Affecting all Beats
Fix random panic on shutdown by calling shutdown handler only once. elastic/filebeat#204
Fix credentials are not send when pinging an elasticsearch host. elastic/fileabeat#287
Fix problem that harvesters stopped reading after some time and filebeat stopped processing events #257
Fix line truncating by internal buffers being reused by accident #258
Set default ignore_older to 24 hours #282
Affecting all Beats
output field is renamed
. #285 -
Use of
as a configuration option for outputs (elasticsearch, logstash, etc.) has been removed. #264 -
Use of
as a configuration option for tls has been removed. #264 -
command line flag was renamed to-configtest
. #264 -
Disable geoip by default. To enable it uncomment in config file. #305
Removed utf-16be-bom encoding support. Support will be added with fix for #205
Rename force_close_windows_files to force_close_files and make it available for all platforms.
Affecting all Beats
Disable logging to stderr after configuration phase. #276
Set the default file logging path when not set in config. #275
Fix bug silently dropping records based on current window size. elastic/filebeat#226
Fix direction field in published events. #300
Fix elasticsearch structured errors breaking error handling. #309
Packetbeat will now exit if a configuration error is detected. #357
Fixed an issue handling DNS requests containing no questions. #369
Fix leak of Windows handles. #98
Fix memory leak of process information. #104
Filebeat will now exit if a configuration error is detected. #198
Fix to enable prospector to harvest existing files that are modified. #199
Improve line reading and encoding to better keep track of file offsets based on encoding. #224
Set input_type by default to "log"
Affecting all Beats
Rename timestamp field with @timestamp. #237
Rename timestamp field with @timestamp. #343
Rename timestamp field with @timestamp for a better integration with Logstash. #80
Rename the timestamp field with @timestamp #168
Rename tail_on_rotate prospector config to tail_files
Removal of line field in event. Line number was not correct and does not add value. #217
Affecting all Beats
Use stderr for console log output. #219
Handle empty event array in publisher. #207
Respect '*' debug selector in IsDebug. #226 (elastic#339)
Limit number of workers for Elasticsearch output. elastic#226
On Windows, remove service related error message when running in the console. #242
Fix waitRetry no configured in single output mode configuration. elastic/filebeat#144
Use http as the default scheme in the elasticsearch hosts #253
Respect max bulk size if bulk publisher (collector) is disabled or sync flag is set.
Always evaluate status code from Elasticsearch responses when indexing events. #192
Use bulk_max_size configuration option instead of bulk_size. #256
Fix max_retries=0 (no retries) configuration option. #266
Filename used for file based logging now defaults to beat name. #267
Close file descriptors used to monitor processes. #337
Remove old RPM spec file. It moved to elastic/beats-packer. #334
Don’t wait for one period until shutdown #75
Omit 'fields' from event JSON when null. #126
Make offset and line value of type long in elasticsearch template to prevent overflow. #140
Fix locking files for writing behaviour. #156
Introduce 'document_type' config option per prospector to define document type for event stored in elasticsearch. #133
Add 'input_type' field to published events reporting the prospector type being used. #133
Fix high CPU usage when not connected to Elasticsearch or Logstash. #144
Fix issue that files were not crawled anymore when encoding was set to something other then plain. #182
Affecting all Beats
Add Console output plugin. #218
Add timestamp to log messages #245
Send @metadata.beat to Logstash instead of @metadata.index to prevent possible name clashes and give user full control over index name used for Elasticsearch
Add logging messages for bulk publishing in case of error #229
Add option to configure number of parallel workers publishing to Elasticsearch or Logstash.
Set default bulk size for Elasticsearch output to 50.
Set default http timeout for Elasticsearch to 90s.
Improve publish retry if sync flag is set by retrying only up to max bulk size events instead of all events to be published.
Introduction of backoff, backoff_factor, max_backoff, partial_line_waiting, force_close_windows_files config variables to make crawling more configurable.
All Godeps dependencies were updated to master on 2015-10-21 [#122]
Set default value for ignore_older config to 10 minutes. #164
Added the fields_under_root setting to optionally store the custom fields top level in the output dictionary. #188
Add more encodings by using x/text/encodings/htmlindex package to select encoding by name.
Affecting all Beats
Update tls config options naming from dash to underline #162
Feature/output modes: Introduction of PublishEvent(s) to be used by beats #118 #115
Renamed http module config file option 'strip_authorization' to 'redact_authorization'
Save_topology is set to false by default
Rename elasticsearch index to [packetbeat-]YYYY.MM.DD
Percentage fields (e.g user_p) are exported as a float between 0 and 1 #34
Affecting all Beats
Determine Elasticsearch index for an event based on UTC time #81
Fixing ES output’s defaultDeadTimeout so that it is 60 seconds #103
ES outputer: fix timestamp conversion #91
Fix TLS insecure config option #239
ES outputer: check bulk API per item status code for retransmit on failure.
Support for lower-case header names when redacting http authorization headers
Redact proxy-authorization if redact-authorization is set
Fix some multithreading issues #203
Fix negative response time #216
Fix memcache TCP connection being nil after dropping stream data. #299
Add missing DNS protocol configuration to documentation #269
Don’t divide the reported memory by an extra 1024 #60
Affecting all Beats
Add logstash output plugin #151
Integration tests for Beat → Logstash → Elasticsearch added #195 #188 #168 #137 #128 #112
Large updates and improvements to the documentation
Add direction field to publisher output to indicate inbound/outbound transactions #150
Add tls configuration support to elasticsearch and logstash outputers #139
All external dependencies were updated to the latest version. Update to Golang 1.5.1 #162
Guarantee ES index is based in UTC time zone #164
Cache: optional per element timeout #144
Make it possible to set hosts in different ways. #135
Expose more TLS config options #124
Use the Beat name in the default configuration file path #99
add [.editorconfig file](
add (experimental/unsupported?) saltstack files
Sample config file cleanup
Moved common documentation to [libbeat repository](
Update build to go 1.5.1
Adding device descriptions to the -device output.
Generate coverage for system tests
Move go-daemon dependency to beats-packer
Rename integration tests to system tests
Made the
option more user friendly in casesudo
is not used. Issue #296. -
Publish expired DNS transactions #301
Update protocol guide to libbeat changes
Add protocol registration to new protocol guide
Make transaction timeouts configurable #300
Add direction field to the exported fields #317
Document fields in a standardized format (etc/fields.yml) #34
Updated to use new libbeat Publisher #37 #41
Update to go 1.5.1 #43
Updated configuration files with comments for all options #65
Documentation improvements