This library exports extended Public Client, Wallet Client and getContract for viem.
The extensions contain Redstone integrations for contract reads and writes.
For integration with wagmi you might want to just extend wagmi-provided clients with extendPublicClient
and/or extendWalletClient
for calling read functions.rsSimulate
for transaction simulation.rsEstimateGas
for transaction gas estimation.rsDataPackages
for data package response.rsPrices
for easy access to current data package values.dataFeeds
for current enabled data feeds.
for calling write functions.rsEstimateGas
for transaction gas estimation.rsDataPackages
for raw data packages response.rsPrices
retrieve data package values (prices).dataFeeds
for current enabled data feeds.
- getContract read/write/simulate/estimateGas methods are overridden with above.
Install the package from npm
pnpm i @kreskolabs/viem-redstone-connector
Setup your data service configuration when creating WalletClient
and/or PublicClient
import {
} from "@kreskolabs/viem-redstone-connector";
import { arbitrumGoerli } from "viem/chains";
import { MNEMONIC_TESTNET } from "../env.ts";
// Redstone Demo Data Service
const dataServiceConfig = {
dataServiceId: "redstone-main-demo",
uniqueSignersCount: 1,
urls: [""],
// These can be overridden per Contract and Function.
const dataFeeds = ["DAI", "ETH", "USDC"];
const publicClient = getPublicClientRs(
chain: arbitrumGoerli,
transport: http(),
dataFeeds // optional
const walletClient = getWalletClientRs(
chain: arbitrumGoerli,
transport: http(), // with wagmi: custom(await account.connector.getProvider())
account: mnemonicToAccount(MNEMONIC_TESTNET),
dataFeeds // optional
const ABI = parseAbi([
"function getAccountCollateralValue(address user) view returns (uint256)",
] as const); // Type inference in viem requires `as const`
const collateralValue = await publicClient.rsRead({
abi: ABI,
functionName: "getAccountCollateralValue",
args: ["0xB48bB6b68Ab4D366B4f9A30eE6f7Ee55125c2D9d"],
address: "0x0921a7234a2762aaB3C43d3b1F51dB5D8094a04b",
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf", "ETH", "BTC"], // This is optional, you can specify these on PublicClient level in setup
console.assert(collateralValue > 0n, "value should be > 0");
const ABI = parseAbi([
"function getAccountCollateralValue(address user) view returns (uint256)",
] as const);
const collateralValue = await publicClient.rsRead({
abi: ABI,
functionName: "getAccountCollateralValue",
args: ["0xB48bB6b68Ab4D366B4f9A30eE6f7Ee55125c2D9d"],
address: "0x0921a7234a2762aaB3C43d3b1F51dB5D8094a04b",
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf", "ETH", "BTC"],
mockDataFeedValues: [0, 0, 0, 0], // NOTE: This enables the mock payload generation (instead of fetching from data service).
console.assert(collateralValue > 0n, "value should be > 0"); // In this example, the target contract still uses secondary oracle if Redstone price is 0.
const ABI = [
"function mintKreskoAsset(address account, address asset, uint256 amount)",
] as const;
const txHash = await walletClient.rsWrite({
abi: ABI,
functionName: "mintKreskoAsset",
args: [
address: "0x0921a7234a2762aaB3C43d3b1F51dB5D8094a04b",
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf", "ETH", "BTC"], // This is optional, you can specify these on WalletClient level in setup
const ABI = parseAbi([
"function mintKreskoAsset(address account, address asset, uint256 amount)",
] as const);
const txHash = await walletClient.rsWrite({
abi: ABI,
functionName: "mintKreskoAsset",
args: [
address: "0x0921a7234a2762aaB3C43d3b1F51dB5D8094a04b",
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf", "ETH", "BTC"],
mockDataFeedValues: [0, 0, 0, 0], // NOTE: This enables the mock payload generation (instead of fetching from data service).
import { getContract } from "@kreskolabs/viem-redstone-connector";
const ABI = parseAbi([
"function mintKreskoAsset(address account, address asset, uint256 amount)",
"function getAccountCollateralValue(address user) view returns (uint256)",
] as const);
const contract = getContract({
abi: ABI,
address: "0x0921a7234a2762aaB3C43d3b1F51dB5D8094a04b",
publicClient, // Enables `rsRead`, `rsSimulate`, `rsEstimateGas` overrides on the contract.
walletClient, // Enables `rsWrite`, `rsEstimateGas` overrides on the contract.
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf"], // Optional. Overrides Client level dataFeeds set.
/* mockDataFeedValues: [1,1] */ // for mocked numeric values
/// Read
const collateralValue = await
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf", "ETH", "BTC"], // Optional override.
mockDataFeedValues: [1, 1, 1900, 30500],
console.assert(collateralValue > 0n, "value should be > 0 ");
/// Write
const txHash = await contract.write.mintKreskoasset(
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf", "ETH", "BTC"], // Optional override.
/* mockDataFeedValues: [1,1,1900,30500] */ // for mocked numeric values
/// Estimage Gas
const gasEstimate = await contract.estimateGas.mintKreskoasset(
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf", "ETH", "BTC"], // Optional override.
/* mockDataFeedValues: [1,1,1900,30500] */ // for mocked numeric values
console.assert(gasEstimate > 0n, "gas estimate should be > 0");
/// Simulate Transaction
const simulateResult = await contract.simulate.mintKreskoasset(
dataFeeds: ["DAI", "USDf", "ETH", "BTC"], // Optional override.
/* mockDataFeedValues: [1,1,1900,30500] */ // for mocked numeric values