TimescaleDB is an open-source database designed to make SQL scalable for time-series data. It is engineered up from PostgreSQL and packaged as a PostgreSQL extension, providing automatic partitioning across time and space (partitioning key), as well as full SQL support.[**]
[**] https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb
This package brings you essential timescale capabilities by makes you leverage the benefits of entity framework core without leaving your comfort zone over dbcontext, linq queries, code-first database-table migrations.
This package can simply create a code-first timescale database and table by migrating your database object and entity configurations + some timeserie-based ready-to-use TsDb queries and free-style linq .net queries. More incoming...
Beside of all the benefits, this package also supports CQRS pattern where a read-only replica available for TimeScaleDb and does the read operations through read-replica, write operations through master.
This package contains some other related building block packages. Those packages are the base and the abstractions and also powerful ones. Nevertheless, this package wraps up everything and works fine for you!
Related Package | Required | Auto-Included |
Carbon.TimeScaleDb | Yes | Yes |
Carbon.TimeSeriesDb.Abstractions | Yes | Yes |
1. Create a database object and inherit from TimeSerieEntityBase
Use [TimeSerie] tag for a DateTime field that you want it to be timeserie indexed. This will also create an PK index with a composition of Id + Date where Id is auto generated field.
public class TimeSerieDataLog : TimeSerieEntityBase
public Guid AssetId { get; set; }
public Guid TelemetryId { get; set; }
public decimal Value { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
//You can have some other relations with other tables
public Guid? TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelationId { get; set; }
public virtual TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation { get; set; }
2. Create your Entity Configuration
You can create such an Entity Configurator by using the given base class to inherit. Simply override and implement your configurations, then refer to the base.
public class TimeSerieDataLogConfiguration : TimeSeriesEntityTypeConfiguration<TimeSerieDataLog>
public override void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<TimeSerieDataLog> builder)
//Create some FK relation with other table when needed (Optional, when needed)
builder.HasOne(x => x.TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation).WithOne(x => x.TimeSerieDataLog).HasForeignKey<TimeSerieDataLog>(x => x.TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelationId);
builder.HasIndex(x => x.TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelationId).IsUnique(false);
//Jump to the base (Required)
3. Create your DBContext
public class TimeSerieDataLogContext : CarbonTimeScaleDbContext<TimeSerieDataLogContext>
public TimeSerieDataLogContext(DbContextOptions<TimeSerieDataLogContext> options) : base(options)
public DbSet<TimeSerieDataLog> TimeSerieDataLog { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new TimeSerieDataLogConfiguration());
4. Create your Repository Pattern
Now you can create a repository by inheriting from base of EFTimeScaleDbRepository which enables a timescaledb context and useful Create, Read, Update, Delete operations. You can add more custom methods to your repository with your own way and also you can add a repository interface.
public class TimeScaleDataLogRepository : EFTimeScaleDbRepository<TimeSerieDataLog, TimeSerieDataLogContext>, ITimeScaleDataLogRepository<TimeSerieDataLog>
private readonly TimeSerieDataLogContext _timeSerieDataLogContext;
public TimeScaleDataLogRepository(TimeSerieDataLogContext context) : base(context)
_timeSerieDataLogContext = context;
public interface ITimeScaleDataLogRepository<TEntity> : ITimeSeriesEntityRepository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class, ITimeSeriesEntity
Don't forget to register your repository at startup!
//IServiceCollection services
services.AddScoped<ITimeScaleDataLogRepository<TimeSerieDataLog>, TimeScaleDataLogRepository>();
5. Register the Context and Migrate your code-first objects to TSDB
This startup extension will check if the given database is timescale enabled and if yes, will create the necessary database objects with the given ones. If there is such a non-timescale table with the same name, it will convert it into timescale-based table and migrate the data if possible.
- If you use startup just like in Dotnet 5 or backwards, or a non-minimal api in Dotnet 6 or more
//IServiceCollection services
services.AddTimeScaleDatabaseContext<TimeSerieDataLogContext, Startup>(Configuration);
- If you use minimal API
//IServiceCollection services
services.AddTimeScaleDatabaseContext<TimeSerieDataLogContext, Program>(Configuration);
Do the Migration:
//IApplicationBuilder app
5. Finally use a configuration section as given below
"ConnectionStrings": {
"TimeScaleDbConnectionString": "Server=tsdbserver;Database=tsdatalogdb_test;Port=5432;User Id=tsdbuser;Password=xxxxxx;",
If you have another read-replica for your master timescaledb, you can use that replica for read-purposes in order to more efficient read operations and not to keep occupied master one.
Prior to reading this part, please make sure you have already read the Basic Usage section and implemented the neccessary operations.
1. Create another Read-Only Context on the top of usual one
public class TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext : CarbonTimeScaleDbReadOnlyContext<TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext>
public TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext(DbContextOptions<TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext> options) : base(options)
public DbSet<TimeSerieDataLog> TimeSerieDataLog { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new TimeSerieDataLogConfiguration());
2. Create new one or Update your existing repository to EFTimeScaleDbWithReadOnlyRepository
If you have already a repository as it is explained in the basic usage, you can convert it into WithReadOnlyRepository
public class TimeScaleDataLogRepository : EFTimeScaleDbWithReadOnlyRepository<TimeSerieDataLog, TimeSerieDataLogContext, TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext>, ITimeScaleDataLogRepository<TimeSerieDataLog>
//Your read-write context
private readonly TimeSerieDataLogContext _timeSerieDataLogContext;
//Your read-only context
private readonly TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext _timeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext;
public TimeScaleDataLogRepository(TimeSerieDataLogContext context, TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext rContext) : base(context, rContext)
_timeSerieDataLogContext = context;
_timeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext = rContext;
You can also add new methods as you wish. Please note that, if your method is doing read-only operations, you can use readOnly context for such operations.
3. Change the registration way of your Context
In the basic usage you used AddTimeScaleDatabaseContext, now change it into AddTimeScaleDatabaseWithReadOnlyReplicaContext to register your read-only context as well
services.AddTimeScaleDatabaseWithReadOnlyReplicaContext<TimeSerieDataLogContext, TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext, Startup>(Configuration);
services.AddTimeScaleDatabaseWithReadOnlyReplicaContext<TimeSerieDataLogContext, TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext, Program>(Configuration);
4. Extend your configuration with read-only replica information
You can switch on/off Read Replica Enabled property. If set false, then read-only context will also use the master one instead of read replica.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"ReadReplicaEnabled": true,
"TimeScaleDbConnectionString": "Server=tsdbserver;Database=tsdatalogdb_test;Port=5432;User Id=tsdbuser;Password=xxxxxx;",
"TimeScaleDbReadOnlyConnectionString": "Server=tsdbserver_readonly;Database=tsdatalogdb_test;Port=5432;User Id=tsdbuser;Password=xxxxxx;"
Now, you are all set and good to go!
You can use hyperfunctions or other tsdb based functions in your repository. The only thing you have to do is to define them as a free-text, and use FromSqlRaw efcore extension.
Assume that you have a TimeBucket method introduced additionally to your repository and a view object TimeSerieDataLogTimeBucketView.
public async Task<List<TimeSerieDataLogTimeBucketView>> GetTelemetryByTimeBucket(AssetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData)
string ersanQuery = "";
string daTimeBucket = assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.TimeBucketDuration + " " + assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.TimeBucketType.ToString();
if (assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.TimeBucketType != TimeBucketType.year && assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.TimeBucketType != TimeBucketType.month)
ersanQuery = @$"SELECT assetid , MAX(assetname) as assetname , telemetryid , MAX(telemetryname) as telemetryname , time_bucket('{daTimeBucket}', date) AS bucketdatetime, {assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.AggregationType}(value) as value
FROM timeseriedatalog
where telemetryid = ANY(@telemetryids) and assetid = ANY(@assetids) and date < @enddate and date > @startdate and tenantid = @tenantid
GROUP BY bucketdatetime, assetid, telemetryid
ORDER BY bucketdatetime DESC;";
else if (assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.TimeBucketType == TimeBucketType.year || assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.TimeBucketType == TimeBucketType.month)
ersanQuery = @$"SELECT assetid , MAX(assetname) as assetname , telemetryid , MAX(telemetryname) as telemetryname, timescaledb_experimental.time_bucket_ng('{daTimeBucket}', date) AS bucketdatetime, {assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.AggregationType}(value) as value
FROM timeseriedatalog
where telemetryid = ANY(@telemetryids) and assetid = ANY(@assetids) and date < @enddate and date > @startdate and tenantid = @tenantid
GROUP BY bucketdatetime, assetid, telemetryid
ORDER BY bucketdatetime DESC;";
NpgsqlParameter start = new NpgsqlParameter("@startdate", assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.StartDate);
NpgsqlParameter end = new NpgsqlParameter("@enddate", assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.EndDate);
NpgsqlParameter tenantId = new NpgsqlParameter("@tenantid", assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.TenantId);
NpgsqlParameter telemetryIds = new NpgsqlParameter("@telemetryids", NpgsqlDbType.Array | NpgsqlDbType.Uuid);
telemetryIds.Value = assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.TelemetryIds.ToArray();
NpgsqlParameter assetIds = new NpgsqlParameter("@assetids", NpgsqlDbType.Array | NpgsqlDbType.Uuid);
assetIds.Value = assetTelemetryAggregatedTimeBucketRequestData.AssetIds.ToArray();
return await _timeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext.Set<TimeSerieDataLogTimeBucketView>().FromSqlRaw(ersanQuery, start, end, telemetryIds, tenantId, assetIds).AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();
//This is a custom object pretends to be a view object
public class TimeSerieDataLogTimeBucketView
public Guid AssetId { get; set; }
public string AssetName { get; set; }
public Guid TelemetryId { get; set; }
public string TelemetryName { get; set; }
public DateTime BucketDateTime { get; set; }
public double Value { get; set; }
Define the custom view in your readonly context
As this is a read-only query, this is the most appropriate place to define it. However, defining in your usual context is also fine!
public class TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext : CarbonTimeScaleDbReadOnlyContext<TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext>
public TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext(DbContextOptions<TimeSerieDataLogReadOnlyContext> options) : base(options)
public DbSet<TimeSerieDataLog> TimeSerieDataLog { get; set; }
//Add this view to your context
public DbSet<TimeSerieDataLogTimeBucketView> TimeSerieDataLogTimeBucketView { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new TimeSerieDataLogConfiguration());
//Tell Entity Configurator not to do with this database object at timescale-side
modelBuilder.Entity<TimeSerieDataLogTimeBucketView>(entity =>
It is possible to create non-timescaledb tables, in other words, raw (usual) postgre tables. As this package is also powered by PostgreSQL EF core packages you have a combined and mighty ruling capability. Those tables and database objects are also migrated within the same migration session.
public class TimeSerieDataLogContext : CarbonTimeScaleDbContext<TimeSerieDataLogContext>
public TimeSerieDataLogContext(DbContextOptions<TimeSerieDataLogContext> options) : base(options)
//Tsdb based table
public DbSet<TimeSerieDataLog> TimeSerieDataLog { get; set; }
//non-tsdb, pure postgresql relation table
public DbSet<TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation> TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new TimeSerieDataLogConfiguration());
modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelationConfiguration());
//Not a timescaledb table
public class TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation : IEntity
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public virtual TimeSerieDataLog TimeSerieDataLog { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<TimeSerieDataLogLabel> TimeSerieDataLogLabel { get; set; }
public class TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelationConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation>
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation> builder)
builder.HasKey(x => x.Id);
builder.HasOne(x => x.TimeSerieDataLog).WithOne(x => x.TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation).HasForeignKey<TimeSerieDataLog>(x => x.TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelationId);
builder.HasMany(x => x.TimeSerieDataLogLabel).WithOne(x => x.TimeSerieDataLogLabelRelation).HasForeignKey(x => x.DataLogLabelRelationId);