. Please go to the eval directory and install npm and pip3 packages for the reproduction process.

$ cd $JSAVER_HOME/eval
$ npm install
$ pip3 install seaborn

The data of figures and tables are archived in the data directory as follows:

├── figure-10
│   └── template-literal-example.js
├── figure-11
│   └── k-cfa-data.csv
├── figure-12
│   ├── pipeline-operator-example.js
│   └──
├── figure-13
│   ├── observable-example.js
│   └──
├── figure-8
│   └── sound.csv
├── figure-9
│   ├── a_precision.csv
│   └── b_performance.csv
├── table-1
│   ├── all
│   ├── applicable-tests
│   ├── early-errors
│   ├── in-progress-features
│   ├── inapplicable-tests
│   ├── inessential-built-in-objects
│   ├── non-strict-and-module
│   └── web-browser-and-internationalization
└── table-2

Raw Data Creation

In the $JSAVER_HOME/eval/raw directory, we zipped and archived the raw data of evaluation results. Please unzip them for the remaining parts:

$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw
$ unzip raw/ -d raw

NOTE: We recommend using the archived raw data because it requires more than 10 hours to create them from scratch. Nevertheless, if you want to do it yourself, please follow the below instructions.


# apply Test262 patch
$ node index.js -a

# concrete (about 1 hour)
$ jsaver collect -collect:concrete && mv $JSAVER_HOME/logs/collect/concrete raw

# jsaver (about 1 hour)
$ jsaver collect && mv $JSAVER_HOME/logs/collect/jsaver raw

# jsaver_k (about 1 hour per k)
$ jsaver collect -collect:js-k-cfa=0 && mv $JSAVER_HOME/logs/collect/jsaver raw/jsaver_0
$ jsaver collect -collect:js-k-cfa=1 && mv $JSAVER_HOME/logs/collect/jsaver raw/jsaver_1
$ jsaver collect -collect:js-k-cfa=2 && mv $JSAVER_HOME/logs/collect/jsaver raw/jsaver_2
$ jsaver collect -collect:js-k-cfa=3 && mv $JSAVER_HOME/logs/collect/jsaver raw/jsaver_3
$ jsaver collect -collect:js-k-cfa=4 && mv $JSAVER_HOME/logs/collect/jsaver raw/jsaver_4

# revert Test262 patch
$ node index.js -r


For TAJS, you should first install Ant.

# install TAJS
$ git clone --recursive

# environment setting

# tajs (about 1 hour)
$ node index.js -t

# tajs-compiled (about 1 hour)
$ node index.js -t -b


# install SAFE
$ git clone --recursive

# environment setting
$ export SAFE_HOME="$JSAVER_HOME/eval/safe"

# safe (about 1 hour)
$ node index.js -e

# safe-compiled (about 1 hour)
$ node index.js -e -b

RQ1) Soundness (Section 6.1 - Figure 8)

First, please create the output/soundness.csv file using the following command:

$ node index -s

Then, copy and paste the data in output/soundness.csv to the data tab in the output/soundness.xlsx file. The remaining tabs show Figure 8 (a)-(e):

  • (a) tajs tab
  • (b) safe tab
  • (c) jsaver tab
  • (d) tajs+babel tab
  • (e) safe+babel tab

RQ2) Precision (Section 6.2 - Figure 9)

Please create the output/plot-data.csv file and draw Figure 9 using the following commands:

# create output/plot-data.csv
$ node index -p

# draw Figure 9 (a) and (b)
$ python3 output/plot-data.csv

RQ3) Configurability (Section 6.3 - Figure 10 / Figure 11)

Abstract Domain

The JavaScript code of Figure 10 is stored in data/figure-10/template-literal-example.js. Please analyze it with a String Set ($\textsf{SS}_5$) domain and check the analysis result using REPL of JSAVER:

$ jsaver analyze data/figure-10/template-literal-example.js \
    -analyze:repl -analyze:str=set-5
 parse phase
 analyze phase

command list: ...

analyzer> continue

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.x.BoundValue
{"a", "b"}

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.y.BoundValue
{"cad", "cbd"}

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.z.BoundValue
{"aea", "aeb", "bea", "beb"}

analyzer> exit
stop for debugging

Similarly, you can analyze this program with different abstract string domains, such as Character Inclusion ($\textsf{CI}$) and Prefix-Suffix ($\textsf{PS}$) with -analyze:str=char-inc and -analyze:str=prefix-suffix options, respectively:

$ jsaver analyze data/figure-10/template-literal-example.js \
    -analyze:repl -analyze:str=char-inc

analyzer> continue

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.x.BoundValue
<[], [ab]>

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.y.BoundValue
<[cd], [abcd]>

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.z.BoundValue
<[e], [abe]>

analyzer> exit
stop for debugging

$ jsaver analyze data/figure-10/template-literal-example.js \
    -analyze:repl -analyze:str=prefix-suffix

analyzer> continue

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.x.BoundValue

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.y.BoundValue
<c*, *d>

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.z.BoundValue

analyzer> exit
stop for debugging

Analysis Sensitivities

First, please create the output/configurability.csv file using the following command:

$ node index -c

Then, copy and paste the data in output/configurability.csv to the output/configurability.xlsx file. You can see charts in Figure 11.

RQ4) Adaptability (Section 6.4 - Figure 12 / Figure 13)

Pipeline Operator (|>)

# change the git version
$ git checkout proposal-pipeline-operator

# re-build JSAVER
$ cd $JSAVER_HOME && sbt assembly && cd eval

# analysis of the example code in Figure 13 with
# the internval number domain (-analyze:num=interval)
$ jsaver analyze data/figure-12/pipeline-operator-example.js \
    -analyze:repl -analyze:num=interval

analyzer> continue

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.a.BoundValue
[2.0, 200.0]

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.b.BoundValue

analyzer> print -return
{~throw~ -> ... @ {
  #18:... -> OrdinaryObject {
    [11] "Prototype" -> #GLOBAL.TypeError.prototype

analyzer> exit
stop for debugging

Observable Library

# change the git version
$ git checkout proposal-observable

# re-build JSAVER
$ cd $JSAVER_HOME && sbt assembly && cd eval

# analysis of the example code in Figure 13 with
# the internval number domain (-analyze:num=interval)
# and the prefix-suffix string domain (-analyze:str=prefix-suffix)
$ jsaver analyze data/figure-13/observable-example.js \
    -analyze:repl -analyze:num=interval -analyze:str=prefix-suffix

analyzer> continue

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.x.BoundValue
[6.0, 12.0]

analyzer> print -expr REALM.GlobalEnv.DeclarativeRecord.SubMap.y.BoundValue
<*, *123>

analyzer> exit
stop for debugging