Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ruleId | int | Rule id | [optional] |
name | string | Rule name | [optional] |
storeLabels | \Krak\MagentoApiClient\Model\SalesRuleDataRuleLabelInterface[] | Display label | [optional] |
description | string | Description | [optional] |
websiteIds | int[] | A list of websites the rule applies to | |
customerGroupIds | int[] | Ids of customer groups that the rule applies to | |
fromDate | string | The start date when the coupon is active | [optional] |
toDate | string | The end date when the coupon is active | [optional] |
usesPerCustomer | int | Number of uses per customer | |
isActive | bool | The coupon is active | |
condition | \Krak\MagentoApiClient\Model\SalesRuleDataConditionInterface | [optional] | |
actionCondition | \Krak\MagentoApiClient\Model\SalesRuleDataConditionInterface | [optional] | |
stopRulesProcessing | bool | To stop rule processing | |
isAdvanced | bool | Is this field needed | |
productIds | int[] | Product ids | [optional] |
sortOrder | int | Sort order | |
simpleAction | string | Simple action of the rule | [optional] |
discountAmount | float | Discount amount | |
discountQty | float | Maximum qty discount is applied | [optional] |
discountStep | int | Discount step | |
applyToShipping | bool | The rule applies to shipping | |
timesUsed | int | How many times the rule has been used | |
isRss | bool | Whether the rule is in RSS | |
couponType | string | Coupon type | |
useAutoGeneration | bool | To auto generate coupon | |
usesPerCoupon | int | Limit of uses per coupon | |
simpleFreeShipping | string | To grant free shipping | [optional] |
extensionAttributes | \Krak\MagentoApiClient\Model\SalesRuleDataRuleExtensionInterface | [optional] |