In this demo you will
- Start locally HAM server
- Connect to it through proxy
- Intercept Google calls and replace the logo!
For more info look here!
Download the tar.gz, ham only from github releases and extract it
Go on the "ham" directory and run ""
This will start ham with all services
Download the certificate
Open the zip file and install as "Root certificate authority"
- Firefox:
- Go on Settings and search for certificates
- Then "View certificates" and "Import"
- Check "Trust to identify websites"
- Chrome:
- Go on Settings and search for certificates
- Open the "Security" and "Manage certificates" then "Import"
- "Place all certificates in the following store" then "Browse"
- Select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"
Should set the proxy to And port 1080 for socks5 or 1081 for http/https
Click me for more explanations
- Install Proxy Switch Omega
- Go to options
- Add http and https proxy server with
- Select "proxy" from the extension menu and back to "direct" when you want to disconnect
Go on the certificates configuration page and add a new website with value
Add a new dns mapping on the dns configuration with
- ip:
- dns:
Restart the browser to be sure that all DNS caches are cleaned!
Go on
When you click on the locker near the address you will see that the website certificate is generated through "CN=root-cert"... OUR AUTHORITY :)
On Firefox
Or on Android Chrome
Go on the js-filters plugin and create a "Google" filter.
- Phase: POST_CALL (change the content received)
- Host Address:
- Path Address: /
- Script. Notice the "" added to the response text, this is just to force a cast from Java String to Javscript string
var regex=/\/images\/branding\/[_a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[_a-zA-Z0-9]+\/[_a-zA-Z0-9]+\.png/gm; var responseText = response.getResponseText()+""; var changedText = responseText.replace(regex,''); response.setResponseText(changedText); return false;
Navigate to with BING! logo :D
On Firefox
On Android