Device Advisor is supported in us-east-1, us-west-2, ap-northeast-1, and eu-west-1 regions.
- Create an IoT thing
- Create an IAM role to be used as your device role
- Create a custom-managed policy for an IAM user to use Device Advisor
- Create an IAM user to use Device Advisor
- Configure your device
- Prerequisites
- Create a test suite definition
- Get a test suite definition
- Get a test endpoint
- Start a test suite run
- Get a test suite run
- Stop a test suite run
- Get a qualification report for a successful qualification test suite run
- "Device certificate attached policies don’t contain wildcards"
"Device send CONNECT to AWS IoT Core (Happy case)"
"Device can return PUBACK to an arbitrary topic for QoS1"
"Device connect retries with jitter backoff - No CONNACK response"
"Device connect retries with exponential backoff - No CONNACK response"
"Device re-connect with jitter backoff - After server disconnect"
- "Mqtt No Ack PingResp"
- "QoS0 (Happy Case)"
- "QoS1 publish retry - No PUBACK"
- "Can Subscribe (Happy Case)"
- "Subscribe Retry - No SUBACK"
Persistent Session
- "Persistent Session (Happy Case)"
- "Device can complete a job execution"