VR plugin configuration parameters are provided whenever a player instance is created.
var config = {
plugins: {
vr: {
// VR configuration here
var player = KalturaPlayer.setup(config);
The configuration uses the following structure:
toggleStereo: boolean,
startInStereo: boolean,
moveMultiplier: number,
deviceMotionMultiplier: number,
cameraOptions: Object
toggleStereo: false, // in mobile device is true
startInStereo: false,
moveMultiplier: 0.15,
deviceMotionMultiplier: 1,
cameraOptions: {
fov: 75,
aspect: video.width/video.height,
near: 0.1,
far: 1000
{ fov: 75, aspect: video.width/video.height, near: 0.1, far: 1000 }Description: Defines parameters that control the camera options.