All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.0.0 (2022-05-17)
- mapping old tcr urls to chainId packed ones
- adding chainId into path for tcr views
- improving performance and cleaning messy code
adding chainId into path for tcr views (9b05e2a)
decoded data is now in order (776eee1)
eliminating unexpected behaviour of routing for tcr view (dd50f82)
eth-amount not to display decimal points if its value is integer (fffb086)
factory crash on 0 jurors (bf8a876)
infura getlogs outage (decf39d)
mapping old tcr urls to chainId packed ones (368a446)
network routes when accessing without provider (461a526)
only reload to network for non-provided (740174c)
path validation to consider registry too (9ced18a)
protocolRegex works properly (1956b3a)
remove curate-rinkeby from env (69a98bb)
remove rich address in form (81bebb7)
(fd6a43a) -
replace instead of pushing chainId (dfb064b)
routing issue of non-metamask provider (b1b33af)
schema is shown from item (da8a13e)
show unfilled fields again (0a2f49e)
stop showing unfilled fields (f666b30)
switching network bug of avatar (78f76df)
switching network flexibly on metamask (b4b2b75)
tcr item details to use chainId from path (6778438)
tcr-view gets the metaevidence again (bf1d50f)
top bar switch redirection without metamask (7d94104)
twitter api cors proxy (38a9255)
use getLogs as dependency in useEffects (40fe4ec)
useTcrNetwork to keep redirecting url (b87a4b8)
xdai network wrong redirection (3458c72)
xdai shows proper explorer links (7fbd665)
improving performance and cleaning messy code (c8a9e1c), closes #215
2.2.0 (2022-02-02)
- support long text fields (6d727f7)
2.1.0 (2022-02-01)
- add default list for rinkeby (19f23bb)
- allow creating classic (7dca20b)
- avoid mistakes with address case (57461b0)
- increase number of indexed files (4e43599)
- support webp images (3d54110)
- update latest contracts (ffa2d87)
- update to latest contract (9b90da0)
- add max description length (583d8d5)
- add missing dots (2eb6129)
- badge display (6cdc163)
- broken link assignment (d264f0c)
- default value for field input as types (3901267)
- don't wait for tx to mine to subscribe (60a8171)
- env variables (2565a02)
- evidence display interface (5a30697)
- light curate badge activation (8c5dbe3)
- light curate enabled badges query (242c2b2)
- meta evidence standard and evidence display (51f69e2)
- missing dot in list description (2631aec)
- missing redirect on connect testnet (5a54fc0)
- notification crash (1ac295b)
- remove extra chars (737f91d)
- typos and add link to tour (96aacf4)
- update abi and badge col selection (d486f2e)
- user can no longer submit classic items while uploading (8d4b609)
- weirdness on links protocol (d8b8a44)
2.0.1 (2021-09-28)
2.0.0 (2021-09-28)
- adapt item details view for light curate (daf9f9c)
- add back paging (6e50ea5)
- add chain switch buttons (65b70f8)
- add challenge time hover and close #136 (272f9e5)
- add filter options back (b4d6b9a)
- add link dispute for known arbitrators and close #162 (12a34b1)
- add links to txes in timeline (54a2e2a)
- add note on chain-specific notifications (76b6042)
- add opera wallet (d7d0656)
- add searchbar to items page (6f87dbe)
- add support for frame wallet (801a081)
- add support for twitter profile fields (ac1a496)
- add support for xDai (a113fd7)
- add switch button for users without wallets (7876545)
- add twitter user TCR support (0d41bfc)
- add URL actions (5ab99ef)
- add xdai bridge link and fix typo (f152e71)
- add xDai reminder (0911278)
- allow setting network in URL (f439c68)
- bring back filters (e2727fa)
- classic items are now cached (758fecb)
- display challenge period when submitting, removing and close #142 (52f5327)
- display challenger and case number even if dispute is resolved (84217e3)
- display executed request date (5b2321a)
- display item details even if request is resolved (a93217b)
- dispĺay item file link and close #158, close #159 (b664e22)
- don't require waiting for deployment and close #154 (949f83a)
- first n elements and filter by registry using gql (6dbb2b3)
- handle updates to item column structure (31732a3)
- hide badges section if badges are disabled and close #145 (f5afc08)
- implemented IPFS mirroring (da8026c)
- item details queries to subgraph are cached (ca303ca)
- load items view (f132d7f)
- merge light curate (ee9388d)
- migrate to new contracts (06efe90)
- react to page in url (cbfff67)
- support link column type and close #131 (9446f34)
- swap warning for info alert and close #143 (b823dab)
- unfinished searchbar (8b0ab6d)
- use apollo and take props from graph (595a733)
- use latest evidence display (eca3484)
- use query parameters when fetching items (bd64344)
- use subgraph to display items (30cc86c)
- add isIdentifier to itemSearch gql query (73c2fe3)
- add return to arrow function (01f2633)
- add return to arrow function (f0cc2a4)
- appeal crowdfunding permaloading (799e55c)
- broken links on url (392b8af)
- bug fixes to make the searchbar work (b8c426e)
- bump deposit limit on factory to 30 and close #156 (fe7e1e1)
- bump gas limit for submissions (1432f63)
- cache now works for light curate items (69c76d8)
- card data rendering (11bce71)
- challenged filters (600547c)
- changing lists fast no longer bugs cards (98aec7d), closes #184
- classic items view query (bd1f0a5)
- contrast in action button and close #139 (b708d44)
- crash on page if one of the sides is fully funded (3f6bfad)
- crashes from gtcraddress when loading new list (af1505b)
- currency label ticker (fa23c09)
- disable multi filter selection for classic (91762cb)
- disallow columns with the same name (d8c8109)
- don't notify of new app versions (a2d9ada)
- evidence display URI (b3eee5b)
- evidence submission time and close #130 (575c439)
- exceptions for links in new tabs and close #147 (50cabfa)
- fix non disputed filters (6f341f5)
- formatting on submission modal title (6dc3186)
- hardcoded gas limit causing scary price predictions (63f342f)
- hook dependencies (d3a8f7a)
- ignore metamask error if arbitration cost is set (d09e5a2)
- improve fee reward wording (e4a482f)
- improve state name (2c0a937)
- improve wording and close #134 (52b5fd2)
- incorrect case in submission alert (2d1d3d9)
- incorrect court label in list factory (ecf3e5c)
- incorrect crowdfunding reward display (235d41d)
- incorrect loser remaining time display (9be328c)
- infinite rerender in light-items view (b76d8fe)
- infinite return loop in tcr view hook (9c8c153)
- infinte run on wallet context (7b81ff4)
- items array in wrong format (8bca531)
- items not showing due to lregistry (b68de9c)
- light items view not rendering items (6919e50)
- limit number of results returned (9199623)
- links without a protocol are broken (64f0193)
- missing rejected items and close #152 (38195d2)
- native currency display (1fd1544)
- new window overshoot and remove beta warning (45e5834)
- node version in build (6f42af8)
- outdate env variables (beb8166)
- outdated deposit values after navigating between TCRs (84b5f3f)
- outdated deposits after navigating to another list (adeba6c)
- outdated testnet view contract addresses (b486bf2)
- permaloading in action modals (4249015)
- reactour scroll lock and close #135 (6b981a0)
- reload and send user to default registry on chain change (c9ab9af)
- remove broken components (3be43a4)
- remove capitalization from details card (50c95a3)
- remove deprecated filter (7930c55)
- remove deprecated search bar (78f4b6e)
- remove misleading loading indicator and close #157 (34f0a20)
- removing items showing as challenged (6e57318)
- require wallet for factory (230df5f)
- responsiveness and close #91, close #92 (8ca6738)
- responsiveness for evidence with large titles (aac7ec9)
- scroll issue after reactour (a112fc6)
- send users seeking help to the curate support group (09ba81e)
- show challenged requests by default (581bb2a)
- switch to npm and replace ovm on rinkeby (a15cb33)
- tcr detection on submission (e4f3e08)
- text issue for light curate (1ff5f5c), closes #184
- typo in tour and close #153 (f75dd3a)
- update default evidence display uri (9a468e6)
- update default evidence display uri (5cf95ad)
- update get help link and close #132 (d952c5e)
- update to latest version abi (fd71cc6)
- use latest contracts (ee8446c)
- use title case and close #144 (fb87520)
- user can no longer submit while uploading (d49255c)
- welcome video url (19cc545)
- when no account (704315b)
- withdraw rewards button not requesting signature (97b22d2)
- work around ethers-utils decoder bug (3cc2d2d)
- work around gas estimation error (d6e9269)
- wrong factory address on xdai (7bf1e19)
- wrong graph URL (76a119a)
- wrong page count after navigating between lists (ddfde11)
- xdai items not loading (ae07d03)
1.1.0 (2020-07-30)
- add challenge time hover and close #136 (272f9e5)
- display challenge period when submitting, removing and close #142 (52f5327)
- display item details even if request is resolved (a93217b)
- hide badges section if badges are disabled and close #145 (f5afc08)
- support link column type and close #131 (9446f34)
- swap warning for info alert and close #143 (b823dab)
- use latest evidence display (eca3484)
- appeal crowdfunding permaloading (799e55c)
- bump gas limit for submissions (1432f63)
- contrast in action button and close #139 (b708d44)
- crash on page if one of the sides is fully funded (3f6bfad)
- disallow columns with the same name (d8c8109)
- evidence submission time and close #130 (575c439)
- hardcoded gas limit causing scary price predictions (63f342f)
- ignore metamask error if arbitration cost is set (d09e5a2)
- improve wording and close #134 (52b5fd2)
- incorrect crowdfunding reward display (235d41d)
- incorrect loser remaining time display (9be328c)
- infinite return loop in tcr view hook (9c8c153)
- infinte run on wallet context (7b81ff4)
- missing rejected items and close #152 (38195d2)
- outdated deposits after navigating to another list (adeba6c)
- permaloading in action modals (4249015)
- responsiveness for evidence with large titles (aac7ec9)
- show challenged requests by default (581bb2a)
- typo in tour and close #153 (f75dd3a)
- update default evidence display uri (9a468e6)
- update default evidence display uri (5cf95ad)
- update get help link and close #132 (d952c5e)
- use title case and close #144 (fb87520)
- welcome video url (19cc545)
- work around ethers-utils decoder bug (3cc2d2d)
- work around gas estimation error (d6e9269)
1.0.0 (2020-06-10)
- display reward proportional to contribution and close #99 (d752a49)
- set default network to mainnet 🚀 (c5166e1)
- use percentage for multipliers, closes #111, closes #120 (2037bce)
- clarify tooltips, closes #113, closes #115, closes #116 (99dabba)
- clarify tooltips, closes #117, closes #118, closes #119 (7b8d2a0)
- don't link disabled badges list and fix typos (74b105b)
- dont display details button on deployed tcrs card (7c052d0)
- empty field error message and close #105 (55f5cd4)
- hide button if there is no error as well (e1919a5)
- improve item cards button arrangement (0951b40)
- improve wording and close #121 (c5fd974)
- improve wording and close #122 (7212a72)
- improve wording and close #124 (859887b)
- improve wording and close #125 (f10e305)
- improve wording and close #126 (fc57ac8)
- improve wording and close #127 (3b93e62)
- item card content alignment (83d96e0)
- loading indicator while deploying (2e5c313)
- make removal evidence mandatory and close #110 (1083468)
- wording improvements and close #109 (81cc40c)
0.9.7 (2020-06-08)
- update default list (5fc555b)
0.9.6 (2020-06-08)
- add back button to details view and close #58 (a86eec0)
- add item details view tour (aa3bc85)
- add item name plural field and close #74 (b70b72a)
- add links to twitter, telegram channel and close #75, close #65 (544d017)
- add tour to items view (aba15ed)
- add welcome modal and close #59 (a0d2b55)
- allow hiding cards again if filter is enabled (39ccd4a)
- allow skipping badges step and close #95 (5fedf64)
- clear form on submission and close #48 (d3fa6d3)
- deploy TCR in a single transaction and close #69 (6fae7f8)
- deploy TCR in a single transaction and close #96 (776eb34)
- display notifications tour (7d33e3e)
- display predicted arbitration costs and close #54 (dc1ed59)
- display remaining challenge time and close #87 (0f79fce)
- display request bounty and close #86 (bf27927)
- don't use nickname for email notifications (3107235)
- factory final step revamp and close #34 (d95689c)
- friendlier extra data for kleros and close #51 (8f8d0ae)
- improve poorly encoded data and non-TCR addresses (b661aed)
- improve search results and close #64 (7735b8b)
- improve submission modal with suggestions from #104 (5fbb519)
- labels in item details card should be bold (4175804)
- add divider between upload and text params (2fa2616)
- banner would flash for users that dismissed it (8337306)
- clarify item navigation and close #71 (9fca322)
- clarify settings save button label (8315b93)
- crowdfunding card margins (687c040)
- default stake values (5dc4667)
- deploying a factory was clearing out previous deployments box (ab26f22)
- display tour after welcome modal closed (a37a3de)
- don't hide the governor in the advanced options (32fe167)
- don't use dark pattern (4c63731)
- dont show modal again by default (5e36851)
- error deploying list (fa753c8)
- improve factory steps wording and typos (e71b29b)
- improve labels and default values (3071033)
- improve list deployment costs info and close #80 (0d5955f)
- improve malformed submission error message (2ca4f32)
- incorrect badge selection and close #67 (c3b0f6f)
- incorrect submission and challenge deposits (4c85c3d)
- label improvements and typos (201e1a6)
- link integration channel instead of the main kleros channel (4f067a7)
- modal styling and remove built css from repo (656550d)
- move upload fields to the top and close #76 (5dba03f)
- my challenges/my submissions filter being used without an account (60acd8a)
- navigate to item details instead of opening a new tab, typo (2d347f5)
- prop type errors and refactor (64635e6)
- prop-type checks, improve labels and hide unused UIs (206e4dc)
- proptypes error and close #60 (17bc6c8)
- remove cost notice (38edd37)
- remove redundant text on notifications and close #102 (c9f822e)
- replace all user-facing string from TCR to list (d81a2b8)
- request timeline styling (1380a5a)
- require at least one ID and close #53 (f59643f)
- responsiveness on mobile devices (4737dcb)
- search results on list of lists (3231ef7)
- simplify factory and close #77 (7535901)
- styling and control labels (9dd88b0)
- submit button styling on mobile (e96617b)
- swap 'remove' for 'send' in removal modal and close #103 (76eb2aa)
- swap 'reveal' for 'show' button in hidden cards, closes #100 (cd2cc89)
- tcr card button styling (52ad029)
- top bar layout on ipad and close #90 (72dd2e7)
- update warning banner (145da15)
- use legacy sign and close #32 (724c273)
- visit link should open in a new tab (b755393)
0.9.5 (2020-05-20)
- add a NSFW switch (9cf0d0e)
- add note on deployment costs, close #33, close #39 (0086245)
- display arbitrator and challenger, if available (cb79939)
- display challenged and crowdfunding cards facing down (82c0c3d)
- display items with pending requests first (2306396)
- display link in details view (514a569)
- display TCR information in details view and close #63 (bce7871)
- fix viewport measurements, display tcr logo and close #62 (befdcd2)
- handle HasPaidFees event notification (ab978eb)
- improve factory field descriptions and close #46 (f850b7f)
- improve fee stake multipliers explanation and close #47 (5100130)
- improve item name description and close #44 (f959d1f)
- improve primary document field description and close #45 (89c2720)
- improve stake multipliers description and close #52 (9ae169e)
- prevent submitting non GTCRs to TCRs of TCRs and close #43 (881a76f)
- remember nsfw user setting (f276cb2)
- update mainnet governor to latest contract (48a6617)
- use button for 'navigate to tcr' link (9e843a7)
- default tcr and extra data (374608d)
- disable badge address field if parent is not set (3445184)
- don't show old active items if the filter hides it (2c7ccb3)
- error when navigating from tcr with items to empty tcr (5277c9b)
- fetch request type from logs (4b3cf71)
- fetch request type from logs and close #49 (b7f80b1)
- handle improperly encoded submissions (8debf4c)
- improve challenge deposit labels and close #42 (884c1b5)
- improve deposit descriptions and card styling (4ccb6e2)
- improve UI explanations and close #56 (bff6336)
- incorrect badge status handling (c3c45ba)
- listing criteria link (cd62574)
- outdated contract api call (2bb1d9b)
- outdated contract api call (d55a710)
- request timeline loading forever (11aad0d)
- return badges filtering by state and column matched (ef71d7a)
- styling issue on item cards header (3e0bbe3)
- timeline loading indicator handling (0ffb76c)
- use kovan as the default network (671bcbf)
- use latest governor contract as the default governor (2a67601)
- use latest tcr view contract (9da112a)
- view tcr button not working (4422d93)
- encoder: handle small ethereum addresses (2cebd7e)
- factory: crash on opening (e2a2e71)
0.9.4 (2020-04-30)
- add beta warning banner (eae9755)
- display arbitrator and dispute ID, if any (3120e2e)
- display timestamps for every request event, closes #35 (a5b3b95)
- for TCRs of TCRs, display information from the TCR. Closes #30 (4588b5f)
- set default deployment to mainnet (a150883)
- update to latest contract version (1267ff5)
- upgrade to latest contract version (1b60ffe)
- use latest evidence display (5d6b30c)
- banner responsiveness (33f4830)
- display correct listing criteria for listing badges and close #38 (4daa036)
- error handling and card styling (b992f8c)
- evidence subscription api call (7ebef22)
- filter submission events by evidence group ID (b59fdad)
- handle network-based notifications (a814116)
- hide badges already added from options. Closes #37 (75350d8)
- hide challenged requests by default (33420b5)
- image selector aspect ratio (30d8db3)
- improve warning banner (ebcb1c6)
- improve warning banner styling (482cb2e)
- incorrect proptype check (b9628f3)
- make whole card clickable (f3fd3ca)
- my challenges and my submissions filters (2dbbe46)
- notification service api (1514562)
- sort items by oldest first (1de8e20)
- typo in environment variables (6899ad6)
- update logo and contract package (fcf3daf)
- use latest tcr contract version (437a2d8)
0.9.3 (2020-04-06)
- display arbitrator and dispute ID, if any (3120e2e)
- display timestamps for every request event, closes #35 (a5b3b95)
- for TCRs of TCRs, display information from the TCR. Closes #30 (4588b5f)
- update to latest contract version (1267ff5)
- upgrade to latest contract version (1b60ffe)
- use latest evidence display (5d6b30c)
- display correct listing criteria for listing badges and close #38 (4daa036)
- error handling and card styling (b992f8c)
- evidence subscription api call (7ebef22)
- filter submission events by evidence group ID (b59fdad)
- handle network-based notifications (a814116)
- hide badges already added from options. Closes #37 (75350d8)
- image selector aspect ratio (30d8db3)
- incorrect proptype check (b9628f3)
- make whole card clickable (f3fd3ca)
- my challenges and my submissions filters (2dbbe46)
- notification service api (1514562)
- sort items by oldest first (1de8e20)
- use latest tcr contract version (437a2d8)
0.9.2 (2020-02-26)
0.9.1 (2020-02-03)
- add arbitrator extra data to advanced options (ef03cfc)
- add gtcr logo (1b84c78)
- add related tcr configuration step to factory and logo selection (88096b9), closes #22
- add support for image columns and close #28 (1d3ffa1)
- allow setting email notification settings (55883b0)
- allow submitting and enabling badges. Closes #23, #24 (f985ff4)
- allow users to withdraw fee contribution rewards (26bde20), closes #12
- closes #29, closes #27, closes #26 (179e655)
- use factory contract for deployments and close #25 (8896901)
- use localstorage for user settings and field add hint (c83d1c1)
- don't display crowdfunding card if item is waiting ruling execution (4233d78)
- don't require a tcr context for this for details card (e93b879)
- filter out empty items (08cfd21)
- incorrect property access and remove unused script (24b3a35)
- interface hashing (fb28bb8)
- missing capital letter on description (9c7b693)
- missing error handlers and lint issues (d67239e)
- remove portis to avoid trackers and errors in brave (dc31fbc)
- request wallet connection before displaying form to user (bae975a)
- the match file URI is not an identifier field (7dbfa85)
- typo and obsolete docs (3f63978)
- typo in evidence display field name (b0be379)
- typo in field label (c3a0723)
- typos, labels and firefox styling issues (b239552)
- update evidence display and use env variable (448dc4c)
0.9.0 (2019-12-21)
- notification information icon color (abd71ab)
0.8.0 (2019-12-21)
- add gtcr address field type and close #13 (e056fed)
- allow setting the challenge period duration and display units (4c1fba2)
- be rpc node agnostic (94404b6)
- blank meta evidence loaded from cache (15bf7ac)
- cannot navigate back from items view (3ed124a)
- close #17 and allow setting the governor on the factory (db1c5a1)
- close #19 (734f453)
- decoding error on tcr navigation (39835e6)
- display missing provider message on all routes (58cd440)
- error messages and submission log decoding error (fc3856a)
- formatic popup and footer (4ca1e43)
- handle overflow in search results (762839a)
- incorrect deposit math for requests and challenges (36b488c)
- incosistent casing in tx messages (0d7954d)
- let user upload primary document on factory and close #7 (d64bf86)
- missing evidence after connecting a wallet (c68a646)
- missing key in search results (2d6b157)
- outdated meta evidence when switching tcrs (75d23e9)
- prevent crash on decoding errors (3f14db2)
- set kleros as the default arbitrator and close #20 (62d23aa)
- update evidenceDisplayURI, hash and close #11 (5fab41b)
- use shared footer from @kleros/react-components (0a55325)
- add search bar and close #14 (ee5c9fe)
- display current network and fix missing logo (6ed2bcb)
- footer from shared components (b59737b)
- implement in-app notifications (d8b3cb1)
- save tcr information in metadata field of meta evidence file (374c034)
0.7.1 (2019-11-13)
- close #19 (734f453)
- incorrect deposit math for requests and challenges (36b488c)
- incosistent casing in tx messages (0d7954d)
- set kleros as the default arbitrator and close #20 (62d23aa)
- update evidenceDisplayURI, hash and close #11 (5fab41b)
0.7.0 (2019-11-12)
- build script and readme (8b17ba0)
- build script running out of memory (aae9cd1)
- card design (1592a77)
- crowdfunding progressbar percentage (8125219)
- disputeID should be BN prop-type (f717348)
- don't return anything if there are no required fees (43a2e0b)
- event listener in item list and details (bd9127e)
- event missing listeners (875764e)
- evidence files and close #1 (38d4f08)
- footer not sticking to bottom (3f82a9d)
- handle errors in tcr view (3e4ea6b)
- handle waiting enforcement state (fa14315)
- ignore required fees for resolved items (ad83eee)
- item status card header color (95e2d6b)
- meta evidence fields and closes #10 (b734bbe)
- missing primary document URI in challenge modal (c379b7d)
- production build failing (d422148)
- remove BN from window and update comments (f3ac20e)
- remove event listeners to avoid infinite rerender cycle (816c2d4)
- remove item message (f2c6953)
- setup listeners only after metaevidence is ready (30b703b)
- signed integer number encoding (efce4ff)
- styling and word issues (4349a97)
- tcr deposit parsing (5046918)
- word wrap and card display fields (3dbd692)
- add action button (d0a0cb4)
- add challenge and appeal periods countdowns (3314750)
- add challenge request scaffolding (c66ce11)
- add crowdfunding card (1ac95d7), closes #6 #16 #16
- add deposit and listing criteria to submission modal (978fbd6)
- add modals and initial tx scaffolding (cb10a32)
- add relatedTCRR and organize mock contracts (b310d48)
- add resubmit flow (fcc3ec6)
- add sorting and filter controls (7f31620)
- add support for challenges in the mock contracts (4fde232)
- add support for other wallets (28bba46)
- allow different deposits for different request/challenge types (4972ec5)
- allow submitting evidence (fd2406a)
- batch tcr information request (c90a604)
- cache tcr and meta evidence (e14cb79)
- display current ruling and dispute status in item details view (e6448ed)
- display item status in item list (39f0cbb)
- display requests timeline (4d169b8)
- enable adding items and fetch items from TCR (377a6b2)
- enable crowdfunding appeals (8b43f73)
- enable executing pending requests (cc756b1)
- enable removal requests (e71c401)
- evidence form and validation (42353b6)
- handle uri paging, filtering and sorting (73a4072)
- initial details view and status handling (aa9def8)
- listen for events and refetch items to improve UX (1df1201)
- move findItem example to GTCRMock (718e226)
- move submission modal to containers (15520b7)
- rename containers to pages (047abbe)
- rename tcr view context to avoid confusion (b307ec4)
- request wallet connection and update latest tcr2 (f910d3e)
- swap mock contract for gtcr package (af7183c)
- truncate ETH address in items view (aa6fe61)
- update theme colors (e511d11)
- update to latest color scheme (67ef25a)
- update to latest contract (98e4e0f)
- update to latest contract version (4eb282c)
- update to latest view contract (fde6290)
- upload evidence and challenge item (ceac88e)
- use a grid of cards to display tcr items (c8a7252)
- use addItem and removeItem proxy functions to avoid accidents (a75568f)
- use header banner (cd39e25)
- use number input and cleanup code" (c0044ab)
- use rlp encoding to store item data (9668a95)
0.6.0 (2019-08-05)
- only try executing onTxMined if it was provided (dfbd7b5)
- remove longtext for now (01992eb)
- sider link height (d6d91e4)
- use signed numbers (cd0723d)
- add basic submission modal fields (eead85e)
- add item name field and require title and description (a0108c2)
- add submit item button (d5de495)
- add upload criteria field (934d8ad)
- build submission form from tcr metadata (5ec7f56)
- display identicon (e7c7731)
- enable item submission, swap fixed length columns to abi encoding (ec7cf5f)
- fetch and parse items from tcr (af53a70)
- get values from submission form (a979072)
- remove prev block number and scan from 0 (a4f743b)
0.5.0 (2019-07-31)
- app manifest (ecf9fc1)
- cancel connect to wallet modal (28b6df4)
- dependency compatibility (649b69d)
- invalid fields message display on submit (b9721a6)
- add 404 page (0c55c77)
- add a view to get multiple items at once (d054e70)
- add clickaway side menu (40bfd23)
- add env variables to netlify.toml and update docs (0e41044)
- add item column labels and id (9925843)
- add proptypes checking (ac637d0)
- add TCR table and handle fetching items (686ee75)
- add web3 connector (79aca94)
- allow custom error codes and messages for error page (7071f56)
- build and upload metadata on deploy (5cbfecb)
- cache steps and add item preview (ad24ba8)
- cache wizard state and enforce code styling (59d8935)
- connect through infura for viewing (105e198)
- fetch meta evidence logs and file (06d3b23)
- let user select which fields to display on the list view (b4de368)
- redirect to tcr2 from home (74a1594)
- remove redux files (c87adae)
- reset form on deploy click (492b62d)
- save wizard state (22f683c)
- support multiple tx submissions (dbd664b)
- update contract to store deployment latest blocknumber (199dfaf)
0.4.0 (2019-07-22)
- app manifest (ecf9fc1)
- dependency compatibility (649b69d)
- invalid fields message display on submit (b9721a6)
- add clickaway side menu (40bfd23)
- add item column labels and id (9925843)
- add mock contract and enable deploying to kovan (750afa9)
- add proptypes checking (ac637d0)
- add web3 connector (79aca94)
- cache steps and add item preview (ad24ba8)
- cache wizard state and enforce code styling (59d8935)
- footer and minor UI corrections (5676289)
- remove redux files (c87adae)
- reset form on deploy click (492b62d)
- save wizard state (22f683c)
0.3.0 (2019-07-15)
- app manifest (ecf9fc1)
- dependency compatibility (649b69d)
- dependency compatibility (ac9ef3e)
- invalid fields message display on submit (b9721a6)
- merge changelog (84b797b)
- proptypes and enforce code style with linting (bc5c724)
- add clickaway side menu (40bfd23)
- add item column labels and id (9925843)
- add proptypes checking (ac637d0)
- also cache what step the user is on (49314cc)
- cache user input (4439b7e)
- cache wizard state and enforce code styling (59d8935)
- remove redux files (c87adae)
- reset form on deploy click (492b62d)
- save wizard state (22f683c)
- field validation and item columns (0160747)
- item columns validation (2812d04)
- lint issues and commitlint (d270241)
- responsiveness on gutter (867a3c3)
- responsiveness on item params (e1ebf8f)
- add navbar and routing scaffolding (7c42461)
- add validation (726ce22)
- add validation and remove kathari (a4f2d07)
- reset forms and use formik (2da41d0)
- save state and add prop-types checking (8b3ef73)
- wizzard steps preview (f1109ea)
- scaffold theme and navigation 2e8179d