Integrate noUiSlider with Ractive, including two-way binding.
Find more Ractive.js plugins at
Include this file on your page below Ractive, e.g:
<script src='lib/ractive.js'></script>
<script src='lib/ractive-decorators-noUiSlider.js'></script>
Or, if you're using a module loader, require this module:
// requiring the plugin will 'activate' it - no need to use the return value
require( 'ractive-decorators-noUiSlider' );
Add option objects to the type
property to set noUiSlider constructor options: = {
range: {'min': 0, 'max': 100},
step: 5,
start: 50,
margin: 10
// ... other noUiSlider options
Add the decorator to your input elements:
<input decorator='noUiSlider:demo' type='text' value='{{value}}'>
You can also use a function that returns an options object. The function is passed the DOM node the noUiSlider applies to:
Ractive.decorators.noUiSlider.type.demo = function (node) {
return {
range: {'min': 0, 'max': 100},
step: 5,
start: 50,
margin: 10
// ... other noUiSlider options
Copyright (C) 2004 Jeremy Bouquain [email protected]. Licenced WTFPL.
Created with the Ractive.js plugin template for Grunt.