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Pinned repositories

Stars Software (17) Forks
0 jats-semi-supervised-pytorch. Applying VAE and DGM families to JATS personality survey database in PyTorch.
0 test1. Test after job interview #1 (Monte Carlo simulation).
74 sugartex. SugarTeX is a more readable LaTeX language extension and transcompiler to LaTeX. Fast Unicode autocomplete in Atom editor via SugarTeX Completions for Atom.
43 pandoctools. Profile manager of text processing pipelines: Pandoc filters, any text CLI filters. Atom+Markdown+Pandoc+Jupyter workflow, export to ipynb. Uses Knitty - a Stitch fork. 8
35 knitty (fork). Jupyter power in plain Python/Julia/R/any-kernel-lang. Jupyter kernels output as Pandoc filter. Atom/Hydrogen friendly literature programming. Stitch/Knotr fork: reproducible report generation tool via Jupyter, Pandoc and Markdown. pystitch (fork). Part of the Knitty documentstion.
24 open-fonts. Collection of beautiful free and open source fonts: instructions for installing, Unicode fallback chains. 2
7 pyappshare. PyAppShare is a cookbook for creating cross-platform desktop python applications in a moment. With shortcuts supporting virtual and Anaconda environments via Shortcutter.
6 shortcutter (fork). Easy cross-platform creation of shortcuts supporting virtual and Anaconda environments. 1
7 enaml-video-app. Easy to install cross-platform python desktop app that gets video via OpenCV and displays it via LGPL Qt 5 for Python (PySide2) GUI composed with Enaml & distributed with PyAppShare (uses Miniconda & Shortcutter). 1
24 pyppdf: Pyppeteer PDF. Print html sites and files to pdf via pyppeteer (uses patched pyppeteer that by default downloads updated Chromium revision via https with certifi). 5
2 matplotlibhelper. Matplotlib Helper is my custom helper to tune Matplotlib experience for Pandoctools/Knitty. I tuned fonts, made some tweaks to use it with SugarTeX, some tweaks to use mpl interactive plots in Atom/Hydrogen.
3 featherhelper. Concise interface to cache numpy arrays and pandas dataframes. I use it with Pandoctools/Knitty.
2 tabulatehelper. Converts tabular data like Pandas dataframe to GitHub Flavored Markdown pipe table (wrapper around tabulate module). I use it with Pandoctools/Knitty.
0 litereval. Wrapper around ast.literal_eval with new {foo='bar', key=None} dict syntax. + Deep merge two dictionaries.
1 atom-sugartex-completions (fork). Easy Unicode input for Atom optimized for SugarTeX.
0 miranda-im-111. Miranda IM 111 Pack source code and latest installer.
0 shutilwhich-cwdpatch. Patch for shutil.which and shutilwhich that disables search in CWD on Windows.
1 py-open-fonts. Open Fonts in pip and conda. 1
Repackaged (7)
0 vscode-theme-laravel-pycharm (fork). Laravel code theme for Visual Studio Code and for PyCharm.
0 atom-highlight-bad-chars-bl (fork). Atom plugin: Highlight bad Unicode characters that can cause hard to spot syntax errors.
0 py-mathjax. MathJax in pip and conda.
0 py-pandoc-crossref. pandoc-crossref in pip and conda.
4 py-pandoc. Pandoc in pip and conda. 1
0 pandoc-attrs (fork). aaren/pandoc-attributes repackaged.
31 ipynb-py-convert (fork). Convert .py files runnable in VSCode or Atom/Hydrogen to Jupyter .ipynb notebooks and vice versa. 13
Non-software (5)
7 ultimate-question. Open-ended natural selection of interacting code-data-dual algorithms as a property analogous to Turing completeness.,
3 breton. Breton dances, French Balfolk and some celtic dances (music, video, dances descriptions).
6 jats. Alternative translation of Jung-Augustinavichiute-Talanov Socionics to English + On incompatibility of Socionics and MBTI. 2
0 talking-regressor. Brainstorm-like repo for applying language models like GPT to Auto-ML models that perform regression (automatic talking and answering questions on compressed and factorized latent representation).
0 ru-translit. Russian to Latin alphabet ASCII-only romanization (russcaia latinicza).
0 wallpaper-art-gallery-ux. How to set user experience to enjoy the favourite art on the desktop. Examples of art to wallpaper conversion.
0 misc. Jupyter notebooks as PDF, MS Word and others killer and other miscellaneous stuff (Markdown texts, html/css themes, etc.). 1

Jupyter notebooks as PDF, MS Word and others killer

More strictly speaking:
Idea to enhance nbviewer with js/css plugins to make nbviewer+ipynb secure, dynamic and mobile friendly

Miscellaneous stuff

Miscellaneous stuff

conda-forge recipes