From b4c78f11f26fc1af14ca7978960a1a6e8d7750f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Akshat Rastogi <>
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023 09:25:23 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Update
Added FAQ section, organized file with new titles and headings. Explained technical terms that could be fundamental in understanding functionality. Provided developers with instructions on how to modify and contribute.
--- | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 105 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 59a9031..46cf72d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ This clone tries to replicate some of the great note-taking features Notion has.
-## Features
+## Overview and Benefits
+Notion Clone is designed to provide an experience similar to Notion for creating and managing notes. Its features include:
- **Slash Commands** (Type `/` to turn the block into different content types)
- **HTML Support** (Use regular HTML tags like `` in text blocks)
@@ -47,7 +49,32 @@ Express.js · MongoDB with Mongoose · Nodemailer · JWT (Cookie-based)
2. **Add environment variables**
- Backend: Create an `.env` file in the `backend` directory:
+ To run this application, you need to set up some environment variables in the backend. These variables are used to configure various aspects of the app, including authentication, database connections, and email sending. Create an `.env` file in the 'backend' directory and add the following variables:
+ - `FRONTEND_URL`: The URL of your frontend application. In this example, it's set to `http://localhost:3000`.
+ - `DOMAIN`: The domain where your backend is hosted. This is set to `localhost` for local development.
+ - `JWT_KEY`: A secret key used for token generation and authentication.
+ - `PORT`: The port on which your backend server will run. It's set to `8080` by default.
+ - `MONGO_URI`: This is the connection string for your MongoDB database. Replace `username` and `password` with your MongoDB credentials, and update the
+ '' part to match your
+ MongoDB configuration.
+ - `MAIL_HOST`: The SMTP host for sending emails. This example uses SendGrid's SMTP host.
+ - `MAIL_PORT`: The port used for email communication. It's set to `465` in this example.
+ - `MAIL_USER`: Your API key for email sending. This depends on the email service you're using.
+ - `MAIL_SENDER`: The name and email address from which system emails will be sent.
+ - `MAIL_PASSWORD`: Your SendGrid API key, or the equivalent for your chosen email service.
+ These environment variables are essential for the proper functioning of the application. Make sure to keep sensitive information, such as secret keys and passwords, secure when using them in a production environment. Code snipped to add
+ these variables can be found below:
@@ -62,11 +89,7 @@ Express.js · MongoDB with Mongoose · Nodemailer · JWT (Cookie-based)
- Frontend: Create an `.env.local` file in the `frontend` directory:
- ```
- NEXT_PUBLIC_API="http://localhost:8080" // references your Backend API endpoint
- ```
3. **Install and run backend (http://localhost:8080)**
@@ -77,7 +100,14 @@ Express.js · MongoDB with Mongoose · Nodemailer · JWT (Cookie-based)
4. **Install and run frontend (http://localhost:3000)**
+ Frontend: Create an `.env.local` file in the `frontend` directory:
+ ```
+ NEXT_PUBLIC_API="http://localhost:8080" // references your Backend API endpoint
+ ```
+ Next install & Run
cd frontend
npm install
@@ -129,14 +159,78 @@ This will lead you through the setup guide for your frontend application. Afterw
**Make sure**, you add a custom domain for your frontend (that ideally matches the domain which you have specified in your backend environmental variables 😉)
+## Contributing
+We welcome contributions! If you want to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
-## About
+1. Fork the repository.
+2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
+3. Make your changes and submit a pull request.
+## Versioning
+We will keep updating this project, so watch out for new versions and improvements.
+## Frequent Asked Questions
+### 1. How do I customize the appearance of my notes in Notion Clone?
+To customize the appearance of your notes in Notion Clone, you can make modifications to the frontend components. Here's a brief guide:
+- For styling and layout changes, explore the styles defined in the `styles.module.scss` files within each component.
+- To change the appearance of specific elements, you can target the corresponding HTML tags and classes in the styles.
+- To implement new features or visual elements, you can extend the existing components or create new ones.
+### 2. How can I add new functionality to the frontend?
+To add new functionality to the frontend of Notion Clone, you can follow these steps:
+- Identify the component or feature you want to modify or extend.
+- Edit the corresponding JavaScript or React code in the relevant component files.
+- Ensure that your changes are consistent with the project's design and functionality.
+- Test your new functionality thoroughly to prevent any issues.
+### 3. Are there any recommended resources for frontend development in Next.js and React?
+If you're new to Next.js and React or want to enhance your skills, there are numerous resources available online:
+- [Next.js Documentation]( The official Next.js documentation provides in-depth guides and examples.
+- [React Documentation]( The official React documentation is a valuable resource for learning React.
+- [Next.js and React Tutorials]( You can find tutorials on YouTube that cover a wide range of topics related to Next.js and React.
+Feel free to explore these resources to improve your frontend development skills.
+### 4. Where can I find more information about a specific component or feature in the frontend?
+If you have questions or need more information about a particular component or feature in the frontend, you can refer to the relevant component files in the [frontend/components]( directory of our GitHub repository. Each component's code and documentation can be found there.
+### 5. How do I contribute to the frontend development of Notion Clone?
+If you'd like to contribute to the frontend development of Notion Clone, follow these steps:
+1. Fork the [GitHub repository](
+2. Create a new branch for your feature or improvement.
+3. Implement your changes in the relevant component files.
+4. Submit a pull request, and our team will review your contribution.
+We appreciate contributions from the community and look forward to your input!
+### 1. What is the backend of this application responsible for?
+The backend handles various functions, including user authentication, page management, and image storage. It also serves as the interface between the frontend and the database.
+### 2. How do I modify the backend code?
+You can modify the backend code to customize the application's behavior. The backend is built using Node.js and Express.js, so you can edit the route handlers in the provided controllers or add additional functionality as needed.
+### 3. What database is used for this application?
+This application uses MongoDB as its database. The MONGO_URI environment variable should contain the connection details for your MongoDB database.
+### 4. How do I handle image uploads in the backend?
+Image uploads are handled using the Multer middleware. When a user uploads an image, it is stored in the specified image directory, and the file details are saved to the database. The image upload functionality is exposed through API endpoints.
+### 5. How do I set up scheduled tasks (jobs) for maintenance purposes?
+The backend includes scheduled jobs for maintaining the database. Two jobs, deleteInactiveUsers and deletePublicPages, run at specified intervals. These jobs automatically delete inactive users and public pages to keep the database clean.
+### 6. What is the purpose of JWT tokens in this application?
+JWT tokens are used for user authentication. When a user logs in or signs up, they receive a token. This token is then used to authenticate subsequent requests to protected routes.
+## About & Contact
+If you have any questions, feedback, or issues, feel free to contact us.
Konstantin Münster – [](
-Distributed under the [MIT]( license.
-See `LICENSE` for more information.
+Feel free to support me at:
+## License
+This project is distributed under the [MIT]( license. See `LICENSE` for more information.