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ACFTCalculator is a tool, written in Swift, for calculating Army Combat Fitness Test scores.


Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is built into the Swift toolchain and is the preferred way of integrating.

For Swift package projects, simply add the following line to your Package.swift file in the dependencies section:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "<version>")),

For app projects, simply follow the Apple documentation on adding package dependencies to your app.


Each ACFT event is represented by the ACFTEvent enum, where each case has a single associated value representing the value (meters, pounds, repetitions, etc.) recorded for that individual event.

After capturing a value for an individual event, you just need to create an instance of ACFTCalculator and use the calculatePoints(event:) method to obtain the number of points earned.

do {
    let calculator = try ACFTCalculator()
    // 3 Repetition Maxium Deadlift (MDL)
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .threeRepetitionMaximumDeadlift(pounds: 340))
    // Standing Power Throw (SPT)
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .standingPowerThrow(meters: 12.5))
    // Hand Release Push-Up - Arm Extension (HRP)
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .handReleasePushUp(repetitions: 60))
    // Sprint-Drag-Carry (SDC)
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .sprintDragCarry(time: RecordedTime(seconds: 93)))
    // Leg Tuck (LTK)
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .legTuck(repetitions: 20))
    // Plank (PLK)
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .plank(time: RecordedTime(seconds: 260)))
    // Two-Mile Run (2MR)
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .twoMileRun(time: RecordedTime(seconds: 810)))
    // Alternate Events
    // 1K Meter Swim
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .oneThousandMeterSwim(time: RecordedTime(seconds: 1500)))
    // 12K Meter Stationary Bike
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .twelveThousandMeterBike(time: RecordedTime(seconds: 1500)))
    // 5K Meter Row
    _ = calculator.calculatePoints(for: .fiveThousandMeterRow(time: RecordedTime(seconds: 1500)))
} catch {

When working with events that use time (such as the Two-Mile Run), you'll use the RecordedTime struct, which provides two options for initialization:

// Using RecordedTime(seconds:) creates a non-optional instance:
let recordedTime = RecordedTime(seconds: 60)

// Using RecordedTime(minutes:seconds:) creates an optional instance which returns nil when an invalid seconds value is provided (e.x. seconds > 59):
let nilRecordedTime = RecordedTime(minutes: 1, seconds: 100)
let validOptionalRecordedTime = RecordedTime(minutes: 1, seconds: 59)


For more information on the Army Combat Fitness Test and individual events, see

The source used to calculate points for each ACFT event can be found at