In this demo you will
- Start locally HAM server
- Start the sample application
- Connect to it through proxy
- Record the simplified db interactions of the sample application
- Modify db data on the recording!
For more infos check here
Download the two tar.gz, ham and ham-samples from github releases and extract them in the same directory
Go on the "calendar" directory and run "runcalendardbproxy.bat/sh"
This will start
- H2 db server (tcp://localhost:9123, web console http://localhost:8082)
- ham (localhost:80)
- be (localhost:8100) proxied by http://localhost/int/be.sample.test
- gateway (localhost:8090) proxied by http://localhost/int/gateway.sample.test
- fe (localhost:8080)
First you should choose if you want to recreate the db go for Y the first time
Then you will have to wait a bit. Now DO NOT START THE BE!!
It's composed of three parts
- FE, that calls gateway for all its needs
- GATEWAY, that acts a "middleman" between FE and BE
- BE, with the database that is called only by the GATEWAY
Should set the proxy to And port 1080 for socks5 or 1081 for http/https
Click me for more explanations
- Install Proxy Switch Omega
- Go to options
- Add http and https proxy server with
- Select "proxy" from the extension menu and back to "direct" when you want to disconnect
- Now you can start the application on the command line :) and wait for its readiness
- Stop it
- Run the benogen.bat/sh but do not press a key to continue!
You can now check the configuration
- Going on ham proxyes you can verify that all proxies are ok if they don't work just "Refresh Status"
- And a db proxy for be
- Then you can create a recording on the recording page
- Set the recording with the simplified recording! This will record only "most important" stuffs. What can't be simulated will be recorded
- Once you create the recording you can start recording! CHECKING THE "Record db calls" and the "Use simulated engine"
Now you can press the key on the benogen! And start the application
Wait for its start
Go then on the application and do some interaction
- Add an Employee "John Doe"
- Go on Appointements
- Add an Appointment with "Doctor" as description
- Change the state of the appointament till it shows "Confirmed"
- Delete the appointment
- Back on employee, delete the employee too
And stop the recording!
Now you will se all the calls on the just created recording
First the hibernate initialization phase
- ..or see how an employee is created.
- First a post to the gateway
- Forwarded to the be
- Then the be opens the connections and run the query
- You can even see the details of the queries there are many visualisations available
- JSON: the native format of Janus-Jdbc (editable)
- Component: the "easy editable visualisation", when available
- Tree: the structure of the json message (that include the data types)
Analyzing the Json we identify a prepared statement with one Long parameter with set the index 1 (the first to set JDBC prepared statement parameters)
{ "command": { "sql": " select as id1_1_0_, as name2_1_0_, employee0_.role as role3_1_0_ from employee employee0_ where", ":sql:": "java.lang.String", "parameters": [ { "_": { "columnindex": 1, ":columnindex:": "java.lang.Integer", "value": 0, ":value:": "java.lang.Long" }, ":_:": "org.kendar.janus.cmd.preparedstatement.parameters.LongParameter" } ], ":parameters:": "java.util.ArrayList" }, ":command:": "org.kendar.janus.cmd.preparedstatement.PreparedStatementExecuteQuery" }
- Select all 'http' type calls and delete them
- "Download" the recording as "SimplifiedDb.json"
- Look for the first PreparedStatement/executeQuery and edit it
- Add a row (1), save the JdbcResultSet (2) and the Selected item (3)
- Stop the benogen
- Play the recording with the "Use simulated engine" checked
- Restart the benogen!
- Go on www.sample test and be happy :)