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Takes OSM file and creates JSON/CSV output for every feature with crossreferences.

With next goals in mind:

  • Easy to deploy (keep number of external dependencies as low as possible)
  • Memory friendly (most parts can be easily rewritten, to use file indices and to save RAM)
  • Clusterization friendly (build the whole process as a number of tasks, which can be performed in multi-thread/multi-node environment)

Use latest release

You could find binaries here

Or compile with Apache maven

# Install kiselev-dv/osm-doc-java
mvn compile install -f osm-doc-java/pom.xml

# Install kiselev-dv/ExternalSorting
# It was forked, so test will fails
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true compile install -f ExternalSorting/pom.xml

# Compile and assemble gazetteer
mvn clean compile assembly:single -f Gazetteer/pom.xml

how it works

Data are processed in two steps:

Stripe (map) Join (reduce)

Also there is a zero step split which splits single osm file into nodes, ways and relations.

See me.osm.gazetter package annotation for more info.

Typical workflow

#Do some preparations: split whole OSM file into 3 files with nodes, ways, and relations.
java -jar gazetteer.jar split country.osm

#Parse data and stripe it
java -jar gazetteer.jar slice

#Do spatial join
java -jar gazetteer.jar join --handlers out-gazetteer /path/to/save/out.json.gz


Each line of out.json.gz contains one object encoded as JSON object.

Objects are

  • poipnt POI (Places of interest)
  • adrpnt Addresses (Building or node with addr:nousenumber)
  • hghway Highway (Street or street segment. Each osm way will creates one or more hghway object)
  • hghnet Highways networks (Streets grouped by names and upward boundaries)
  • plcpnt Place point (Places)
  • admbnd Admin boundary (Administrative boundaries)

Addresses stored inside array and arranged by levels as

  • admin0_name
  • admin1_name
  • admin2_name
  • local_admin_name
  • locality_name
  • street_name

See: /GazetteerWeb/src/main/resources/mappings/location.json


Tips and Trics

1 Speed and memory consumption

1.a Speedup split
# it's faster to use systems bunzip:
bzcat country.osm.bz2 | java -jar gazetteer.jar split - none
1.b Memory tweaking
# First option is to use --x10 flag for slice
# it says to gazetteer to slice data into smaller peaces  
java -jar gazetteer.jar slice --x10

# Second option is to split data step by step
# See java -jar gazetteer.jar slice --help for list of types
java -jar gazetteer.jar slice boundaries
java -jar gazetteer.jar slice highways
java -jar gazetteer.jar slice addresses

# and then join as always
java -jar gazetteer.jar join --handlers out-gazetteer file.json.gz

# if you still gets OutOfMemory on join stage, try to set down number of threads
java -jar gazetteer.jar --threads 2 join --handlers out-gazetteer file.json.gz 

2 How to get only smth. (Streets only or POI's only and so on).

# Split as always 
java -jar gazetteer.jar split country.osm

# Specify type of data which will be used in slice stage
java -jar gazetteer.jar slice boundaries places highways

# Join as always
java -jar gazetteer.jar join --handlers out-gazetteer file.json.gz

3 How to filter data by boundary

# Use --check-boundaries boundary1 boundary2 ... Boundaries are combined via and. 
# So result should have boundary1 and boundary2 and so on.
# Boundaries encoded as [r,w]NNNNNNN 
# r for relations, w for ways
# NNNNNNN - relation or way number

java -jar gazetteer.jar join --check-boundaries r123456 --handlers out-gazetteer file.json.gz

# And remember, if you use --check-boundaries and boundary wasn't parsed during slice stage
# results will be empty

4 What can I do with broken boundaries (see option 3).

# Use --boundaries-fallback-file option.
# Fall back file is a simple csv file with 
# id, timestamp and geometry (as wkt) of boundaries
# So you could add prebuilded boundary into this file
# or use this file for every conversion, in this case
# if new version of osm dump has broken boundary multipolygon
# old version will be used. And if boundary successfully parsed
# and has valid geometry, boundary fallback file will be updated. 
java -jar gazetteer.jar slice --boundaries-fallback-file boundaries.csv

5 POI classification.

# By default poi parsed and filtered according to 
# You could specify your own osm-doc xml via --poi-catalog

java -jar gazetteer.jar slice --poi-catalog osm-doc.xml