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File metadata and controls

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Lecture 7: Idea to App

This week, we take an idea and turn it into an app. You can see the changes made in code for every step in the lecture notes as follows:

Initial app -

Step 1: User/Post models

rails generate model User
rails g model Quit # g is an alias for generate
# Edit migration files
rake db:migrate
annotate # Generates helpful schema info in model files

Step 1 Code

Step 2: User auth

gem 'devise' # In Gemfile, not typed in terminal
bundle install
rails generate devise:install
rails generate devise User
rake db:migrate

Step 2 Code

Step 3: Validations + Associations

# Add validations
rails g migration AddUserIdToQuits
# Edit migration
rake db:migrate
# Add validation for user_id

Step 3 Code

Step 4: Seeds, routes, user show, user index

# Add routes
rake routes # To review the routes you made
# Make app/controllers/users_controller.rb, app/views/users/show.html.erb
# Edit db/seeds.rb
rake db:setup

Step 4 Code

Step 5: Edit, update Quit

Step 5 Code

Step 6: New, create Quit

Step 6 Code