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File metadata and controls

2150 lines (1762 loc) · 127 KB

Notoner JSON descriptor files quick reference

Notoner uses JSON descriptors to describe a table, whether it is a table template or a table save file.

	"meta": {
		(Table metadata)
	"data": [
		(Table elements)

In this guide some attribute names are described as attribute.subAttribute: these should be coded as { "attribute": { "subAttribute": ... } }.

Medata structure

The meta attribute of a Notoner JSON file is an object that collects some general attributes of the table, such as its name, the expected number of players, or some links to help the user find useful information.

Name Type Description
title Text Table name.
author Text Table author. If it is a game, put the game author's name (or names) here. Otherwise, put your name here or leave it out.
license Text Table license. If necessary, specify under which license this media is distributed.
licenseUrl Translated URL License URL. If you have specified a license, you can also specify a web address to find more details.
players Text Players count. Enter a number (such as 1), a list (such as 2,4,6), or a range (such as 3-6). If it supports any number of players, write "Any".
description Text Short table description.
url Translated URL A URL to find out more about what's on this table. You may leave it out.
manualUrl Translated URL A URL to find out how to play the game on this table. You may leave it out.

Procedural generators

Notoner allows templates to procedurally generate a table via JavaScript. To do this you need to add the generator attribute to the root of the JSON descriptor indicating the JavaScript file to use. It is also possible to specify a basic configuration, which will be passed to the generator upon invocation via the settings attribute.

	"meta": {
		(Table metadata)
	"data": [
		(Table elements)
	"generator": "generator.js",
	"settings": {
		"attribute1": "value1",
		"attribute2": "value2",
		(More attributes)

The generator.js file is structured like this:

	return {
		run:(self, json, sub, cb)=>{
			// json: contains the selected table structure.
			// sub: contains the selected sub-template details.
			// sub.settings: contains JSON descriptor settings attribute value.

			// Once you've manipulated the json object:


Notoner allows templates to offer variants called sub-templates, which the user can select by navigating the template selector. A sub-template is defined by two object hierarchies: one in the meta section which defines its description and one which starts from the root of the JSON descriptor which defines the elements to be added to the data and settings sections when selected.

	"meta": {
		(Table metadata)
		"subtemplates": [
				"id": "subtemplate1",
				"meta": [ ... ]
				"id": "subtemplate2",
				"meta": [ ... ],
				"subtemplates": [ ... ]
			(More sub-template descriptions)
	"data": [
		(Table elements)
	"subtemplates": [
			"id": "subtemplate1",
			"data": [ ... ],
			"settings": { ... }
			"id": "subtemplate2",
			"data": [ ... ],
			"settings": { ... },
			"subtemplates":{ ... }
		(More sub-templates)

The details of these sub-templates will need to be described by the subtemplates attribute to be added to the meta attribute at the root of the JSON descriptor:

Name Type Description
subtemplates (For templates only) Sub-templates list.
   subtemplates[].id string Sub-template identifier.
   subtemplates[].isDefault boolean If TRUE, select this sub-templated if not specified by the user.
   subtemplates[].meta Sub-template information.
      subtemplates[].meta.title string Sub-template name.
      subtemplates[].meta.description string Sub-template description.
      subtemplates[].meta.subtemplates Sub-template Further sub-templates. Follows the subtemplates structure.


Each element is defined by the same JSON structure:

	"type": (Element type identifier),
	"data": {
		(Element attributes)

The same element can offer multiple identifiers, each representing its variant.

Unlike save files, templates can specify an extra zIndex attribute in addition to type and data: elements will be reordered based on their zIndex when the table is generated, allowing you to break the sequence specified in the JSON descriptor data attribute. This technique gives greater control over the elements positioning to the sub-templates, allowing them to be mixed with others in a fixed position.


An often invisible area that can be used to assign particular behaviors to rectangular areas on the table.

Type identifiers

  • "area"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:area"

Supported macro events


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
label FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Label Area text label.
labelText Text Text to show on the area.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.

Standard calculator

An ancient device used to perform mathematical calculations.

Type identifiers

  • "calculator-landscape"
  • "calculator-portrait"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:calculator"

Supported macro events

  • reset


Name Type Description
state Calculator state. (Automatically managed)
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
messages Calculator messages.
   messages.clearMemory FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to clear memory.
   messages.reset FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to reset the calculator.
   messages.memoryCleared FALSE to hide it or Message Memory cleared message.
   messages.resetDone FALSE to hide it or Message Reset done message.

Custom calculator

An ancient device used to perform mathematical calculations. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "calculator-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:calculator"

Supported macro events

  • reset


Name Type Description
state Calculator state. (Automatically managed)
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
display FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or (Frame + Label) Display appearance.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
keys [ [ (Frame + Label), (Frame + Label), ... ], [ ... ], ... ] Appearance of each key, arranged into rows and columns.
messages Calculator messages.
   messages.clearMemory FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to clear memory.
   messages.reset FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to reset the calculator.
   messages.memoryCleared FALSE to hide it or Message Memory cleared message.
   messages.resetDone FALSE to hide it or Message Reset done message.

Default catapult

An element that launches one or more elements on top of another in a random position.

Type identifiers

  • "catapult"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:catapult"

Supported macro events

  • launch
  • setLastPoint


Name Type Description
lastPoint Point Coordinates on the target point on the table.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
launchTags [ string , string , ... ] List of element tags that can be launched.
launchOnTags [ string , string , ... ] Tag list of elements that can be used as a target.
messages Catapult messages.
   messages.setTarget FALSE to hide it or Option Set target option.
   messages.launch FALSE to hide it or Option Launch option.

Custom catapult

An element that launches one or more elements on top of another in a random position. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "catapult-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:catapult"

Supported macro events

  • launch
  • setLastPoint


Name Type Description
lastPoint Point Coordinates on the target point on the table.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
guideLine FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Shows a dashed line from the center point to the target point.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
center Point Center position on the element.
launchTags [ string , string , ... ] List of element tags that can be launched.
launchOnTags [ string , string , ... ] Tag list of elements that can be used as a target.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
isTargetLocked boolean If TRUE, the target point is locked and cannot be changed by the user.
onShakeLaunch boolean If TRUE, the elements will be thrown when the element is shaken.
onLaunchShake boolean If TRUE, elements should be shaken when thrown.
messages Catapult messages.
   messages.setTarget FALSE to hide it or Option Set target option.
   messages.launch FALSE to hide it or Option Launch option.

Default counter

An element that tracks a certain value.

Type identifiers

  • "counter-normal"
  • "counter-small"
  • "counter-verysmall"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:counter"

Supported macro events

  • reset
  • setValue
  • subtractValue
  • sumValue


Name Type Description
value integer Element value.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
resetValue float Value to set when the element is reset.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
descriptionText Text Text to show in the description label.
maxValue float Maximum value that the counter can take.
minValue float Minimum value that the counter can take.
isTransparent boolean If TRUE, it is possible to see what is underneath the element.
gauge FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Progress bar appearance.

Custom counter

An element that tracks a certain value. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "counter-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:counter"

Supported macro events

  • reset
  • setValue
  • subtractValue
  • sumValue


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
value integer Element value.
resetValue float Value to set when the element is reset.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
label (Frame + Label) Text label showing the counter value.
leftButtons [ Counter button , Counter button , ... ] Buttons to add to the counter left.
rightButtons [ Counter button , Counter button , ... ] Buttons to add to the counter right.
menuButtons [ Menu button , Menu button , ... ] Buttons to add to the counter context menu.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
description FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or (Frame + Label) Counter description label.
descriptionText Text Text to show in the description label.
maxValue float Maximum value that the counter can take.
minValue float Minimum value that the counter can take.
isTransparent boolean If TRUE, it is possible to see what is underneath the element.
isRotating boolean If TRUE, the token can be rotated to change its value.
gauge FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Progress bar appearance.
gaugeMaxValue float Maximum value to use to draw the progress bar.
gaugeMinValue float Minimum value to use to draw the progress bar.
isGaugeMaxValueVisible boolean If TRUE, show the progress bar maximum value next to the counter value.
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.

Standard dice

It randomly shows one of his faces.

Type identifiers

  • "dice-d10"
  • "dice-d10-ten"
  • "dice-d100"
  • "dice-d12"
  • "dice-d2"
  • "dice-d20"
  • "dice-d4"
  • "dice-d6"
  • "dice-d6-pips"
  • "dice-d8"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:dice"

Supported macro events

  • flip
  • roll
  • setSide


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
value integer Index of the dice face to show. (0 for the first face)
messages Dice messages.
   messages.flip FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to turn the element upside-down.
   messages.roll FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to roll the element.

Custom dice

It randomly shows one of his faces. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "dice-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:dice"

Supported macro events

  • flip
  • roll
  • setSide


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
value integer Index of the dice face to show. (0 for the first face)
faces [ Face , Face , ... ] List of dice faces.
   faces[].frame integer Sprite frame index to show.
   faces[].label Text Face label text.
   faces[].icon URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Icon to show in the face selection menu.
   faces[].value integer Value of the die when showing this side.
isFlippable boolean If TRUE, the element can be turned on the other side.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.
isRotating boolean If TRUE, the faces can be changed by rotating the dice.
facesImage Image Image used for dice faces. Its image resource must have a sprite metadata section.
facesLabel FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Label Text label used for dice faces.
messages Dice messages.
   messages.flip FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to turn the element upside-down.
   messages.roll FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to roll the element.

Standard line element

It uses the currently selected drawing tool (pencil or eraser) to draw a line on the sheets below.

Type identifiers

  • "line-compass"
  • "line-ruler"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:line"

Supported macro events

  • paint
  • reset
  • setLastStep
  • setLastVector
  • shuffle


Name Type Description
lastVector Vector Vector to the target point.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
lastStep integer Step set for next track.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
previewTool Show a selected tool preview to the element.
   previewTool.border boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element border.
   previewTool.background boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element background.
   previewTool.guides boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element guides.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
drawOnTags [ string , string , ... ] Allows the element to draw only on elements with the specified tags.

Custom line element

It uses the currently selected drawing tool (pencil or eraser) to draw a line on the sheets below. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "line-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:line"

Supported macro events

  • paint
  • reset
  • setLastStep
  • setLastVector
  • shuffle


Name Type Description
lastVector Vector Vector to the target point.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
lastStep integer Step set for next track.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
guideLabel FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Shows a label with the distance between the center point and the target point.
guideCircle FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Shows a dashed circle from the center point to the target point.
guideLine FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Shows a dashed line from the center point to the target point.
draw Lines drawn by the element.
   draw.line boolean If TRUE, draw a line from the center point to the target point. boolean If TRUE, draw a circle from the center point to the target point.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
center Point Center position on the element.
onShakeShuffle boolean If TRUE, select a random angle or distance when shaken.
rotationAngle float (in radians) When the element is rotated, rotate the selected angle by the specified value.
drawOnTags [ string , string , ... ] Allows the element to draw only on elements with the specified tags.
distance Rules for the distance between the center and the target point.
   distance.max float (in mm) Maximum distance from the center point to the target point.
   distance.step float (in mm) Step to use for the distance from the center to the target point.
previewTool Show a selected tool preview to the element.
   previewTool.border boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element border.
   previewTool.background boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element background.
   previewTool.guides boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element guides.
drawOnDrag boolean If TRUE, draw the line immediately after establishing the target point.
drawOnClick boolean If TRUE, draws the line immediately when the element is clicked/tapped.
onDrawExpand boolean If TRUE, increase the distance by the original lastRadius value each time a line is drawn.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
isTargetLocked boolean If TRUE, the target point is locked and cannot be changed by the user.

Default scissors

An element that cuts sheet elements to create token elements.

Type identifiers

  • "scissors"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:scissors"

Supported macro events

  • setLastArea


Name Type Description
lastArea Area Area to cut.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
isAreaLocked boolean If TRUE, prevent the user from changing the cut area.
messages Scissors messages.
   messages.setArea FALSE to hide it or Option Set area to cut option.
   messages.cut FALSE to hide it or Option Cut option.
   messages.removeSheet FALSE to hide it or Option Remove a sheet from the table option.
   messages.selectSheet FALSE to hide it or Message Select the sheet to remove message.
cutOnTags [ string , string , ... ] Allows the element to cut only elements with the specified tags.
cutTags [ string , string , ... ] Assigns the specified tags to the cutouts.
cutModels [ Area option , Area option , ... ] Specifies a list of preset cut areas that the user can select.

Custom scissors

An element that cuts sheet elements to create token elements. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "scissors-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:scissors"

Supported macro events

  • setLastArea


Name Type Description
lastArea Area Area to cut.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
guideArea FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Shows a dashed area to show the area to cut.
guideLabel FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Shows a label with the area to cut size.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
isAreaLocked boolean If TRUE, prevent the user from changing the cut area.
messages Scissors messages.
   messages.setArea FALSE to hide it or Option Set area to cut option.
   messages.cut FALSE to hide it or Option Cut option.
   messages.removeSheet FALSE to hide it or Option Remove a sheet from the table option.
   messages.selectSheet FALSE to hide it or Message Select the sheet to remove message.
cutOnTags [ string , string , ... ] Allows the element to cut only elements with the specified tags.
cutTags [ string , string , ... ] Assigns the specified tags to the cutouts.
cutModels [ Area option , Area option , ... ] Specifies a list of preset cut areas that the user can select.

Blank sheet

A blank sheet of paper. It may have a pre-printed pattern.

Type identifiers

  • "sheet-blank-landscape"
  • "sheet-blank-portrait"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:sheet"

Supported macro events

  • reset


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
pattern Pattern to print on the sheet.
   pattern.width float (in mm) Width.
   pattern.height float (in mm) Height.
   pattern.type integer Pattern design type. (1 for lines, 2 for squares, 3 for vertical hexagons, 4 for horizontal hexagons)
   pattern.topMargin float (in mm) Upper margin from which to start drawing the pattern.
   pattern.bottomMargin float (in mm) Lower margin from which to start drawing the pattern.
   pattern.rightMargin float (in mm) Right margin from which to start drawing the pattern.
   pattern.leftMargin float (in mm) Left margin from which to start drawing the pattern.
   pattern.color Color Pattern color.
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.


A pre-printed sheet. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "sheet"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:sheet"

Supported macro events

  • reset


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
model Translated resource Image to print on the sheet.
modelOpacity float (0-1) Printed image opacity. (1 for fully visible, 0 for invisible)
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.
isReadOnly boolean If TRUE, the element can be modified by the user.
pattern Pattern to print on the sheet.
   pattern.width float (in mm) Width.
   pattern.height float (in mm) Height.
   pattern.type integer Pattern design type. (1 for lines, 2 for squares, 3 for vertical hexagons, 4 for horizontal hexagons)
   pattern.topMargin float (in mm) Upper margin from which to start drawing the pattern.
   pattern.bottomMargin float (in mm) Lower margin from which to start drawing the pattern.
   pattern.rightMargin float (in mm) Right margin from which to start drawing the pattern.
   pattern.leftMargin float (in mm) Left margin from which to start drawing the pattern.
   pattern.color Color Pattern color.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
fields Translated fields Interactive fields on the sheet. (Experimental feature)

Default stamp

An element that allows you to draw some predefined images on sheets.

Type identifiers

  • "stamp-normal"
  • "stamp-small"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:stamp"

Supported macro events

  • paint
  • setRotation
  • setSide
  • shuffle


Name Type Description
selectedStamp integer Currently selected stamp index.
rotation integer Element rotation side. (0 for straight, 1 for right, 2 for upside-down, 3 for left)
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
previewTool Show a selected tool preview to the element.
   previewTool.border boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element border.
   previewTool.background boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element background.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
colorize boolean If TRUE, use the selected tool to paint the stamp image.
drawOnTags [ string , string , ... ] Allows the element to draw only on elements with the specified tags.

Custom stamp

An element that allows you to draw some predefined images on sheets. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "stamp-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:stamp"

Supported macro events

  • paint
  • setRotation
  • setSide
  • shuffle


Name Type Description
rotation integer Element rotation side. (0 for straight, 1 for right, 2 for upside-down, 3 for left)
selectedStamp integer Currently selected stamp index.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
onShakeShuffle boolean If TRUE, select a random stamp when shaken.
isRotating boolean If TRUE, the element can be rotated.
stamps [ Stamp , Stamp , ... ] List of available stamps.
   stamps[].frame integer Sprite frame index to paint.
   stamps[].label Text Stamp label text.
   stamps[].icon URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Stamp icon.
stampsImage Image Image and position of the stamp.
previewTool Show a selected tool preview to the element.
   previewTool.border boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element border.
   previewTool.background boolean If TRUE, show the preview on the element background.
drawOnTags [ string , string , ... ] Allows the element to draw only on elements with the specified tags.
colorize boolean If TRUE, use the selected tool to paint the stamp image.

Default clock

It counts how long has passed since it was activated.

Type identifiers

  • "timer-clock"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:timer"

Supported macro events

  • reset
  • shuffle
  • start
  • stop
  • toggle


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
count integer (seconds) Timer current count.
messages Timer messages.
   messages.start FALSE to hide it or Option Timer start option.
   messages.stop FALSE to hide it or Option Timer stop option.
   messages.reset FALSE to hide it or Option Timer reset option.
   messages.restart FALSE to hide it or Option Timer restart option.
   messages.startStop FALSE to hide it or Option Timer state toggle option.
   messages.timeUp FALSE to hide it or Message Time up message.

Default countdown

It counts for a given number of seconds and then activates.

Type identifiers

  • "timer-countdown"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:timer"

Supported macro events

  • reset
  • shuffle
  • start
  • stop
  • toggle


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
timeLeft integer (seconds) Timer time limit.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
count integer (seconds) Timer current count.
messages Timer messages.
   messages.start FALSE to hide it or Option Timer start option.
   messages.stop FALSE to hide it or Option Timer stop option.
   messages.reset FALSE to hide it or Option Timer reset option.
   messages.restart FALSE to hide it or Option Timer restart option.
   messages.startStop FALSE to hide it or Option Timer state toggle option.
   messages.timeUp FALSE to hide it or Message Time up message.

Custom clock

A time measuring element. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "timer-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:timer"

Supported macro events

  • reset
  • shuffle
  • start
  • stop
  • toggle


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
label (Frame + Label) Timer label text.
count integer (seconds) Timer current count.
timeLeft integer (seconds) Timer time limit.
messages Timer messages.
   messages.start FALSE to hide it or Option Timer start option.
   messages.stop FALSE to hide it or Option Timer stop option.
   messages.reset FALSE to hide it or Option Timer reset option.
   messages.restart FALSE to hide it or Option Timer restart option.
   messages.startStop FALSE to hide it or Option Timer state toggle option.
   messages.timeUp FALSE to hide it or Message Time up message.

Standard token

A marker that can be used to indicate a position on the table.

Type identifiers

  • "token-0"
  • "token-1"
  • "token-2"
  • "token-3"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:token"

Supported macro events

  • flip
  • setRotation
  • setSide
  • shuffle
  • spin


Name Type Description
rotation integer Element rotation side. (0 for straight, 1 for right, 2 for upside-down, 3 for left. See the rotation attribute for exceptions.)
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
mode integer Appearance of the token. (0 for square, 1 for rounded, 2 for round)
labelText Text Text to show on the token.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
isTransparent boolean If TRUE, it is possible to see what is underneath the element.

Standard double-face token

A marker that can be used to indicate a position on the table. It can be turned on the other side.

Type identifiers

  • "token-0-flip"
  • "token-1-flip"
  • "token-2-flip"
  • "token-3-flip"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:token"

Supported macro events

  • flip
  • setRotation
  • setSide
  • shuffle
  • spin


Name Type Description
side boolean Side on which the token is flipped. (FALSE for front, TRUE for back)
rotation integer Element rotation side. (0 for straight, 1 for right, 2 for upside-down, 3 for left. See the rotation attribute for exceptions.)
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
mode integer Appearance of the token. (0 for square, 1 for rounded, 2 for round)
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
labelText Text Text to show on the token.
flipLabelText Text Text to show on the token back.
flipBackgroundColor Color Token back color.
isTransparent boolean If TRUE, it is possible to see what is underneath the element.
messages Token messages.
   messages.flip FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to turn the element on the other face.
   messages.toss FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to toss the element like a coin.
   messages.spin FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to randomly turn the element.
   messages.rotateStraight FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token in a straight position.
   messages.rotateUpsideDown FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the upside-down position.
   messages.rotateRight FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the right rotated position.
   messages.rotateLeft FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the left rotated position.

Default peeple

A token in the shape of a little man that can be placed standing or lying down.

Type identifiers

  • "token-0-peeple"
  • "token-1-peeple"
  • "token-2-peeple"
  • "token-3-peeple"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:token"

Supported macro events

  • flip
  • setRotation
  • setSide
  • shuffle
  • spin


Name Type Description
side boolean Side on which the token is flipped. (FALSE for front, TRUE for back)
rotation integer Element rotation side. (0 for straight, 1 for right, 2 for upside-down, 3 for left. See the rotation attribute for exceptions.)
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
isTransparent boolean If TRUE, it is possible to see what is underneath the element.
messages Token messages.
   messages.flip FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to turn the element on the other face.
   messages.toss FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to toss the element like a coin.
   messages.spin FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to randomly turn the element.
   messages.rotateStraight FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token in a straight position.
   messages.rotateUpsideDown FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the upside-down position.
   messages.rotateRight FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the right rotated position.
   messages.rotateLeft FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the left rotated position.

Custom token

A marker that can be used to indicate a position on the table. It can be turned on the other side. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "token-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:token"

Supported macro events

  • flip
  • setRotation
  • setSide
  • shuffle
  • spin


Name Type Description
side boolean Side on which the token is flipped. (FALSE for front, TRUE for back)
rotation integer Element rotation side. (0 for straight, 1 for right, 2 for upside-down, 3 for left. See the rotation attribute for exceptions.)
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
messages Token messages.
   messages.flip FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to turn the element on the other face.
   messages.toss FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to toss the element like a coin.
   messages.spin FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to randomly turn the element.
   messages.rotateStraight FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token in a straight position.
   messages.rotateUpsideDown FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the upside-down position.
   messages.rotateRight FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the right rotated position.
   messages.rotateLeft FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to set the token on the left rotated position.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
value integer Element value.
mode integer Appearance of the token. (0 for square, 1 for rounded, 2 for round)
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.
label Text Token label text.
labelText Text Text to show on the token.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
isTransparent boolean If TRUE, it is possible to see what is underneath the element.
flipImage FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Token back background image.
flipBackgroundColor Color Token back color.
flipLabelText Text Text to show on the token back.
flipValue integer Element value when it shows the back face.
isRotating boolean If TRUE, the token can be rotated.
isFlippable boolean If TRUE, the element can be turned on the other side.
isSpinnable boolean If TRUE, the element can be rotated to a random direction.
isCut boolean If TRUE, the token is a scissors-generated cutout.
contentRotations Sets the available rotations. If specified, the element will not change size when rotated and the rotation attribute will refer to the element in this list.
   contentRotations[].label Text Rotation label text.
   contentRotations[].icon URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Icon to show in the selection menu.
   contentRotations[].angle float (in radians) Rotation angle.

Standard tray

A transparent area that helps with moving, summing, and rolling multiple elements. Shake it to roll all the elements placed over it.

Type identifiers

  • "tray"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:tray"

Supported macro events

  • shuffle


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
mode integer Tray Mode. (-1 for no mode, 0 for add only, 1 for add/subtract)
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
messages Tray messages.
   messages.shake FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to shake the tray.

Card shuffler

A tray that handles tokens or cutouts such as a deck of cards.

Type identifiers

  • "tray-cardshuffler"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:tray"

Supported macro events

  • shuffle


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
messages Tray messages.
   messages.shake FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to shake the tray.
label FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Label Tray text label.
labelText Text Text to show on the tray.
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.

Custom tray

A transparent area that helps with moving, summing, and rolling multiple elements. Shake it to roll all the elements placed over it. (Customizable version)

Type identifiers

  • "tray-custom"

Tags assigned by default

  • "type:tray"

Supported macro events

  • shuffle


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
tags [ string , string , ... ] List of tags by which it can be identified by other elements.
isBottomDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved from a stack bottom.
zIndexGroup integer Depth group. The user will not be able to move elements with a lower value over elements with a higher value. (Default: 0)
fence Area Prevents the element from moving outside the specified area.
stackId string Overlapping elements with the same stackId are part of the same stack and are moved together when a stack is selected.
snapTo Establishes the positioning rules to follow when the element is moved.
   snapTo[].tags [ string , string , ... ] Align the element to the elements with the specified tags.
   snapTo[].grid Grid Align the element to a grid.
doNotFrame boolean If TRUE, excludes the element when the table is completely framed.
onResetMacro Macro Macro to run when the table is created or reset.
onDropMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is moved.
onSelectMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is selected.
onShakeMacro Macro Executes a macro when it is shaken.
onClickMacro Macro Macro to run when the element is clicked.
onMenuMacros [ Macro option , Macro option , ... ] If the element supports the context menu, it shows additional options that allow you to run a macro.
isVariableZIndex boolean If TRUE, it is brought to the front when selected.
isDragTopSurfaces boolean If TRUE, the elements above will be transported when the element is moved.
isDraggable boolean If TRUE, it can be moved by dragging.
icon FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Element icon.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
label FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Label Tray text label.
labelText Text Text to show on the tray.
frame FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Frame Background block.
mode integer Tray Mode. (-1 for no mode, 0 for add only, 1 for add/subtract)
backgroundColor Color Base color of the element.
splitPosition float (0-1) Width ratio between the sum area and the subtraction area.
countValues integer Counts the number of elements on the tray with the specified value instead of adding their value.
sumLabel Label Sum value text label applied to the background block. (for add only)
leftLabel Label Value to sum text label. (for add/subtract only)
rightLabel (Frame + Label) Value to subtract text label. (for add/subtract only)
bottomLabel Label Result text label. (for add/subtract only)
messages Tray messages.
   messages.shake FALSE to hide it or Option Menu option to show to shake the tray.
image FALSE to hide it, TRUE to use default values, or Image Background image.


Some elements use complex, shared structures to describe their attributes. In Notoner JSON descriptors, they are represented as simple JSON sub-structures:

	(Attribute name): (Attribute value),

Text structure


Name Type Description
EN string English text. (Used as default if the user-selected language translation is missing)
IT string Italian text.

Translated URL structure


Name Type Description
EN URL Resource English URL. (Used as default if the user-selected language translation is missing)
IT URL Resource Italian url.

Area structure


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.

Grid structure


Name Type Description
x float Horizontal position of the grid origin.
y float Vertical position of the grid origin.
width float Grid cell width.
height float Grid cell height.
tiltColumns [ float (in mm) , float (in mm) , ... ] Columns offset of the matching row. It allows the alignment of some non-rectangular shapes such as hexagons.
tiltRows [ float (in mm) , float (in mm) , ... ] Rows offset of the matching column. It allows the alignment of some non-rectangular shapes such as hexagons.

Image structure


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
opacity float (0-1) Opacity. (1 for fully visible, 0 for invisible)
padding float (in mm) Spacing between the content and the border.
borderRadius float (in mm) Border radius.
baseColor Color Color to be used instead of the baseColor defined in the image metadata.
image URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Image.

Macro structure

A macro is described by an array of objects. Each object describes one or multiple actions to perform on a set of elements.

If a macro has just one line you can omit the array and describe the action object only. I.e., the [ { "forEach": { "setSide": true } } ] macro contains a single action, so it can be shortened with { "forEach": { "setSide": true } }. Most values ​​that can be specified in a macro, such as boolean, numbers, or elements, can be replaced by a macro getter.


Name Type Description
getElementsByTag [ string , string , ... ] Select all the table elements with the specified tags. If not specified it uses the current element or the elements selected in the previous line.
getRest boolean If TRUE, select all elements discarded by the on statement of the macro previous line.
onElements Select an element subset to be used by this macro line. All clauses are evaluated in AND.
   onElements.self boolean If TRUE, add the current element to the selected elements.
   onElements.if Macro condition Determines if the element should be selected.
   onElements.pickRandom integer Selects a random subset of the selected elements.
if Macro condition Determines if the execute, forEach, do, and onRestDo will be executed.
times integer Executes the execute, forEach, do, and onRestDo statements the specified number of times. Default to 1.
set { Variable name : Variable value , Variable name : Variable value... } Assign values to multiple variables.
execute Executes an interface action.
   execute.setTool Set the selected tool. string Tool type. ("pencil" or "eraser")
      execute.setTool.config string Tool configuration. (for pencil: "blue", "green", "red", "yellow", "cyan", "purple", or "black". For eraser: "small", "medium", or "large")
forEach Performs a set of actions on the selected elements.
   forEach.shuffleZIndex boolean If TRUE, it shuffles the depth position of the elements, similar to how you shuffle a deck of cards.
   forEach.invertZIndex boolean If TRUE, it inverts the depth position of the elements, similar to how you flip a deck of cards upside down.
   forEach.shufflePosition boolean If TRUE, it shuffles the horizontal and vertical position of the elements. boolean If TRUE, it adds the elements to the current selection.
   forEach.toss boolean If supported and TRUE, toss the element like a coin.
   forEach.launch boolean If supported and TRUE, launch the element.
   forEach.roll boolean If supported and TRUE, roll the element.
   forEach.flip boolean If supported and TRUE, flip the element upside-down.
   forEach.reset boolean If supported and TRUE, reset the element.
   forEach.toggle boolean If supported and TRUE, invert the element state.
   forEach.stop boolean If supported and TRUE, stop the element.
   forEach.start boolean If supported and TRUE, start the element.
   forEach.shuffle boolean If supported and TRUE, start the element shuffle animation.
   forEach.spin boolean If supported and TRUE, the element is rotated to a random orientation.
   forEach.shake boolean If supported and TRUE, it shakes the element.
   forEach.stopAnimation boolean If TRUE, stop the playing animation.
   forEach.setSide boolean or integer If supported, set the element side. (FALSE for front, TRUE for back, or a number starting from 0 for a dice side index)
   forEach.setLastVector Vector If supported, set the element target point vector.
   forEach.setLastPoint Point If supported, set the coordinates on the target point on the table.
   forEach.setLastStep integer If supported, set the step for the next paint.
   forEach.setLastArea Area If supported, set the selected area.
   forEach.setRotation integer If supported, set the element rotation. (0 for straight, 1 for right, 2 for upside-down, 3 for left)
   forEach.setValue float If supported, set the element value.
   forEach.sumValue float If supported, sum the value to the element value.
   forEach.subtractValue float If supported, subtract the value from the element value.
   forEach.paint boolean If supported and TRUE, paint with the element.
   forEach.moveOnTop boolean If TRUE, it moves the elements on top.
   forEach.moveToTable Stack It moves the elements to an absolute table position.
   forEach.moveIntoTable Area It moves the element to a random position in an absolute table area.
   forEach.moveTo Stack It moves the elements to a relative position.
   forEach.moveInto Area It moves the element to a random position in a relative area.
   forEach.moveBy It moves the element horizontally or vertically by a value.
      forEach.moveBy.x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
      forEach.moveBy.y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate. Macro Runs a new macro selecting every element.
do Macro Runs a sub-macro on the selected elements.
onRestDo Macro Runs a sub-macro on the elements discarded by the on statement.
break boolean If TRUE, stop the currently running sub-macro.
else Macro Macro to be executed when the if condition is not verified.

Macro option structure


Name Type Description
if Macro condition Determines whether the option should be shown.
title Text Option label.
icon URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Option icon.
macro Macro Macro to execute when selected.

Text label structure


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
opacity float (0-1) Opacity. (1 for fully visible, 0 for invisible)
padding float (in mm) Spacing between the content and the border.
borderRadius float (in mm) Border radius.
lineHeight float (in mm) Line height.
strokeWidth float (in mm) Text border size.
strokeColor Color Text border color.
textColor Color Text color.
fontSize float (in mm) Text size.
fontStyle string Text style.
fontFamily string Text font.
fontWeight string Text weight.
textAlign "auto" or "left" or "right" or "center" Text alignment.
whiteSpace "normal" or "nowrap" Controls how white space inside is handled.
overflow "visible" or "hidden" Controls what happens to content that is too big to fit into an area.

Frame structure


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
opacity float (0-1) Opacity. (1 for fully visible, 0 for invisible)
padding float (in mm) Spacing between the content and the border.
borderRadius float (in mm) Border radius.
right float (in mm) Distance from the right edge.
bottom float (in mm) Distance from the bottom edge.
borderSize float (in mm) Border size.
backgroundColor Color Background color.
boxShadow Shadow.
   boxShadow.x float (in mm) Horizontal offset of the shadow.
   boxShadow.y float (in mm) Vertical offset of the shadow.
   boxShadow.size float (in mm) Shadow diffusion.
   boxShadow.color Color Shadow color.
   boxShadow.type string Shadow type. ("inset" o not specified)

Color structure


Name Type Description
r integer (0-255) Red value.
g integer (0-255) Green value.
b integer (0-255) Blue value.
a float (0-1) Color opacity. (1 for opaque, 0 for invisible)

Menu option structure


Name Type Description
title Text Option label.
icon URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Option icon.

Popup message structure


Name Type Description
title Text Message text.

Point position structure


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.

Counter button structure


Name Type Description
frame (Frame + Label) Button appearance.
frameText Text Button text.
onSelect Action Button action.

Counter menu button structure


Name Type Description
title Text Option label.
icon URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Option icon.
onSelect Action Button action.

Resource URL structure


Name Type Description
isResource TRUE Establishes that the object represents a resource.
type "url" Resource type.
url string Resource URL. If it starts with / (i.e., "/images/elements/dice-default.svg") it refers to the Notoner root directory. On template files, relative paths (i.e., "sheets/sheet-1-EN.svg") are referred to the template directory.
meta Metadata Resource metadata.

Canvas structure


Name Type Description
isResource TRUE Establishes that the object represents a resource.
type "canvas" Resource type.
file string Name of the image file in the package. The path is always relative (i.e., "sheet-1-EN.svg") and refers to the package root.
meta Metadata Resource metadata.

SVG structure


Name Type Description
isResource TRUE Establishes that the object represents a resource.
type "svg" Resource type.
file string Name of the image file in the package.
meta Metadata Resource metadata.

Vector structure


Name Type Description
angle float (in radians) Angle from the target point.
length float (in mm) Distance from the target point.

Area option structure


Name Type Description
title Text Option label.
icon URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Option icon.
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.

Translated resource structure


Name Type Description
EN URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource English resource. (Used as default if the user-selected language translation is missing)
IT URL Resource or Canvas Resource or SVG Resource Italian resource.

Translated fields structure


Name Type Description
EN Fields English fields. (Used as default if the user-selected language translation is missing)
IT Fields Italian fields.

Macro condition structure

A macro condition is described by an array of objects. Each object describes one or multiple sub-conditions.

If a macro condition has just one line you can omit the array and describe the condition object only. I.e., the [ { "isCollidingWith": { "get": [ "elementByTag", "deck" ] } } ] macro condition contains a single condition, so it can be shortened with { "isCollidingWith": { "get": [ "elementByTag", "deck" ] } }.


Name Type Description
value Macro getter Determines the value to be verified. If not specified, consider the current element.
isValued boolean If TRUE, test if the value to verify is true-ish.
isNotValued boolean If TRUE, test if the value to verify is false-ish.
isEqualTo Any Tests whether the value to be tested is equal to the specified value.
isNotEqualTo Any Tests whether the value to be tested is not equal to the specified value.
isSameTo Any Tests whether the value to be tested is identical to the specified value. It's useful to check an element's identity.
isNotSameTo Any Tests whether the value to be tested is not identical to the specified value. It's useful to check an element's identity.
isGreaterThan Any Tests whether the value to be tested is greater than the specified value.
isGreaterEqualThan Any Tests whether the value to be tested is greater than or equal to the specified value.
isLessThan Any Tests whether the value to be tested is lower than the specified value.
isLessEqualThan Any Tests whether the value to be tested is lower than or equal to the specified value.
isCollidingWith Any Tests whether the value to be tested is an element colliding with the specified element.
isNotCollidingWith Any Tests whether the value to be tested is an element not colliding with the specified element.
isOver Any Tests whether the value to be tested is an element with a higher z-index than the specified element.
isNotOver Any Tests whether the value to be tested is an element with a lower z-index than the specified element.
isCovering Any Tests whether the value to be tested is an element that does fully or partially cover the specified element.
isNotCovering Any Tests whether the value to be tested is an element that does not fully or partially cover the specified element.
isCoveredBy Any Tests whether the value to be tested is an element that is fully or partially covered by the specified element.
isNotCoveredBy Any Tests whether the value to be tested is an element that is not fully or partially covered by the specified element.
hasTag [ string , string , ... ] Tests whether the value to be tested is an element having one of the specified tags.
hasNotTag [ string , string , ... ] Tests whether the value to be tested is an element having none of the specified tags.
isSelected boolean If TRUE, test if the value is a highlighted element.
isNotSelected boolean If TRUE, test if the value is not a highlighted element.
not boolean If TRUE, returns the evaluated conditions' opposite value.

Stack structure


Name Type Description
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
gapX float (in mm) Specifies the horizontal distance between an element and the next one.
gapY float (in mm) Specifies the vertical distance between an element and the next one.

Counter button action structure


Name Type Description
sumValue float Adds the specified value to the counter value.
subtractValue float Subtracts the specified value to the counter value.
setValue float Sets the counter value.
macro Macro Macro to execute when selected.

Resource metadata structure


Name Type Description
sprite Defines how to use the resource as a sprite.
   sprite.width integer Sprite frame width.
   sprite.height integer Sprite frame height.
   sprite.gapX integer Horizontal distance between one sprite frame and another.
   sprite.frame integer Sprite frame index to be used.
crop Defines the image crop to use.
   crop.x float Horizontal position of the image crop.
   crop.y float Vertical position of the image crop.
   crop.width float Width of the image crop.
   crop.height float Height of the image crop.
   crop.imageWidth integer Width of the entire image. Mandatory for images in SVG format.
   crop.imageHeight integer Height of the entire image. Mandatory for images in SVG format.
svg Defines the SVG special attributes.
   svg.baseColor string String to be replaced by the baseColor attribute when created by Image.

Fields structure


Name Type Description
type string Field type. ("text" or "checkbox")
x float (in mm) Horizontal coordinate.
y float (in mm) Vertical coordinate.
width float (in mm) Width.
height float (in mm) Height.
multiline boolean If TRUE, the field allows you to enter multiple text lines.
align string Text alignment. ("left", "center", or "right")
fontSize float (in mm) Font size.
fontFamily string Text font.
lineHeight float (in mm) Line height.
fontWeight string Text weight.
fontStyle string Text style.

Macro getter structure

Most values ​​that can be specified in a macro, such as boolean, numbers, or elements, can be replaced by a macro getter.

A macro getter is an object that describes a procedure for obtaining the value it replaces. For example, you can use the macro getter { "get": "element.x" } to get the horizontal position value of the current element.


Name Type Description
get [ Any , Any , ... ] Executes an operations chain separated by . to get a value.
  "elementsByTag", string or [ string , string , ... ] Returns the element with the specified tag or tags.
  "elementByTag", string or [ string , string , ... ] Returns a single element with the specified tag or tags.
  "variable", string Returns a variable value. The self variable refers to the element that launched the macro.
  "rest" Returns all elements discarded by the on statement of the macro previous line.
  "elements" Returns all elements considered by the current macro line.
  "element" Returns the current element.
  "count" Returns the selected elements count.
  "first" Returns the first of the selected elements.
  "last" Returns the last of the selected elements.
  string Returns the selected element attribute value.
variable string Returns a variable value. The self variable refers to the element that launched the macro.
self boolean Returns the element that launched the macro.
random Returns a random value.
   random.value [ Any , Any , ... ] Returns a random value from the specified list.
   random.number Returns a random number.
      random.number.from float Sets the lowest number. (included) If not specified, 0. float Sets the highest number. (excluded) If not specified, 0.
      random.number.step float Sets the step to be used. If not specified, 1.
sum [ Any , Any , ... ] Returns the sum of the specified values.
subtract [ Any , Any , ... ] Returns the subtraction of the specified values.
multiply [ Any , Any , ... ] Returns the multiplication between the specified values.
divide [ Any , Any , ... ] Returns the division between the specified values.