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Upgrade notes will be documented in this file.

General update instructions

First things first, take a backup of your database before updating.

When updating, always run the following commands to update gem set, database structure and recompile custom stylesheet:

bundle install
npm install
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=production rake sharetribe:generate_customization_stylesheets_immediately

# if running on local instance (localhost), you need to precompile assets using once update is done:
rake assets:precompile

Maintenance mode

Some version updates may require you to put your application on maintenance mode.

To show a warning message to your application users you can set the time of the next maintenance mode to next_maintenance_at environment variable. This will show a warning to all users 15 minutes before the maintenance.

To enable the warning in Heroku:

heroku config:set next_maintenance_at="2016-04-29 17:15:00 +0000" --app=<your app name>

See instructions how to set application in maintenance mode in Heroku.


Upgrade from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1

This is a bug fix release and does not require any extra actions.

Upgrade from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0

Separate CSS compilation workers

This release adds a new Delayed Job queue "css_compile". All CSS compilations during the deployment are added to this queue. However, CSS compilations triggered from the admin UI do NOT go into this queue, instead they are added to the "default" queue.

A new worker is added to the Procfile to work for the new queue. If you're hosting in Heroku, you will see a new worker there.

This change doesn't require any changes, if you are compiling the stylesheets synchronously using the rake sharetribe:generate_customization_stylesheets_immediately command during the deployment. However, if you are compiling the stylesheets asynchronously using the rake sharetribe:generate_customization_stylesheets command, then you need to make sure that you have at least one worker working for the "css_compile" queue.

Ruby version 2.2.4 -> 2.3.1

Ruby version is updated from 2.2.4 to 2.3.1. The update should bring performance improvements.

Using RVM, you can upgrade your local Ruby version like this:

rvm install ruby-2.3.1
rvm use ruby-2.3.1
gem install bundler
bundle install

React on Rails build environment

React on Rails build environment is added in this release. This means that build environment needs to have node set up. With Heroku this can be set with heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs. For other environments - see npm instructions, nvm, or n. In addition, production environments should have NODE_ENV=production set.

After bundle install, you should also install npm packages:

npm install

User account migrations

This doesn't apply to OS version as it doesn't officially support running multiple marketplaces in one Sharetribe instance.

This release removes the ability for one user to belong to multiple marketplaces. From now on one user belongs to one and only one marketplace.

Because of that, this release contains quite a few migrations which will duplicate existing user accounts, if they belong to multiple communities. For example, if one user belongs to three communities, two new users will be created so that each user belongs to only one community.

The migrations are not safe to run while the application is running, so we recommend you to put the application on maintenance mode while running the migrations. Also, as always, remember to take database backup before migrating.

Session separation

This release separates cookies by subdomain so that and have now separate session cookies. In order to migrate old sessions as smoothly as possible a new configuration option cookie_session_key has been added to config.defaults.yml. If you want to use custom session key, this variable must be set as an environment variable before deployment. Otherwise, session cookies might overlap and cause issues with log in.

Upgrade from 5.5.0 to 5.6.0

Ruby version is updated from 2.1.8 to 2.2.4. The update should reduce memory usage and improve performance.

Using RVM, you can upgrade your local Ruby version like this:

rvm install ruby-2.2.4
rvm use ruby-2.2.4
gem install bundler
bundle install

Upgrade from 5.4.0 to 5.5.0

This release removes the support for legacy hashing algorithm that was used with the legacy "ASI" service.

If use_asi_encryptor was configured to false (default) then you can safely upgrade and roll back this release.

However, if use_asi_encryptor was configured to true then you can not roll back this released without losing user authentication data. If you need to roll back, users need to request new password by clicking the "Forgot password link".

Upgrade from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0

Ruby version is updated from 2.1.2 to 2.1.8. The update contains security and bug fixes.

Using RVM, you can upgrade your local Ruby version like this:

rvm install ruby-2.1.8
rvm use ruby-2.1.8
gem install bundler
bundle install

Upgrade from 5.2.x to 5.3.0

This version contains some changes to the caching logic. The Rails cache needs to be cleared before upgrading.

Upgrade path:

  1. Upgrade to version 5.2.2
  2. Clear Rails cache (run Rails.cache.clear)
  3. Upgrade to version 5.3.0

Upgrade from 5.0.x or 5.1.x to 5.2.0

  • After updating, you are not able to downgrade to Rails 3 (version 4.6.0). Do not upgrade until you are sure that you don't need to roll back to Rails 3.

  • You need to set secret_key_base to environment variables or to config.yml for production environment. Default values for development and test environments are provided.

    Run SecureRandom.hex(64) in rails console or irb to generate a new key.

  • This version changes the way how password reset tokens are being stored to the database. Due to this, tokens that are created with the earlier versions do not work anymore.

    For seamless migration, set the environment variable devise_allow_insecure_token_lookup to true. After you are sure you have migrated all the reset tokens to the new format, you can remove the environment variable.

Upgrade from 4.6.0 to 5.0.0

After you have deployed the new version you need to clear Rails cache by running to following command in your production application Rails console:


If something goes wrong, you can safely roll back this version back to 4.6.0. You don't need to roll back the database migrations. You may need to empty the cache again after the rollback.