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Kevin Zhuang edited this page Jul 26, 2020 · 4 revisions

All EC2 related actions support alternate profile and region. You could either configure them through the fzfaws.yml config file or you could pass in command line options. The command line option takes higher precedence and will override the config file settings.

fzfaws ec2 start --profile

Configure fzfaws.yml to set default profile and region for all EC2 actions, this will override the global settings of profile and region. In the example below, the default profile and us-east-1 will be used for all other services, but EC2 service will use the rootprofile profile and ap-southeast-2 by default.

  profile: default
  region: us-east-1
    keypair: ~/.ssh
    profile: rootprofile
    region: ap-southeast-2

SSH into instance

Reference individual option flag through the help manual fzfaws ec2 ssh -h.

The connection to all instances uses fall back, Public DNS -> Public IP -> Private IP.

Before running any commands below, make sure that you have followed the instructions here to inform fzfaws where your keypair/pem keys are located.

Alternatively, you could specify the path to the key.

fzfaws ec2 ssh --path ~/.ssh/keypair.pem

Connecting to an instance

Without any arguments:

  1. Select an instance
  2. You will be connected to the instnace using the user ec2-user
fzfaws ec2 ssh

Change the default user, maybe when connecting to an ubuntu machine.

fzfaws ec2 ssh --user ubuntu

Let's say in your aws environment, most machine is ubuntu, you could configure the fzfaws.yml config file to always have the --user ubuntu flag, and yet you could still override this setting using --user flag if you want to switch to different user.

    keypair: ~/.ssh
      ssh: --user ubuntu


fzfaws support 2 forms of tunnelling. Under the hood, both are using the ssh -A flag to enable the ssh key forwarding. Hence before attempting to run any of it, make sure to add the key to ssh-agent.

ssh-add -K [Your key path]


Just like ssh, you could give fzfaws the -A flag to enable the key forwarding and then you can manually connect to other instance.

fzfaws ec2 ssh -A

Fuzzy select both

Using the -t or --tunnel flag will enable you select 2 instance. The first one being the jump box and the second one being the destination instance. You could specify an optional user name to connect to the second instance.

The connection to the second instance uses fall back, DNS -> public IP -> private IP.

# connect to the first instance using the user name cloud_user and the destination using ubuntu.
fzfaws ec2 ssh --user cloud_user --tunnel ubuntu

In the demo, the "default-ubuntu" only accepts connection through the security group associated with "default-general" machine, we cannot directly connect to the ubuntu machine.


Starting instances

Reference individual option flag through the help manual fzfaws ec2 start -h.

Without any arguments:

  1. Select instances (support multi selection)
  2. Selected instance will be started
fzfaws ec2 start

You could wait for EC2 start operation to complete, checkout #waiting-for-ec2-operation-to-complete.


Stopping instances

Reference individual option flag through the help manual fzfaws ec2 stop -h.

Without any arguments:

  1. Select instances (support multi selection)
  2. Selected instance will be stopped
fzfaws ec2 stop

If the instance support hibernate. Note: don't add --hibernate for no reason, fzfaws can't detect --hibernate failure.

fzfaws ec2 stop --hibernate

You could wait for EC2 stop operation to complete, checkout #waiting-for-ec2-operation-to-complete.

Terminating instances

Reference individual option flag through the help manual fzfaws ec2 terminate -h.

Without any arguments:

  1. Select instances (support multi selection)
  2. Selected instance will be terminated
fzfaws ec2 terminate

You could wait for EC2 terminate operation to complete, checkout #waiting-for-ec2-operation-to-complete.

Reboot instance

Reference individual option flag through the help manual fzfaws ec2 reboot -h.

Without any arguments:

  1. Select instances (support multi selection)
  2. Selected instance will be rebooted
fzfaws ec2 reboot

Listing EC2 information

Checkout the dedicated section for extending fzfaws functionalities which explains how and why for the ls commands.

The ls command will just print out information without doing any actions.

Consult the help manual to see the available options.

fzfaws ec2 ls --help

Waiting for EC2 operation to complete

The wait behaviour is configured through fzfaws.yml waiter section, consult the default config file's comment for more details.

In most EC2 related operations, you can apply --wait flag to wait for the operation to complete before exiting fzfaws.

fzfaws ec2 start --wait

It is recommended to set --wait as the default args in the config file so you don't need to explicitly specify it, you can always stop the wait be hitting ctrl-c.

    keypair: ~/.ssh
      delay: 10
      max_attempts: 60
      start: --wait
      stop: --wait
      terminate: --wait
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