Smartsy is a game which displays artworks with their titles and allows users to guess the artist.
It's written in Ruby 2.0.0p247 and Rails 4.0.2.
You can find the deployed app here.
Here's what the home page looks like:
Choosing a genre takes you to the game page.
Here's the Bauhaus game page.
Next fill in the empty artist name fields and submit the results.
Here's the Post War American Art page after submitting results
To get it running locally and play around with the code yourself:
Clone the repo
git clone ""
Bundle the Gemfile
bundle install
Run the migrations
rake db:migrate
Run the seeds
rake db:seed
The seeds could take awhile because data is being grabbed somewhat illegally from Artsy's api.
I found that there were a few missing images for some of the genres because either the hits to the api went beyond the number of pages available for the genre, or an image was missing on the site. To grab extra images for a genre, check the seeds file for the correctly formatted genre name and run the following:
rails c
>> my_scraper ="genre-name")
>> my_scraper.get_extra_images(number_of_images_you_want)
For example:
rails c
>> my_scraper ="bauhaus")
>> my_scraper.get_extra_images(6)
This would add data for 6 more Artwork objects with the genre "bauhaus" to the database.
You can run the test suite by running:
rake spec
Currently there are unit tests for the scraper and pending cucumber tests. I plan on writing unit tests for the artwork and game classes as well as completing the cucumber tests in the future.