Ryan Moore, Will Durkin, Zheyu Li
To answer this objective we broke this objective down into 3 questions we could more easily answer.
For ease of collaboration, we used Git and GitHub version control software. This made it much easier to code together and communicate ideas during project development.
is the provided project brief. -
is the group diary. -
is a summary of the topics to cover in the presentation. -
is the master copy of the notebook, containing functions, graphs, model, etc. -
directory contains the RData files.
Rate Your Music - https://rateyourmusic.com
Rate Your Music is a website that ranks albums based on a crowdsourced approach. The ratings from users, along with the number of ratings, are aggregated to produce a theoretically 'objective' assessment of an album's quality. We used this dataset extensively, taking Rate Your Music as our benchmark for determining a ‘highly rated’ album.
Best Selling Albums - https://bestsellingalbums.org/
Best Selling Albums is a dataset that showcases historical album sales data, breaking down the units sold by decade. We utilized this dataset to examine if there were any common traits among the best-selling albums that could suggest causation. For instance, we analyzed each album's 'energy' levels to determine if there was a consistent trend in energy levels associated with highly successful albums.
Spotify API - https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api
The Spotify API contains many endpoints which make it possible to query almost any data you could think of from within Spotify. This includes artists, tracks, playlists, users, albums and more. Spotify also does an internal audio analysis of all tracks in its library, in order to recommend tracks to users. Conveniently, this audio analysis is free and publicly available through Spotify’s API. The audio analysis contains many values that quantify the track, such as acousticness, danceability, loudness and energy.
From the Spotify API:
"Energy is a measure from 0.0 to 1.0 and represents a perceptual measure of intensity and activity. Typically, energetic tracks feel fast, loud, and noisy. Perceptual features contributing to this attribute include dynamic range, perceived loudness, timbre, onset rate, and general entropy.”
We used energy as an attribute of an album to see whether there was any correlation between the energy of an album and its sales, for example, or whether there was little correlation. One hypothesis is that there is a ‘sweet spot’ of energy wherein an album is more likely to sell well. For example, albums with very high energy (heavy metal, noise music) are not appealing to the masses, and neither are albums with very low energy (ambient music, etc.)
Rate Your Music doesn't have an API. Therefore, we had to use web scraping to retreive the data from the website. By using the rvest package to target specific CSS selectors, we could extract various details such as album names, artists, ratings, release dates, genres, descriptors, number of ratings, and number of views. This data, however, needed to be cleaned. After we collected the data, it looked like this:
After scraping various details from the webpage, such as album names, artists,
and release dates, we undertook several data-cleaning steps. The extracted text
undergoes trimming using the str_trim()
function to remove leading or trailing
white spaces. Ratings are filtered to avoid potential duplicates. Strings
representing ratings, the number of ratings, and views are first stripped of
commas for accuracy and then converted to a numeric format. Release dates are
formatted consistently to ensure that they are handled as date objects in
subsequent analyses. Multiple genres for a single album are fetched and merged
into a single comma-separated string for streamlined representation. Lastly,
descriptors are cleaned to replace newline characters and remove extraneous
spaces. These meticulous steps are taken to ensure that the extracted data is
accurate, consistent, and primed for further analysis. Data is cleaned as shown:
In the process of web scraping the rest of the data from RYM website, we
encountered a challenge related to data consistency. Specifically, the length of
the 'descriptors' and 'genres' columns was not aligned with the length of other
extracted attributes, like 'album_names'. To address this, we used if
statements to check for inconsistencies in the length of these columns. If a
mismatch was detected, we identified the indices where values might be missing.
Using the 'map2_chr' function from the 'purrr' library, we then inserted 'NA'
(Not Available) placeholders for these missing values, ensuring that the
resulting data frame maintained the proper structure and alignment. This
solution was crucial in preserving the integrity of the scraped data and
ensuring that all information was correctly represented in the final dataset.
Another issue was encountered whilst trying to scrape a large amount of pages
from the website was the rate-limiting mechanism present on on the website.
These limitations not only risked IP blocking but also substantially increased
the duration of our scraping process. To overcome this we used the sys.sleep()
function to introduce deliberate delays between requests in order to bypass the
rate limiting and determined an optimal delay interval that allowed us to
successfully extract all the desired data from the 125 pages.
Here is the data following the RYM scrape:
To use the Spotify API, we used the spotifyr package, which conveniently
contains R function wrappers for most of the existing endpoints in the API.
However, the Spotify API does require the registration of an application on a
spotify developer account, and therefore needs a public and private key to be
passed to it to start receiving data. Once this was set up, we could retrieve an
access token and execute the spotifyr functions. However, the functions all took
internal Spotify IDs as arguments, which is not that helpful for us as we are
trying to relate data based on album, artist, and track names. Thankfully,
spotifyr also includes a search_spotify
function. Using this function, we
could retreive the first search result of an album/artist/track by name, then
take the first result, get the ID, and pipe this into the relevant
function in order to get all the data associated with that
object. With this knowledge, we created wrapper functions around the
functions in order to make this process easier and more
convenient during analysis. Very little cleaning needed to be done to the
Spotify data as the spotifyr
packages manages type conversion etc. already.
However, in the wrapper functions, we did drop some columns we didn't need for
our analysis to make life easier.
Best Selling Albums also did not have any public-facing API. However, the website provided a very scraping-friendly interface, and the subpages were organized in a logical way. There was also no rate-limiting, which made scraping this website very convenient and easy. All the charts were stored in a
element at the top of the page, which would easily converted into a dataframe just using the html_table() function from rvest. Once this was done, all that needed to be done was selecting the relevant columns we needed and converting some types from character to numeric. This was the easiest data source to retreive and clean, despite still requiring scraping.We started our interpretation of this question by looking at whether any of the Spotify audio features could potentially explain the popularity of an album. One of the audio analyses that stood out to us is the 'Energy' measure. Our hypothesis was that there is a ‘sweet spot’ of energy wherein an album is more likely to sell well.
In order to see if there is any trend between ‘energy’ of an album and how well it sells, we used the best-selling albums dataset to see the average energy of tracks on the top 20 highest-selling albums in the world.
Almost all of the albums had moderate energy, between 0.4 and 0.8. Only two albums, by AC/DC and Metallica had energy over 0.8 (due to being metal albums) and only one album, by Pink Floyd, had energy below 0.4.
We then undertook a deeper analysis of a single artist's discography (Red Hot Chili Peppers) to see whether we could find any more insights about the relation between 'Energy' and an album's popularity.
Over 75% of the RHCP’ album tracks were released after 1990, yet all five of the RHCP’ top 5 most energetic tracks were released before 1990. This implies that the energy of their music may have changed over time, so we investigated this on an album basis.
Prior to 1989’s Mother’s Milk, we can see an increasing trend in energy. During this period, while they were still growing in popularity through the underground scene, the RHCP were experimenting with hard funk rock at high levels of energy. Following Mother’s Milk, we see a decreasing trend - likely due to the success of Under The Bridge from Blood Sugar Sex Magik, a mellow and introspective song. The decrease in energy over time signifies the RHCP’ progression towards a mainstream audience.
We can see a near-zero R-Squared (0.003) due to the non-linear nature of the relationship (piece-wise function). Below energy levels of 0.85, we see a positive relationship with a huge drop in album sales at very high energy levels, signifying a zero relationship when energy is over 0.85. For low-moderate levels of energy, an increase in energy is associated with an increase in album sales. The nature of the relationship above 0.85 suggests that there is a fine line between producing a “fun” album (higher energy, increase in sales), without being too intense for mainstream (extreme energy, decrease in sales).
Here, we observe a similar distribution through time to that of the band’s album sales. Once again, an increasing trend in the funk rock era and a decreasing trend post Under the Bridge (Blood Sugar Sex Magik). The RHCP albums have received low audience ratings since 2006’s Stadium Arcadium.
Here, we have a much higher R-Squared value of 0.63, meaning that audience rating from RYM can explain 63% of the variation in RHCP album sales. We have a moderate and positive relationship between album ratings and album sales. This signifies that an increase in album ratings is associated with an increase in album sales.
To answer this question, we used our rateyourmusic.com dataset, and gathered the top 5000 highest-rated albums on the whole site. We could then use the date data from this to analyse what decade 'objectively' contains more of the best albums based on rateyourmusic.com crowdsourcing.
From the bar chart, it's evident that: the 1970s have the highest amount of top-5000 rated albums, well exceeding 1000. This era is often referred to as the "Golden Age of Rock," characterised by the flourishing of the rock genre and the rise of influential music movements like punk, disco, and others, which might explain the surge in high rated albums - albums that are genre-defining, influential and creative are often more critically acclaimed.
The 2010s saw a significant drop in the amount of highly-rated albums, and the 2020s even more so, althugh data for the 2020s is incomplete as we are not even halfway through the decade yet!
This is good but we wanted more granularity. Therefore, we also created a histogram for ratings by year, as opposed to decade, to discover whether the decades were overall successful, or just due to a particularly highly rated year.
What we found is that the early 70s were constistently rating the highest, as well as a 2nd peak in the 90's. Notably, 1971 emerges as the year with the most high ratings, at 155 albums, suggesting a articularly vibrant period in the music industry. What is also very apparent is that there is a high amount of correlation between years - there is a time-oriented trend and years are not random.
The charts offer a comprehensive overview of how highly rated music from certain years and decades is seen. In summary, the 1970s was the most prolific era, with subsequent high high ratings in the 1990s, 2000s, and 1980s respectively. Thus, the prominence of the 1970s in high ratings might suggest a musically rich and innovative period, possibly due to the cultural revolutions, technological advancements in music recording, and the emergence of diverse genres.
To answer this question, we also used the rateyourmusic.com data set. The data
set contains 5-20 descriptor words for each album on its site, separate from
genre. We can parse these descriptor words and see which descriptors show up
most commonly in the top 5000 most highly-rated albums, using text-mining
techniques in R - strucuring the data into a term-document matrix, sorted by
word frequency, and then visualising the data as a word cloud using
As this word cloud shows, ‘melodic’ is the most common descriptor among top 5000 albums' descriptors. High-rated albums also usually have music that is energetic, rhythmic, passionate, melancholic, instrumental, or atmospheric.
The objective of this report was to discover the characteristics which make an album successful. Through web scraping and subsequent analysis of data from sources such as Rate Your Music, Album Sales and the Spotify API, we found a number of factors that contribute towards a successful album.
Analysing the energy levels of high-selling albums revealed that most of these albums have tracks with moderate-high energy levels, typically falling between 0.5 and 0.85 on the Spotify 'energy' scale. Extremely high-energy tracks (e.g., heavy metal) and very low-energy tracks (e.g., ambient music) are less appealing to the masses. This suggests a 'sweet spot' for energy levels in music that is likely to sell well.
A deep dive into the music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers demonstrated the evolution of their sound over time. Albums released before 1990 exhibited higher energy levels, reflecting their experimentation with hard funk rock. However, after the release of more mellow tracks like "Under the Bridge," their energy levels decreased, aligning with their shift towards a mainstream audience.
The correlation between album ratings and sales, (investigated in the context of Red Hot Chili Peppers' discography), revealed that album ratings from platforms like Rate Your Music can explain a significant portion of the variation in album sales. Higher album ratings are associated with increased sales, highlighting the influence of critical acclaim on commercial success.
The critical acclaim of albums varied heavily throughout the decades. Albums from the 1970s and 1990s stood out with record-high ratings. The 1970s, often referred to as the "Golden Age of Rock," witnessed the strongest period of musical innovation, while the 1990s marked the rise of alternative and grunge music, both contributing to the high ratings and critical acclaim of albums from these times.
The word cloud analysis of album descriptors highlighted that terms like 'melodic,' 'energetic,' 'passionate,' 'rhythmic,' 'melancholic,' 'instrumental,' and 'atmospheric' are common descriptors of highly-rated albums. This indicates that the musical characteristics and emotional depth of an album play a crucial role in its critical acclaim.
We can conclude that a successful album can be achieved through the fusion of receiving high critical acclaim, being released in an era marked by musical experimentation, containing specific musical attributes such as melodic and passionate tracks, and boasting a high but balanced level of energy. While there is no definitive formula for success in the music industry, understanding these key factors can significantly improve an album's chances of achieving critical acclaim and commercial prosperity. Artists and music industry professionals can use this knowledge to guide their creative and marketing efforts and create albums that stand the test of time.
Although we have achieved a great depth of analysis and made some interesting conclusions, we cannot confidently say we succeeded in generalising our results for the music industry. We selected a handful of convenient (potentially biased) websites to scrape data from and used the results of a case study developed around one band to make comments about the music industry as a whole.
Additionally, we looked at very few predictor variables (e.g. only using 'Energy' value from Spotify to define the success of an album) when in fact the success of an album is due to many, many different predictors, and cannot be explained with a simple relationship. No doubt luck also plays a large part in an album's success.
We are also likely to have conflated correlation and causation in several parts of our analysis. If we were to continue this research, we would investigate the websites’ reputability and use data from many different sources. We would also take random samples of industry data before making generalisations, as opposed to selecting one band and assuming the results of that band will apply industry-wide. Although professionals can use this report to guide their efforts, it must be used with caution and in conjunction with their own research from reputable sources.