Some action is able to produce synchronous events.
The events must inherit from ""
To register for a certain event it'enough to add a dependency on the EventQueue interface and register the event handler:
@Component public class PactEvents { public PactEvents(EventQueue eventQueue){ eventQueue.register((e)->handleViolation(e),PactViolation.class); } private void handleViolation(PactViolation event){ //Do something }
- ConfigChangedEvent when a config change is detected
- Fields
- name: The class name of the config that had been changed
- Fields
- NullCompleted when a Null test is completed
- PactCompleted when a Pact test is completed
- SSLChangedEvent when the SSL hosts are changed. Forces a restart
- ProxyConfigChanged when the rewrites are changed. Forces their test
- ScriptsModified force the reloading of all Javascaript scripts
- ExecuteLocalRequest require the execution of a -local only- request (will not go on the internet)
- ExecuteRemoteRequest require the execution of a remote request