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HTML interface for the Wifi Webradio
Any browser or wget can be used to send basic commands to the webradio.
A command format is http://yourip/?command[&command]
If a command return some informations, it must be the last of the list or alone.
Commands are:
version : return 'Release: x.x, Revision: x'
infos : return
'vol: 46 the current volume
num: 240 the current station number
stn: Hotmix 80 the name of the current station
tit: BANANARAMA - Venus ' the title of the son playing
sts: 1 the state of the player: 0 stopped, 1: playing
list=xxx : return the name of the station xxx (0 to 254)
stop : stop playing the current station.
start : start playing the current station.
play=xxx : with xxx from 0 to 254 play the station xxx
volume=xxx : with xxx from 0 to 254 change the volume to xxx
uart : uart baudrate at 115200 not saved on next reset
instant="http://your url" : instant play a site
the url must begin with http:// or https:// and be surrounded by " and no space char allowed.
Volume may be combined with other command.
Reminder: the url without parameter is the full web interface.
| UART ot telnet interface for the Wifi Webradio |
The uart inteface can be used to receive events from the webradio and to send commands to it.
Example of indications received:
##CLI.STOPPED# from playStationInt
##CLI.NAMESET#: 88 Public Domain Classical - Swiss Internet Radio
##CLI.VOL#: 110
##CLI.ICY0#: Public Domain Classical - Swiss Internet Radio - Shoutcast Streaming Technology by www.init7.net
##CLI.ICY1#: <BR>This stream requires <a href="http://www.winamp.com/">Winamp</a><BR>
##CLI.ICY2#: SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/Linux v1.9.8<BR>
##CLI.ICY3#: http://publicdomainproject.org
##CLI.ICY4#: Classical
##CLI.ICY5#: 128
##CLI.META#: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy - String Quartet in E flat major Op. 44 No.3: 4. Molto allegro con fuoco
##CLI.STOPPED# from playStationInt
##CLI.URLSET#: uk4.internet-radio.com
##CLI.PORTSET#: 8081
##CLI.VOL#: 110
##CLI.ICY1#: <BR>This stream requires <a href="http://www.winamp.com/">Winamp</a><BR>
##CLI.ICY2#: SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/Linux v1.9.8<BR>
##CLI.ICY3#: www.AlbumRock.Miami
##CLI.ICY4#: Classic Rock 60s 70s 80s Miaimi Florida Album Rock
##CLI.ICY5#: 128
##CLI.META#: The Who - Eminence Front
#CLI.LISTINFO#: 2: RTL2, streaming.radio.rtl.fr:80/rtl2-1-44-128.m3u
(cli.info) typed
##CLI.ICY1#: <BR>This stream requires <a href="http://www.winamp.com/">Winamp</a><BR>
##CLI.ICY2#: SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/Linux v1.9.8<BR>
##CLI.ICY3#: www.AlbumRock.Miami
##CLI.ICY4#: Classic Rock 60s 70s 80s Miaimi Florida Album Rock
##CLI.ICY5#: 128
##CLI.META#: The Who - Eminence Front
##CLI.VOL#: 108
##CLI.META#: The Beatles - Mother Nature's Son
##SYS.TZO#: 1
##SYS.DATE#: 2017-04-13T22:47:44+01:00
with ICYx: 0:"icy-name:", 1:"icy-notice1:", 2:"icy-notice2:", 3:"icy-url:", 4:"icy-genre:", 5:"icy-br:", 6:"icy-description:", 7:"ice-audio-info:"
Some other informations may be printed for debug purpose, but usefull events always start with ##
// Wifi related commands
wifi.list : give the list of received SSID
wifi.con : Display the AP1 and AP2 SSID
wifi.con("ssid","password") : Record the given AP ssid with password in AP1 for next reboot
wifi.discon : disconnect the current ssid
wifi.station : the current ssid and password
wifi.status : give #WIFI.STATUS# start of the answer
5 the connection state the current ip the network mask the network gateway
##WIFI.STATUS# end of the answer
// Station Client commands
// instant play
cli.url("url") : the name or ip of the station to instant play
cli.path("/path") : the path of the station to instant play
cli.port("xxxx") : the port number of the station to instant play
cli.instant: : play the instant station
// Stations play
cli.start : start to play the current station
cli.play("xxx") : play the xxx recorded station in the list (0 = stop)
cli.prev (or cli.previous) : select the previous station in the list and play it
cli.next : select the next station in the list and play it
// Station stop
cli.stop : stop the playing station or instant
// station list
cli.list : list all recorded stations
cli.list("x") : list only one of the recorded stations. Answer with #CLI.LISTINFO#: followed by infos
// volume commands
cli.vol("xxx") : set the volume to xxx with xxx from 0 to 254 (max volume)
cli.vol : ask for the current volume. respond with ##CLI.VOL# xxx
cli.vol- : Decrement the volume by 10
cli.vol+ : Increment the volume by 10
Every vol command from uart or web or browser respond with ##CLI.VOL#: xxx
// Client information
cli.info : Respond with nameset, all icy, meta, volume and stae playing or stopped. Used to refresh the lcd informations
: see Example of indications received
// System commands
sys.uart("x") : Change the baudrate of the uart on the next reset.
Valid x are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 76880, 115200, 230400
sys.i2s : Display the current I2S speed
sys.i2s("x") : Change and record the I2S clock speed of the vs1053 GPIO5 MCLK for the i2s interface to external dac.
: 0=48kHz, 1=96kHz, 2=192kHz, other equal 0
sys.erase : erase all recorded configuration and stations.
sys.heap : show the ram heap size
sys.update : start an OTA (On The Air) update of the software
sys.prerelease : start an OTA of the prerelease for test purpose.
sys.boot : reboot the webradio.
sys.patch("x") : Change the status of the vs1053 patch at power on.
0 = Patch will not be loaded, 1 or up = Patch will be loaded (default) at power On
sys.patch : Display the vs1053 patch status
sys.led("x") : Change the led indication:
0 = Led is in Play mode (lighted when a station is playing), 1 or up = Led is in Blink mode (default)
sys.led : Display the led indication status
sys.tzo("xx") : Set the timezone offset of your country.
sys.tzo : Display the timezone offset
sys.date : Send a ntp request and Display the current locale time
: Format ISO-8601 local time https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 2017-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
sys.adc : Read the current value of the adc input. (Not for KaRadio32)
sys.log : Do nothing. Used for debug of the addon.
sys.version : Display the release and Revision of KaraDio
<enter> will display
help : list the available commands.
A command error display:
Extension for KaRadio32 only:
sys.dlog : Display the current log level
sys.logx : Set log level to x with x=n for none, v for verbose, d for debug, i for info, w for warning, e for error
sys.lcdout : Display the timer to switch off the lcd. 0= no timer
sys.lcdout("x") : Timer in seconds to switch off the lcd. 0= no timer
sys.lcd : Display the current lcd type
sys.lcd("x") : Change the lcd type to x on next reset
sys.ledgpio : Display the default Led GPIO
sys.ledgpio("x"): Change the default Led GPIO (4) to x