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Masayoshi Takahashi edited this page Feb 28, 2015 · 27 revisions

-> NEWS_ja

version 1.5.0


To support language parameter for syntax highlighting, if you use review-ext.rb to extend code block markup such as //list and //emlist, you should fix it (if you don't use review-ext.rb, you don't have to do anything).

In general

  • Add default properties in config.yml
  • Fix appendix format with @<hd>.
  • Fix index error in shallow column.
  • Add more items in i18n.yml.
  • Obsolete ReVIEW::Book::Base.load_default.
  • Add @<imgref> notation.
  • Add pdf, epub and cleanup tasks to sample Rakefile.
  • Change all formats of documents from RDoc to Markdown.
  • Add "Re:VIEW Quick Start Guide (EN)".
  • Enable @<hd> to identify the target, has unique id, without |.
  • Add an argument lang to list related notations when highlighting.
  • Add "Re:VIEW Format Guide (EN)".
  • Add highlight property in config.yml as setting of highlight.



  • Support toc in config.yml


  • Add --force option to generate files even if directory is existed.


  • Add --yaml option.

Builders and Makers


  • Implement list_header() and list_body().


  • Fix MathML error in HTMLBuilder#texequation.


  • Stop providing a index for @<ttb>.


  • Fix @<table> to refer the table on another chapter.
  • Support syntax highlighting with listings.


  • Raise errors if no LaTeX tools are installed.
  • Support tocfile in config.yml.
  • Remove a PDF file if already exists.
  • Add parameters dvicommand and dvioptions in config.yml.
  • Add parameters texoptions in config.yml.
  • Load sty/*.fd and sty/*.cls
  • Provide hooks before/after TeX compiling.
  • remove dependency on sed command
  • raise errors and stop building when LaTeX command failed


  • Improve to support of MathML.
  • Make dummy <li> item hidden in nav file.
  • Introduce structured YAML tree for config.yml.

Code contributors

  • akinomurasame
  • gfx
  • krororo
  • orangain

version 1.4.0

In general

  • Normalize ID in bib notation.
  • Fix compatibility between POSTDEF file and POSTDEF section in catalog.yml.
  • Add APPENDIX section into catalog.yml.
  • Remove implicit settings of prefaces, appendix and postscripts.
  • Refactor code and test cases.
  • Add Installation, Resources and Links on README.rdoc



  • Keep 1st stage temporary directory when debug is true.
  • Support cover_linear option.


  • Add new command which converts traditional catalog files into catalog.yml.

Builders and Makers


  • Improve compatibility with GitHub Flavored Markdown.
  • Add blank line before/after headline.
  • Support tt notation.
  • Support footnote notation.
  • Add indepimate notation.
  • Display nondisplayed image caption.


  • Provide warning message if image couldn't be found.
  • Change layout file name from 'layout.erb' to 'layout.html.erb'.
  • Compile caption of emlist/emlistnum/cmd notation.
  • Compile title notation.


  • Provide warning message if image couldn't be found.


  • Change layout file name from 'review.tex.erb' to 'layout.tex.erb'.
  • add 'contact' for colophon in config.yml.
  • add 'pbl'(publisher) for colohpon in config.yml. You can use both 'prt' and 'pbl'.


  • Support locale file.
  • Add colophon_order option.


  • Add epub:type='cover' attribute in cover file when it is EPUB3.
  • Escape special HTML characters to entities in toc view.

Code contributors

  • suzuki
  • vvakame
  • eiel

version 1.3.0

In general

  • Introduce a new catalog file catalog.yml.
  • Support @<column>{} to refer to the column.
  • Enable @<chapref>{} to refert to the part.
  • Add safe mode as an environment variable 'REVIEW_SAFE_MODE'.
  • Force *.re files to put on the same directory of the catalog files.
  • Discontinue feature of setting with config.rb.
  • Discontinue feature of loading lib/review/* files in the document directory.
  • Introduce config appendix_format (arabic, roman, or alpha) to set an appendix heading style.


  • Force to use review-compile with the same version.
  • Add --version to display the version.


  • Add --catalogfile to set a catalog file.


  • Remove tmpdir for build.
  • Exit when any errors occur.
  • Add --ignore-errors to proceed even when any errors occur.
  • Generate ebb/bb files of image files in the image directory.
  • Add --[no-]debug to override debug in the config.yml.


  • Generate consistent CSS filenames.


  • Rename review-empumaker to review-empumaker-legacy, then rename review-empumaker-ng to review-empumaker.
  • Add verify_target_images and force_include_images configs which are related to including images in the EPUB file.



  • Add a reverse link from the footnote to the body.
  • Escape hyphens in the HTML comment tags.
  • Normalize 'id' attributes.
  • Enable to refer to the section titles from a layout file (toc).
  • Enable to refer to the prev/next section from a layout file (prev_chapter, next_chapter).


  • Add columns in the TOC.
  • Change a image file extension as PDF in the graph notation.

Code contributors

  • kazutomi
  • dmiyakawa
  • zunda

version 1.2.0

In general

  • 'ReVIEW' has been renamed to 'Re:VIEW'
  • Improve the image file finder.


review-epubmaker-ng / review-epubmaker

  • Support font embedding
  • Support MathML in EPUB3
  • Add prefix 'rv-' to ID
  • Add pht(Photographer / 撮影者) and csl(Consultant / 監修者)
  • Strip HTML element in chapter items of TOC (review-epubmaker)


  • Add "texcommand" in config.yml to support LuaLaTeX or other latex command


  • Fix error installed by gem



  • Use pygments higlighting only if "pygments: true" is defined.
  • Support epub:type="noteref" and epub:type="footnote" in EPUB3


  • Add newline after //bibpaper


  • Support @<em>{} (same as @<i>) and @<strong>{} (same as @<b>)

version 1.1

in general

  • add markdownbuilder
  • add inaobuilder
  • use bundler instead of jeweler
  • add review-init command
  • preserve MIME and JIS X 0201 kana during a preprocess
  • fix many escape bugs (enable escape \[ in [...], etc.)
  • many other bugfixs


  • add --structuredxml option(idgxml)
  • add --toclevel option
  • add --tabwidth option
  • add --output-file option

review-epubmaker and review-pdfmaker

  • support filename in PART file
  • rename tempolary dir name (bookname + "-pdf" and bookname + "-epub")


  • support epubversion and htmlversion option in YAML configuration file (EPUB3 support is experimental)
  • support cover_linear option in YAML file


  • separate tex template file from source code (see review.tex.erb)
  • support layouts like HTMLbuilder


  • add command //centering
  • add command //olnum
  • change # of arguments of //comment (1 -> 0..1)
  • change # of arguments of //source (1 -> 0..1)


  • use <code> instead of <tt> in HTML5
  • support @<bou> (you should use CSS3)
  • support highlight with pygments
  • strip ReVIEW tag in <title>


  • add some macro for ReVIEW(\reviewindepimagecaption, \reviewth, \reviewem and \reviewstrong).
  • add argument of macro \reviewbibref, \\reviewtableref and \reviewimageref to make link
  • add \usepackage{amsmath} in default template.
  • support //box
  • support @<ami>
  • add headline level 5 and 6 (paragraph, subparagraph)
  • escape all dash
  • add begin{alltt}..\end{alltt} into \reviewemlist, \reviewlist and \reviewcmd