This document specifies how to quickly install Invenio v2.0.0 for the first time. See RELEASE-NOTES if you are upgrading from a previous Invenio release.
Here is the software you need to have around before you start installing Invenio for development.
Unix-like operating system. The main development and production platforms for Invenio at CERN are GNU/Linux distributions Debian, Gentoo, Scientific Linux (RHEL-based), Ubuntu, but we also develop on Mac OS X. Basically any Unix system supporting the software listed below should do.
If you are using Ubuntu 13.10 or later, then you can install Invenio by following this tutorial. Note: the recommended Python version is 2.7.5+
$ python --version
Python 2.7.5+
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server redis-server \
libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev \
libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev libtiff-dev \
software-properties-common python-dev \
virtualenvwrapper build-essential git
$ sudo pip install -U virtualenvwrapper pip
$ source .bashrc
MySQL Server asked you for a password, you will need it later and we will refer
to it as $MYSQL_ROOT
node.js and npm from Ubuntu are troublesome so we recommend you to install them from Chris Lea's PPA.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ sudo su -c "npm install -g bower grunt-cli"
For futher tutorial you will need to check that you have git-new-workdir
$ mkdir -p $HOME/bin
$ which git-new-workdir || { \
wget \
-O $HOME/bin/git-new-workdir; chmod +x $HOME/bin/git-new-workdir; }
NOTE: Check that ~/bin
is in your $PATH
$ export PATH+=:$HOME/bin
The first step of the installation is to download the development version of
Invenio. This development is done in the pu
$ cd $HOME/src/
$ export BRANCH=pu
$ git clone
We recommend to work using
virtual environments so packages are installed
locally and it will make your live easier. (invenio)$
tells your that the
invenio environment is the active one.
$ mkvirtualenv invenio
(invenio)$ # we are in the invenio environment now and
(invenio)$ # can leave it using the deactivate command.
(invenio)$ deactivate
$ # Now join it back, recreating it would fail.
$ workon invenio
(invenio)$ # That's all there is to know about it.
Let's install Invenio in the environment just created.
(invenio)$ cdvirtualenv
(invenio)$ mkdir src; cd src
(invenio)$ git-new-workdir $HOME/src/invenio/ invenio $BRANCH
(invenio)$ cd invenio
Installing the Python dependencies.
(invenio)$ pip install -e . --process-dependency-links --allow-all-external
Some modules may require specific dependencies listed in the
files. Pick the ones you need.
E.g. to add images support, we can do as follow:
(invenio)$ pip install -r requirements-img.txt
Compiling the translations.
(invenio)$ pybabel compile -fd invenio/base/translations/
Installing the npm dependencies and the external JavaScript and CSS libraries.
(invenio)$ npm install
(invenio)$ bower install
and inveniomanage collect
will create the static folder with all
the required assets (JavaScript, CSS and images) from each module static folder
and bower.
(invenio)$ grunt
(invenio)$ inveniomanage collect
Generate the secret key for your installation.
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config create secret-key
If you are planning to develop localy in multiple environments please run the following commands.
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_EMAIL_BACKEND
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_BIBSCHED_PROCESS_USER $USER
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_DATABASE_NAME $BRANCH
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_DATABASE_USER $BRANCH
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_SITE_URL
Assets in non-development mode may be combined and minified using various
filters (see :ref:`ext_assets`). We need to set the path to the binaries if
they are not in the environment $PATH
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set LESS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname lessc | head -1`
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CLEANCSS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname cleancss | head -1`
Invenio comes with default demo site configuration examples that you can use for quick start.
(invenio)$ cd $HOME/src/
(invenio)$ git clone
(invenio)$ cdvirtualenv src
(invenio)$ git-new-workdir ~/src/invenio-demosite/ invenio-demosite $BRANCH
(invenio)$ cd invenio-demosite
(invenio)$ pip install -e .
Once you have everything installed you can create database and populate it with demo records.
(invenio)$ inveniomanage database init --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT --yes-i-know
(invenio)$ inveniomanage database create
(invenio)$ inveniomanage demosite create
Now you should be able to run the development server. Invenio uses Celery and Redis which must be running alongside with the web server.
$ # make sure that redis is running
$ sudo service redis-server status
redis-server is running
$ # or start it with start
$ sudo service redis-start start
$ # launch celery
$ workon invenio
(invenio)$ celeryd -E -A invenio.celery.celery --workdir=$VIRTUAL_ENV
$ # in a new terminal
$ workon invenio
(invenio)$ inveniomanage runserver
* Running on
* Restarting with reloader
Troubleshooting: As a developer, you may want to use the provided
with honcho. It
starts all the services at once with nice colors. Be default, it also runs
flower which offers a web interface
to monitor the Celery tasks.
(invenio)$ pip install flower
When you have the servers running, it is possible to upload the demo records.
$ # in a new terminal
$ workon invenio
(invenio)$ inveniomanage demosite populate
And you may now open your favourite web browser on
Optionally, if you are using Bash shell completion, then you may want to register python argcomplete for inveniomanage.
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete inveniomanage)"
Good luck, and thanks for choosing Invenio.
- Invenio Development Team <[email protected]> <>